Dance studios in Magnitogorsk

Dance studios in Magnitogorsk

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Do you think that dancing is just stretching and the ability to move beautifully to the music? But no! Various areas of modern choreography develop many useful skills that are sure to come in handy in everyday life. So what can dancing teach your child?

1. Stand firmly on your feet.

It is difficult for the mother of a three-year-old child to imagine that her baby, who has just recently risen on its feet, can practice dancing. In fact, choreography at this age is extremely beneficial as it develops basic motor skills and strengthens the body. Special group for toddlers Baby Dance accepts children aged 3 to 5 years. At first, dancing here is akin to an exciting game, no complicated elements. However, after mastering basic physical exercises, strengthening muscles and ligaments, kids learn more complex combinations and even master some gymnastic elements. Thanks to this, the child develops harmoniously physically, becomes more resilient, improves coordination (which means fewer falls and injuries) and gets sick less. Yes, dancing also strengthens the immune system!

By the time a child enters school, parents are deprived of the opportunity to monitor their child around the clock. School years, of course, are wonderful, but not devoid of small tragedies. If you want to teach your child to get out of difficult situations with dignity, take him to the dance. Children 6-8 years old can attend Tequila Dance pop choreography… This is a unique direction that combines elements of a wide variety of dance styles: classical tango, modern, hip-hop and others. Like any dance direction, pop choreography develops flexibility, dance step and stretching, coordination and ear for music. But besides this, dances lay the foundations of etiquette, cultivate good manners and the ability to get out of any situation with dignity.

3. Ability to speak in front of an audience

Adolescence is the most exciting age for parents. Often, children in a transitional period experience difficulties with self-expression, but they cannot always ask for help from loved ones. If you want your child not to be afraid to express their feelings and emotions, to feel freedom and to be constantly in a creative search, offer him street dancing. Street Dance works for children from 7 to 12 years old. This is the most fashionable trend in youth culture. Street dancing is about freedom and creativity. In these trainings, it is important what you have inside, your energy, your desire to practice and improve. Just put on your sneakers and you are already the king of the dance floor! Street dance will not only give you a good physical shape, but will also permanently cure your fear of performing in front of an audience.

However, dancing is not always easy. Like any sport, they require perseverance, patience and self-discipline. This is especially true of areas where improvisation plays an important role – that is, not just repetition of memorized movements, but the expression of one’s own “I” and constant self-improvement. Therefore, such directions as Contemporary Dance (9-12 years old) and Jazz Modern (15+) are already working with relatively adult children. Contemporary has absorbed a bit of Western dance culture (classical dance, jazz) and a bit of Eastern Yoga dance art. In Contemporary Dance classes, children are taught the technique of contact and free improvisation. Jazz Modern also pays special attention to the dancer’s self-expression. In order to succeed in this direction, you need to literally “live the dance”. On the path of constant self-improvement, children learn to overcome difficulties, set the right goals and achieve them, correctly prioritize and not give in to difficulties.

5. Spend free time together

If your child falls in love with the wonderful world of dance, you yourself will become a little closer to this art. After all, there is nothing more unifying than a joint hobby. By the way, Tequila Dance can be used not only by children, but also by their mothers and even grandmothers! You can master this kind of dance like Pole dance (pole acrobatics and gymnastics). This is an incredible kind of pole dance with elements of acrobatics and choreography. Pole Dance will allow you to relax, feel more attractive and confident. For those who want to stay young and active as long as possible, a unique project is working – “Movement – life 50+”: Strelnikov’s breathing exercises, joint gymnastics, age-related yoga, Pilates.

And remember, while dancing in the body “hormones of joy” – endorphins are produced. So come for your portion of happiness at Tequila Dance!

Dance studio Tequila Dance

Address: st. Soviet, 145/3

Tel. 440 − 540

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