Medicinal plants are in great demand in the fight against various diseases. Among them, dandelion is distinguished, which is considered a weed, but includes a lot of useful substances. Dandelion root in oncology is often used in alternative medicine. Its effectiveness has been proven by clinical trials.

How dandelions cure cancer

Dandelion is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family, characterized by a taproot and oblong leaves. The length of the plant can reach 35-40 cm. Its flowers have a bright yellow color. They are 5 cm in diameter. Dandelion flowering begins in late spring and continues until early autumn.

According to some data, the substances that make up dandelion have the ability to inhibit the development of cancer and reduce the intensity of its manifestations. Any part of the plant can be involved in the treatment, but the root system is the most effective in relation to oncology.

Dandelion in oncology is used in conjunction with drug therapy and folk remedies. In 2012, a study was conducted in the United States, which established the effectiveness of the plant in the fight against leukemia. Medical therapy helped to eliminate about 80% of cancer cells. In 2008, there was a positive trend in the treatment of breast cancer with dandelions. The growth of malignant cells decreased by 20%.

The antitumor property of the plant is due to the presence of polysaccharides in the composition. They have the same structure as the polymers of fungi that are active against malignant cells. In addition, due to the powerful composition, dandelion has a general strengthening effect on the body. It helps to reduce the manifestations of cancer and prevents various health complications. It includes the following components:

  • organic acids;
  • vitamins of group B, PP, C and E;
  • sterols;
  • resins;
  • carotenoids;
  • macronutrients (manganese, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper and zinc);
  • triterpenes;
  • saponins.

Dandelion extract has a cleansing effect on liver cells. This allows you to reduce the symptoms of intoxication with increased release of tumor markers into the blood. Phytonutrients inhibit the development of the tumor, preventing the transition of cancer to the next stage. A high dosage of vitamin K helps to activate the immune defense, which increases the resistance of healthy cells to atypical ones.

Dandelion root: medicinal properties in oncology, reviews, treatment rules

Among other things, the plant improves the functioning of vital organs. It improves the digestion process and has a calming effect on the nervous system. In the demi-season, it is used as a general tonic. When used correctly, dandelion is able to even out glucose levels in the body and remove excess cholesterol.

Attention! Dandelion root can be used as a powerful prophylactic against breast cancer.

What types of cancer does dandelion treat?

Dandelion root is used against early stage cancer in combination with drug therapy. With advanced forms of oncology, it will not be effective enough. It is recommended to use it before the occurrence of metastases. Dandelion root is good for non-invasive prostate, breast, and digestive cancers. It can also act as a prophylactic when a person is in a high-risk category.

Features of the treatment of oncology with dandelions

Dandelion root is used for cancer in the form of herbal decoctions, tinctures, powders, infusions, and teas. Most often, the drug is taken orally. It is impossible to completely cure cancer with dandelion-based products. But it is possible to significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease. The treatment course is long, as the plant has a cumulative effect. It is important to observe the dosage and familiarize yourself with possible side effects in advance. It is advisable to inform your doctor about the use of products with dandelion extract.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of dandelion root for use against cancer. Plants are harvested from August to September. You can also harvest dandelions in late spring. You need to collect only those plants that have not changed the yellow basket to a fluffy one. It is advisable to collect dandelions outside the city, away from highways. This will prevent the entry of carcinogens into the body. Roots should be thoroughly rinsed under cool running water. If they are too large, they are cut into small pieces for ease of use.

If it is not possible to harvest the plant yourself, you can buy it in a pharmacy, ready-made. Roots are sold both whole and in powder form. The principle of using the drug is detailed in the attached instructions.

The roots are thoroughly dried before brewing. First, they are left in the sun until the milky juice ceases to stand out. The next step is to lay them out in one layer, in a ventilated room or put them in the oven. In the second case, the roots are dried at a temperature of 40-50°C.

Dandelion root: medicinal properties in oncology, reviews, treatment rules

Dried dandelion roots can be ground with a coffee grinder or blender. The powder is collected in a glass container with a lid. You can store the roots in its entirety. To do this, it is better to use paper or linen bags.

Comment! The shelf life of treated roots is 5 years. Inflorescences and stems must be used within a year after collection.

How to brew dandelion root for oncology

Treatment of cancer with dandelion root is carried out by various methods. There is no difference in brewing for the treatment of certain types of oncology. When choosing a method of preparing a remedy, you need to start only from your own convenience. For decoction, it is better to use pieces of roots. The preparation of the infusion is carried out from ground raw materials. Fresh roots should be brewed at the rate of 200 ml of hot water for 2 tbsp. l. raw materials. Dry raw materials are added in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. Ready medicine is desirable to use during the day.

Cancer tincture on alcohol is prepared for 2 weeks. It should be stored in a place protected from light. For 1 liter of alcohol base, you need ½ tbsp. dried dandelion roots. Tincture is not only consumed inside, but also applied to the skin surface. Its advantages include a long shelf life and a high concentration of active ingredients. But in this format, dandelion roots are not recommended for people with alcohol intolerance.

How to take dandelion root for cancer

In each individual case, you should drink dandelion root for oncology according to the recommended scheme. Dandelion can be combined with other herbal ingredients to enhance the health drink benefits. The duration of phytotherapy is determined individually. The average treatment time is 1 month. After a short break, the reception is resumed. Of great importance when prescribing a dosage is the stage of cancer and the nature of its manifestation.

For breast cancer

Reviews indicate that dandelion helps with non-invasive breast cancer. This type of disease is characterized by the concentration of malignant cells in a certain area of ​​​​the gland, without going beyond its borders. Positive dynamics gives a medicinal infusion. To prepare it, you will need the following components:

  • 400 ml of water;
  • 10 g dried dandelion roots.

Algorithm for preparation and use:

  1. The dry mixture is poured with hot water.
  2. For 12 hours, the product is infused under the lid.
  3. After straining, the medicine is taken 3 times a day, 50 ml.

Dandelion root: medicinal properties in oncology, reviews, treatment rules

Advice! Dandelion root infusion is not recommended to drink immediately before or during meals. It can distort the perception of taste buds.

For cancer of the caecum

Dandelion root tea is often used for colon cancer. It can be a great alternative to coffee and regular black tea. Before preparing the drink, the dried roots are ground to a powder.


  • 1 st. l. powder;
  • Xnumx boiling water;
  • honey or sugar to taste.

Application algorithm:

  1. The powder is poured with water and boiled for 2-3 minutes.
  2. The drink is filtered.
  3. Sweeteners are added directly to the cup.
  4. Reception is carried out according to 1 tbsp. 2 times a day.
Warning! Treatment of oncology with dandelion roots is allowed to be practiced only after consultation with a specialist.

For rectal cancer

In oncology of the rectum, tea from dandelion roots is often used. To prepare it, you will need the following components:

  • 1 Art. water;
  • 30 g of dandelion roots.

Tea is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Dried roots are fried in a pan without adding oil.
  2. Raw materials are poured with water and brought to a boil.
  3. After 5 minutes, the drink is removed from the heat and poured into cups.
  4. Add honey or sugar if desired.

For lung cancer

The maximum daily dosage of decoction for oncology of the respiratory organs is 500 ml. It is advisable to use the drug immediately after preparation. Therefore, it should be cooked in a small amount. The principle of preparation is as follows:

  1. 1 st. l. dry mixture pour 2 tbsp. boiling water.
  2. Within an hour, the broth is brought to readiness over low heat.
  3. After removing from heat, the medicinal composition is cooled to 40°C.

For lung cancer, a decoction is recommended for taking 100 ml 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is discussed with the oncologist. Usually it is several months.

With stomach cancer

For stomach cancer, it is recommended to take juice from the roots and flowers of the plant. Such treatment must be approved by the oncologist. If any discomfort occurs, the reception is stopped. To prepare a remedy you will need:

  • 15 g of dry leaves of plantain, nettle and yarrow;
  • a mixture of ground dandelion leaves and roots;
  • 400 ml hot water.


  1. Fresh dandelion roots and leaves are ground with a meat grinder. During grinding, milky juice may be released.
  2. The components are mixed and filled with water.
  3. After 2-3 hours, the drink is filtered.
  4. For ease of storage, it is poured into a dark glass bottle.

A single dosage is 1 tsp. Take the remedy should be twice a day for a month. Phytotherapy with dandelion reduces the intensity of pain, restores appetite and normalizes the digestive tract.

In the treatment of prostate cancer

The beneficial properties of dandelion make it possible to use it in the fight against prostate cancer. The effect of treatment is cumulative. As a result of its implementation, pain in the pelvis disappears, and erectile function normalizes. But at the advanced stages of oncology, phytotherapy will not be effective enough.

In prostate cancer, dandelion roots are used in powder form. It is prepared in the standard way. Previously, the roots are cleaned of dirt and dried in the fresh air. They are cut into small pieces and ground in a coffee grinder. ½ tsp powder is dissolved in half a glass of any fruit juice. Reception is carried out 1 time per day.

Dandelion root: medicinal properties in oncology, reviews, treatment rules

The use of dandelion flowers in liver cancer

In the fight against cancer, you can use not only the roots, but also the flowers of the plant. The substances that make up their composition are highly effective against liver cancer. They improve metabolic processes and have a stimulating effect on the bile ducts. As a result, the body’s ability to self-cleanse is restored.

For medicinal purposes, dandelion root is used as an infusion. Half a glass of water will require 1 tsp. raw materials. After 15 minutes of infusion under the lid, the product is ready for use. Reception is carried out half an hour before meals. The total duration of treatment is 30 days.

Important! During chemotherapy for oncology, it is undesirable to take medicinal products based on dandelions. This can adversely affect the effectiveness of treatment.

Reviews of the medicinal properties of dandelion roots in oncology

Medical reviews about the use of dandelion against cancer are mixed. Many doctors believe that ignoring drug treatment is fraught with a waste of time. Therefore, phytotherapy must be combined with the intake of drugs selected by the doctor. The desired result can be achieved only if the dosage and dosage regimen of the drug is observed. During treatment, diagnostic studies should be carried out periodically. If positive dynamics is not observed, another drug is selected.

Most patients leave positive feedback after using dandelion roots for cancer. The main value of the plant lies in its availability. Roots can also act as a prophylactic. They do not reduce the effectiveness of drugs, so they can be used together. The taste of herbal medicine has a specific bitterness. But this is not a significant disadvantage of the remedy.

Restrictions, contraindications, side effects

Despite the natural origin, dandelion is not always beneficial. Before using it in the fight against oncology, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications. These include:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • upset stool;
  • allergic reaction;
  • lactation period and pregnancy;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer.

If you experience skin rashes while using the plant from oncology, you should consult a doctor. This may indicate the onset of an allergy. It is fraught with the development of angioedema. Treatment in this case should be stopped. If an allergy is suspected, antihistamines should be used.

The use of dandelion roots in therapeutic dosages does not provoke undesirable side effects. In rare cases, diarrhea occurs. If you exceed the recommended dosage, nausea occurs and performance decreases. Children should be given products based on herbal extracts with caution, as they are most prone to developing allergies.


Dandelion root in oncology helps to cope with the symptoms and stop the development of the pathological process. But he is unable to stop metastases, so it is important to prevent their occurrence. To do this, follow the recommendations of the attending physician. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it will be.

★ Cancer treatment with dandelion root extract. Studies have shown that 98% of cancer cells

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