Dandelion root: beneficial and healing properties. Video

Dandelion root: beneficial and healing properties. Video

A person encounters a dandelion in early childhood while playing on the lawn. This amazing plant attracts with its lovely appearance. The healing properties of dandelion, especially its root, often remain unknown.

Dandelion is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. Its golden yellow flower baskets are extremely recognizable. During the ripening period, “parachutes” with seeds are formed from them, which are easily carried away by the breeze. The name is associated with this particular feature of the plant.

It is customary for the people to call dandelion a dandelion, a double, a grandmother, a milk jug and a tooth root. In nature, there are about 1000 varieties of dandelions, 70 of which are used in pharmacology, traditional medicine and cooking. Dandelion grows all over the world, with the exception of the deserts of Central Asia and the Far North.

Dandelion rich composition

Each dandelion particle is endowed with beneficial properties:

– milky juice (rubber substances, taraxacerol, taraxacin); – leaves and inflorescences (high coefficient of choline, saponin and resins, as well as vitamins A, B2, C, E, PP, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, about 5% protein); – root (β-amyrin, taraxasterol, pseudotaraxasterol, taraxerol, sterols, carbohydrates, inulin, taraxod, fatty oil with glycerides of oleic, lemon balm, palmitic acids, protein, resins, rubber); – flower baskets and leaves (lutein, arnidiol, flavoxatin, triterpene alcohol, taraxatin).

The highest concentration of medicinal substances is characteristic of the plant root.

Dandelion root medicinal properties

Traditionally, the roots of the plant are used to treat gastritis with secretory deficiency. Due to the systematic use of preparations based on dandelion root, the secretion of gastric juice increases.

The root of the “grandma” is often used as a laxative for atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, spastic and atonic constipation. Patients with different types of hepatitis and cholecystitis are advised to include decoctions and tinctures from dandelion root in the therapeutic diet.

In these cases, dandelion root acts as a choleretic agent.

The root part of the “milkman” has a healing effect on the functioning of the liver and strengthens it. Root tincture also significantly stimulates appetite, reduces spasms, improves metabolism in the body and removes cholesterol from the blood.

Dandelion root makes a particularly important contribution to the functioning of the brain, positively affecting the development of memory. Various preparations from the root of this plant are used to speed up the general healing process of patients.

Dandelion root tincture is an excellent remedy for sclerosis, abdominal pain, sexually transmitted diseases, allergies, anemia, gout and eczema. Many breastfeeding mothers regularly use root tincture to stimulate milk production.

Root decoction is an adjunct in the treatment of hemorrhoids and pulmonary tuberculosis. Dandelion root lotions have found their application in healing procedures for skin and eye diseases. The root powder is ideal for frostbite, ulcers, bedsores, burns and festering wounds.

Several recipes for making products based on dandelion roots

Dandelion coffee

Before use, the roots of the plant must be thoroughly washed and then dried. Next, the roots are thoroughly fried for a while. In the process of heat treatment, the bitterness disappears completely, the roots acquire a sweetish taste. Once ground, they can be used as a complete coffee substitute to improve appetite and heal the liver.

Due to the absence of caffeine in it, dandelion coffee does not pose a harmful effect on the body.

Infusion from the roots

To obtain the required infusion, 1 tablespoon of dried crushed root is required. The composition is poured with 1 glass of boiling water. After covering with a lid, the mixture must be left for at least 2 hours. It is recommended to consume the tincture 15 minutes before meals, 1/3 cup.

Broth on the roots

After preliminary rinsing and drying, 2 teaspoons of dandelion roots are poured into a glass of water. Cook them in a saucepan over low heat for about 10 minutes. Take a glass of broth 15-20 minutes before meals no more than twice a day.

Fresh root compresses

Dandelion roots harvested in May are suitable for lotions. Cooking begins with grinding the roots in a mixer to a gruel consistency. The resulting mixture must be evenly applied to the prepared gauze surface. Further, the filled gauze is transferred to the sore spot and fixed with a bandage for an hour.

Alcohol tincture

This is the rarest use of dandelion roots in traditional medicine. 2/3 cup of prepared roots are poured with 1 liter of vodka. After that, they should be tightly corked and left to infuse for 2 weeks. It is recommended to shake the medicine thoroughly before use. You need to consume it in a tablespoon before meals no more than twice a day. This method is often used in the treatment of epilepsy.

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