Dandruff: causes, symptoms, treatment

What is dandruff?

Dandruff is loose skin particles that are a mild manifestation of a disease such as seborrheic dermatitis. If we turn to the Latin language, then the literal translation of the word “dandruff” sounds like “bran”. This is due to the fact that the separated skin particles look like a well-known dietary product.

Although dandruff is a common occurrence for many people, this syndrome is a medical concept, manifested in the exfoliation of small particles of skin at a considerable speed. He worries the patient for a long time, sometimes throughout life, the localization of the pathological process is the scalp. To get rid of the obsessive syndrome, you need to know about the causes of dandruff and how to deal with it.

Causes of dandruff

Dandruff: causes, symptoms, treatment

There are several reasons leading to the accelerated separation of particles of the dermis on the head.

There are certain factors that, under the influence of each other, exacerbate the existing problem:

  • Metabolic disorders. In the event of a failure in the metabolic processes, a drop in the body’s resistance to various exogenous pathogenetic factors occurs.

  • Hormonal dysfunction often leads to dandruff in females.

  • Gastrointestinal diseases, endocrine disorders, respiratory diseases, neurological problems, immunodeficiency states.

  • The cause of dandruff, which cannot be corrected, is a hereditary predisposition.

  • Violations in the work of the glands of external secretion, namely sebaceous.

  • Errors in nutrition, lack of vitamins.

  • Overexertion, both physical and mental.

  • Mycotic infection, the causative agent of which is the yeast-like fungi P. Ovale. Normally, they can be found on the skin of 90% of people, and they begin to show pathological activity under the influence of provocative factors, leading to a decrease in the body’s defenses.

  • Hypothermia of the scalp and its overheating as a result of improper use of the headgear.

  • Frequent use of a hair dryer, exposure to chemical dyes, use of curling irons – any aggressive effect on the scalp.

  • Violations of the rules of hygiene, namely ignoring the washing of the hair.

In addition, there are additional factors that increase the risk of developing dandruff, among them:

  • Age – in adolescence and young age, the disease develops more often. In children, dandruff almost never appears. In puberty, dandruff can be a physiological phenomenon associated with an increase in the work of the sebaceous glands under the influence of hormones.

  • Nervous strain. When a person is in a state of chronic stress, dandruff will be his obligatory companion.

In medicine, it is customary to consider dandruff as a form of skin disease – seborrheic dermatitis. At the same time, the exfoliated scales are dry, sebum secretion is reduced. If normally, skin particles should exfoliate for a month, then with dry seborrhea, they leave in 7 days.

There is a classification that involves the distinction between dry and oily dandruff, but some scientists consider it not entirely correct. They explain this by the fact that true dandruff cannot be oily, since the production of sebaceous glands is significantly reduced. With oily dandruff, detachments on the hair rarely appear, they are attached to the dermis itself. Unlike dry dandruff, which is always abundant, it also causes itching and irritation of the skin.

Dandruff and itchy scalp – what are the causes?

Itching of the scalp almost always occurs in the presence of dandruff. This happens as a result of the scalp being too dry. The reason for this is the insufficient work of the sebaceous glands. As a result, skin particles die off, the dermis itself suffers from microscopic cracks, which cause itching.

Itching is also a consequence of the interaction of the scalp and water. The dermis is overdried due to disruption of the sebaceous glands, and water and improperly selected shampoos exacerbate this process. The result is a feeling of tension and irritation.

Itching is aggravated by external stimuli. So, people suffering from dandruff try to hide it under hats or dye their hair in light colors. However, this only exacerbates the situation, making itching even stronger.

Another cause of itching is the activity of Malassezia fungi. When there are a lot of them, they provoke irritation of the scalp and, accordingly, make a person comb it.

Dermatocosmetologist, trichologist Irina Kotova about dandruff

Drugs used to normalize lipolysis processes

In order to normalize the process of splitting fats into constituent fatty acids, it is possible to use Riboflavin (takes part in the process of fat metabolism, normalizes the process of their oxidation and reduction) and Methionine (regulates the synthesis of phospholipids from fats).

In addition, patients with dandruff may be recommended general restorative treatment. To do this, it is important to get rid of immunodeficiency, dysbacteriosis and hypovitaminosis. For this purpose, vitamin and mineral complexes, immunomodulators and probiotics are prescribed.

Getting rid of dandruff is impossible without lifestyle changes. This applies to the emotional sphere, general physical condition and diet. If you can not cope with stress, psychosis and nervousness on your own, then you should contact a psychotherapist. It is possible that it will be enough to take mild sedatives, for example, Persen.

Author of the article: Herman Olga Leonidovna, trichologist, specially for the site ayzdorov.ru

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