Home preparation of alcoholic drinks with the addition of various herbs is becoming more popular every day. Dandelion tincture on alcohol allows you to save most of the beneficial elements contained in the flowers and leaves of the plant. Excellent taste and pleasant astringency will not leave indifferent any lover of strong drinks.

Composition and value of dandelion tincture

The plant contains a large number of trace elements and vitamins useful for the body. The flowers, stem and roots contain phytoflavonoids, inulin and rubber substances. Vitamins include A, B2, B4, C, E and PP. The plant is rich in elements such as iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and manganese. There are also rarer ones – nickel, cobalt, boron and molybdenum.

Ready-made dandelion tincture, like any other strong alcoholic drink, is quite high in calories. The nutritional value may vary slightly depending on the base used. 100 g of classic alcohol tincture on flowers contains:

  • proteins – 1 g;
  • fats – 0 g;
  • carbohydrates – 2 g;
  • calories – 197 kcal.

Dandelion itself slightly changes the high calorie content of alcohol. Adding the roots or stems of a plant to the infusion instead of its flowers will only change the final chemical composition of the drink.

How to make dandelion tincture

The most active part of the tincture is its alcohol base. The choice here is limited only by the imagination of the manufacturer. However, it is best to use strong alcohol-containing liquids. It is believed that the stronger the original base, the faster the plant will give off taste and useful trace elements. Depending on the strength of the feedstock, the duration of infusion varies from 2-3 weeks to 1 month.

Dandelion tincture on vodka (alcohol, cologne): use for diseases

The traditional base is pure 96% alcohol. After complete infusion, it is either used as a medicine or diluted with water to the desired strength. Also very popular is vodka and homemade moonshine. Many craftsmen keep and carefully follow the technology of preparing dandelion tincture on triple cologne. To get a high-quality finished product, you should responsibly approach the choice of an alcohol base.

What can you insist on?

Dandelion is a versatile plant in terms of home-made alcoholic beverages. Home craftsmen actively use almost all of its parts for tinctures. The flowers of the plant are the most popular. They allow you to saturate the drink with a beautiful yellowish color and give it a delicious aroma. When preparing an alcohol tincture, dandelion flowers retain all their medicinal properties.

In second place in terms of frequency of use are the roots of the plant. It is believed that they contain the maximum number of substances useful to the body. In addition, the roots accumulate useful inulin. By the amount of its content, dandelion roots bypass even chicory. Also, for the preparation of tinctures, you can use the juice obtained from the leaves of the plant. In order for the leaves to give off taste and nutrients faster, it is recommended to grind them with a blender into a homogeneous gruel.

Important! The stems are not traditionally used. They contain a large amount of bitter juice, which can spoil the future drink.

Depending on the selected part of the plant, the taste of the finished product can change dramatically. It is believed that the tincture on the flowers is softer and more pleasant in terms of its organoleptic properties. Roots allow you to get a more noble drink. Dandelion leaves are best used to make a medicinal tincture.

Collection and preparation of raw materials

To prepare the right tincture, it is necessary to carefully select the right ingredients. Plants absorb harmful substances from the ground and air around, so it is best to collect at a distance from large factories and highways. Depending on which part of the dandelion the drink will be prepared on, the timing of its collection can vary significantly.

Leaves must be collected before the start of the active flowering period. In the middle lane, the end of April or the beginning of May is considered the best time. Young leaves are carefully torn off with hands and cut with scissors, after which they are laid out in a small basket or glass jar. The grass should not dry out and rush. Before cooking, it is necessary to sort the leaves again to remove dirt and insect-damaged parts. The shoots are washed under cold water and slightly dried in a dark place.

Important! So that the leaves are not excessively bitter, they are advised to be collected from plants that did not have time to release flower arrows.

Flowers are harvested in May-early June. It is best to give preference only to blossoming buds. The flowers are cut along the edge of the stem and harvested along with the green sepals. When collecting, you should try not to damage the pollen, as it is one of the most important components of the correct tincture. Before cooking, the flowers are inspected and undesirable elements are removed from them – dirt, rot and insects.

Dandelion tincture on vodka (alcohol, cologne): use for diseases

The roots are harvested in early spring before the leaves appear. If it is problematic to determine the degree of maturity of a dandelion, the collection can be carried out in the fall – in September or October. The rhizome is dug up, the ground part and filiform roots are cut off. The remaining parts are washed from the ground and dried in the fresh air.

Preparation of tincture from dandelion flowers

An alcoholic tincture of dandelion flowers is considered a classic way to make a drink. The plant gives the drink a yellowish tint and a delicate herbal aroma. Depending on the final purpose of preparation, both vodka and pure alcohol can be used.

To prepare the tincture, flowers prepared in advance are placed in a jar. They are laid without pressing against each other so that they fill approximately 34 volumes of the container. Then the jar is filled with alcohol or vodka, tightly closed with a lid and sent to a dark place for at least 3 weeks. Shake the jar periodically.

After the specified period, the alcohol tincture of dandelion is filtered through gauze folded 4 times. If the tincture was prepared with alcohol and its purpose is direct ingestion, it is diluted with water to the desired strength. The finished drink is stored in a dark place, avoiding direct sunlight.

How to make a tincture with dandelion leaf juice

Although the best juice is obtained in early spring, it can be made throughout the year. Summer shoots are less juicy and more bitter, but they are quite suitable for making vodka tinctures. The leaves are washed under cold water, dried slightly and ground in a meat grinder or blender. Juice is squeezed out of the resulting slurry, the remaining cake is discarded.

The juice is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1: 1, poured into jars and rolled up with a lid. The mixture must be infused for at least 3 weeks before use. Such a tincture can be stored in a dark, cool place all winter, delighting with a delicious taste and aroma.

Dandelion tincture on vodka (alcohol, cologne): use for diseases

If desired, you can make the drink less strong. In such cases, only 500 ml of vodka is added to 250 ml of dandelion juice. In addition, you can slightly sweeten the finished drink by adding 100 g of sugar or 3 tbsp. l. liquid honey.

How to insist dandelion roots on vodka, alcohol, cologne

The roots of the plant contain a large amount of useful inulin. In late summer and early autumn, its amount increases to 30-40% of the total mass of roots. To prepare the tincture, you can use both fresh and pre-dried rhizomes. To prepare the tincture, you will need:

  • 120 g fresh or 50 g dried dandelion roots;
  • 250 ml 96% alcohol.

The roots are placed in a jar and filled with alcohol. The drink is infused for 3-4 weeks, after which it is filtered and sent for further storage. If the drink is made for ingestion, it is diluted with water to the desired strength.

When the tincture is initially made not for medicinal needs, but for direct drinking, it is best to use vodka or homemade 40-degree moonshine. To do this, 50 g of dry dandelion roots are poured into 500 ml of vodka and infused for 3 weeks. The finished drink is filtered and poured into a bottle.

Dandelion tincture on triple cologne is used only for medical purposes, as the taste and smell of the finished drink is very unusual. 100 g of roots are laid out in a small glass jar and poured with 200 ml of cologne. After 3 weeks, a delightful remedy is obtained that helps in the fight against many ailments.

Dandelion Root and Burdock Tincture

The medicinal properties of such a drink make it possible to perfectly deal with the manifestations of allergic reactions and high blood pressure. Burdock root adds bright herbal notes to the tincture and effectively complements its taste. For cooking you will need:

  • 50 g of dandelion roots;
  • 50 g of burdock roots;
  • 500 ml of vodka or 40 degree moonshine.

The roots of the plant are ground through a meat grinder, mixed together and laid out in a liter glass jar. The mixture is poured with vodka and tightly closed with a lid. After 3 weeks of infusion, the drink is filtered through gauze folded in several layers and bottled for further storage.

What helps dandelion tincture on alcohol, on vodka, on cologne

Dandelion, when insisted, gives all its useful properties to alcohol. The resulting drink has a wide spectrum of action. So, the tincture is a diuretic, choleretic, antipyretic, expectorant, sedative, laxative and analgesic.

A drink made from dandelion flowers is an excellent laxative. Dandelion tincture is used to treat chronic constipation and frequent flatulence. It is also used as a remedy for anemia and improves metabolism in the body.

An infusion of dandelion roots improves appetite. The drink is diluted with water to a 20-degree fortress, sweetened with honey and taken as an aperitif before meals. The roots also restore the energy balance of the body, saturate it with vitamins and useful microelements. Taking dandelion infusion for alcohol in early spring allows you to completely minimize the risk of beriberi.

Important! Dandelion root tincture is successfully used in combination with medications in the treatment of oncology and liver diseases.

Tincture on the juice from the leaves of the plant with vodka has a miraculous effect on the organs of vision. Even Avicenna attributed to her healing properties. Mixing 50 ml of drink, 100 ml of carrot juice and 2 tsp. liquid honey, you can get a unique medicine that helps restore lost visual acuity. Daily use of only 1 tbsp. l. of such a mixture, together with eye exercises in just 3 months, can significantly improve vigilance and reduce the overall level of eye fatigue.

External use of dandelion infusion on vodka

A drink prepared on roots or flowers is an excellent helper in the fight against arthritis, gout, osteochondrosis and other diseases. Dandelion on vodka helps to effectively relieve joint pain and minimize the effects of muscle spasms. Thanks to inulin, the components of the tincture quickly enter the muscle and bone tissue.

Dandelion tincture on vodka (alcohol, cologne): use for diseases

The use of dandelion flower tincture on vodka can be used as a temporary solution to sudden pain, and as a prophylactic for joint diseases. In the second case, it is applied to the affected areas of the body 2 times a day – in the morning and in the evening. The skin in this place should be as warm as possible. The best results with this treatment can be achieved by combining it with oral medication.

Important! The use of dandelion tincture on vodka is widespread as a warming compress on the chest for colds.

Dandelion leaf juice tincture is an excellent remedy for insect bites, in particular mosquitoes. In the summer, lotions from such a remedy are very effective. They relieve itching and remove redness on the skin.

From what and how to drink dandelion tincture

Dandelion tincture is a fairly strong alcohol, so for diseases such as a heart attack or stroke, it should be taken only a month after hospital treatment and with the permission of the attending physician. Among other diseases in which dandelion tincture with alcohol helps to minimize negative manifestations, the following pathologies are distinguished:

  • anemia;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • atherosclerosis and weakened blood vessels;
  • stress and depressive disorders;
  • lung disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • flatulence and chronic constipation;
  • hypertension;
  • obesity caused by impaired metabolism;
  • avitaminosis.

For all of these diseases, the following course of treatment is applied. 20-30 ml of dandelion tincture on vodka 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The duration of one course is 21 days. Between courses take a break of 1 week. After 3-4 courses, you should take a break of 1 month.

Alcohol tincture of dandelion also helps to effectively fight respiratory diseases. In these cases, take 20 ml of dandelion tincture with vodka (or 10 ml when preparing a drink with alcohol) 3 times a day before meals. It is noted that such an additive significantly reduces the duration of respiratory diseases and softens their course.

Features of the use of dandelion alcohol tincture for children

Drinking alcohol is completely contraindicated for children, so it is forbidden to give dandelion tincture to them before the age of 18. Even highly diluted alcohol can harm a fragile child’s body. As a result, alcohol solutions and tinctures on all parts of the dandelion can only be used externally.

Important! Children under 3 years of age are prohibited from using alcohol rubs in the treatment of respiratory diseases. It is better to use specialized medicines.

Children’s skin is more delicate and sensitive to external irritants, so at an early age it is worth using less concentrated tinctures. It is best to dilute the tincture with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and not rub it too hard into the skin. Half an hour after application, it is recommended to rinse the skin with water.

How to use dandelion tincture for cosmetic purposes

The juice of the plant in combination with alcohol can have a whitening effect on the skin. This tool allows you to get rid of freckles and age spots on the face. The tincture on the juice of the leaves is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:3 and applied to the face every evening with a cotton pad.

Important! Dandelion leaf tincture helps to remove warts. In this case, lotions should be changed every 2 hours.

The greatest effect on the skin of the face is observed with prolonged use of such a tool. Red rashes gradually disappear, complexion improves and acne disappears. The components that make up dandelion juice contribute to enhanced skin regeneration, so the medicine easily eliminates even traces of severe acne.

Dandelion tincture on vodka (alcohol, cologne): use for diseases

Alcohol-based liquids are a great way to deal with oily skin. If a person’s skin is prone to dryness, then half an hour after applying the product, it is washed off with water and a moisturizer is applied.

Limitations and contraindications

The greatest caution should be shown to people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. So, during periods of exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer, it is strictly forbidden to use the composition. In no case should you drink a drink for people who do not have a gallbladder.

In addition to tangible benefits, dandelion tincture can harm the body if used carelessly. It should be remembered that the drink prepared in this way is a strong laxative. In order for the body to get used to it, it should be introduced gradually. It is best to start with 10 drops of the tincture diluted in water. As the body gets used to the new irritant, the dose can be increased.

There are also generally accepted contraindications to the use of alcohol. Alcohol is harmful and in large quantities can cause serious harm to human health. Dandelion tincture should not be taken orally during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. With extreme caution, both internal and external use should be taken by people prone to allergic reactions and suffering from individual intolerance to the components of the drink.


Dandelion tincture, in addition to its excellent consumer qualities, is an excellent medicine. With properly observed production technology and high-quality raw materials, its regular use allows you to get rid of a large number of various diseases.

Dandelion tincture properties of application on alcohol and vodka

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