Damage to the eye (sight) after viewing a solar eclipse

Visible light can damage the retina only in special cases. People staying high in the mountains, welders and people exposed to a quartz lamp are exposed to the harmful effects of rays. Treatment of these lesions is often ineffective, so it is imperative to protect your eyes with the correct glasses.

When does eye damage occur?

Most often, damage occurs while admiring a solar eclipse or when sunbathing in strong sunlight without sunglasses. The light rays penetrating the eye can damage the macular part of the retina, resulting in reduced vision and scotoma in the visual field.

Symptoms of the ultraviolet effect

The effect of ultraviolet radiation can cause acute inflammation of the conjunctiva and the cornea. The following are exposed to these rays:

  1. welders,
  2. people exposed to a quartz lamp,
  3. people staying in high mountains.

A few or several hours after exposure, the following appears:

  1. sensitivity to light (photophobia),
  2. tearing
  3. eyelid spasm
  4. swelling of the conjunctiva
  5. corneal haze,
  6. sharpen the eyes.

These symptoms quickly disappear after the use of local anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs, but the help of an ophthalmologist is necessary. It is of paramount importance to prevent UV exposure by wearing protective glasses.

Ionizing radiation (x-ray, radioactive elements) may cause harmful effects on the organ of sight to a varying degree, depending on the dose of energy absorbed by the tissues. The skin of the eyelids becomes hyperemic, there is swelling, peeling occurs, and then the eyelashes fall out. The conjunctiva becomes red and the cornea becomes cloudy. The lens becomes cloudy. To prevent these changes when the skin or deeper tissues near the eye are irradiated, special lead eyeball covers are used.

Types of radiation harmful to eyesight

There are several types of radiation that can damage our eyes:

  1. UVA radiation – has the lowest energy and the longest wavelength of all invisible rays. Moreover, it is the radiation closest to the visible light that penetrates the cornea and enters the lens and retina. UVA radiation can cause macular degeneration and cataracts;
  2. visible radiation – the one with the longest wavelength (400-500 nanometers);
  3. UVC radiation – this is the most harmful type of radiation, fortunately blocked by the ozone layer;
  4. UVB radiation – it is only partially blocked by the ozone layer, and is also responsible for the production of melanin in the skin. Too frequent exposure to this type of radiation causes the skin to age faster and can lead to snow blindness or pterygium blindness.

Effects of harmful effects of radiation on the eyes

Exposing our eyes to the harmful effects of light can lead to long-term effects / diseases, for example:

  1. macular degeneration,
  2. cataracts,
  3. thickening and yellowish degeneration of the conjunctiva,
  4. snow blindness – burns to the corneal and retinal epithelium causes blindness from 24 to 48 hours,
  5. conjunctival thickening in the shape of a triangle.

Each of these ailments may result in a complete loss of vision.

Can vision damage from a solar eclipse be treated?

Treatment of these lesions is often ineffective, so it is imperative to protect your eyes with the correct glasses. It is also important to avoid looking directly at the sun or other harmful light. Taking measures that contain a complex of vitamins A, C and E and minerals plays an important role. The diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables containing the mentioned vitamins and zinc. In addition, it is recommended to take dietary supplements containing lecithin.

Do your eyes hurt? Find out what’s wrong with you

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