Dalai Lama XIV: biography, interesting facts, quotes

😉 Hello my dear reader! The article Dalai Lama XIV: biography, interesting facts, quotes “- a short history of the life of the main spiritual mentor of the followers of Tibetan Buddhism.

Seven years in Tibet

The film “Seven Years in Tibet” (1997) is about friendship, love, the youth of the XIV Dalai Lama and the historical events of several countries.

The film is based on the autobiographical book of Heinrich Harrer, the famous Austrian climber (actor Brad Pitt), who was brought to Tibet by fate during the Second World War. Henry becomes a teacher and then a friend of the young Dalai Lama.

If you haven’t watched this movie yet, I highly recommend it! There is something to think about. About the meaning of life, for example. About good and evil, about war and peace, about respect for nature and animals, about compassion and, finally, about the philosophy of Buddhism.

Interesting fact: after the release of the film on the world screen, the Chinese government banned actor Brad Pitt from ever visiting their country.

Dalai Lama XIV: biography, interesting facts, quotes

After watching the film, I wanted to know even more about Tibet and an amazing person – the XIV Dalai Lama. I thank life that I live at the same time with great people from whom I learn a lot. One of them is the XIV Dalai Lama.

The basis of Buddhism

What is Buddhism? In short, this is a religion common in China, Japan, Indochina and other countries of the East. At the heart of Buddhism, almost like in all world religions, are the values:

  • love;
  • compassion;
  • forgiveness;
  • peace of mind.

All of this is the source of the joy of a happy life.

Biography of the Dalai Lama XIV

In the summer of 1935, a boy was born into a poor peasant family. He was named Lhamo Thondup. How did this kid become the Dalai Lama? It’s not that simple, friends!

The title of Dalai Lama is held by the high priests of the Lamaist Church in Tibet. Shortly before his death, each Dala Lama draws up a message that says where to look for his new incarnation.

Before embarking on the search for the future head of the Tibetan church, the high lamas turn to astrologers, who determine the place and time of the next incarnation.

Almost always, the future Dalai Lama is embodied in a child who is recognized by many signs: unusual events at birth, strange behavior in infancy, birthmarks of a certain shape. Thus, the current Dalai Lama was identified.

Until the middle of the XNUMXth century, the residence of the Dalai Lama was the Potala Palace in the city of Lhasu, where a long process of training and education of the future lama began. Only after passing this difficult path, he received full power and was recognized as the head of the most ancient of the world’s religions.

The Potala Palace is very ancient. In 637, the king of Tibet built the first building here for his meditation. And the palace in its present form began to be built from 1645 to 1694. The palace consists of the White and Red palaces. In White – residential areas, Red – for prayers and religious rituals.

Let’s go back to our story. The child studied the most complex ceremonial, the Tibetan language, literature, Buddhist philosophy, dogma, the basics of medicine and other sciences, after which he received the right to be called a lama.

A boy at the age of three became an ordinary novice in the monastery. In the first exam, he had to recite 125 sheets of sacred texts by heart! At the age of five, he ascended the throne.

Lhamo Thondup, recognized by the Dalai Lama, received a new name – Zhetsun Chjampel Ngagwang Yeshe Tenjin Gyamtsho.

Dalai Lama XIV: biography, interesting facts, quotes

Dalai Lama XIV

Everything went its own way, but in 1950 Chinese troops occupied Tibet. Local residents tried to fight the occupiers, but His Holiness called on the Tibetans to seek their independence peacefully.

Tibetan government in exile

The Tibetans in 1959 tried to raise an uprising, which was brutally suppressed by the Chinese troops. After these events, the XIV Dalai Lama left Tibet and moved to India. His Holiness lives in Dharamsala, where the Tibetan government in exile is located.

Tenjin Gyamtskho conducts religious and propaganda activities, without ceasing to fight for the liberation of Tibet peacefully. For his services in strengthening peace, he was awarded the Nobel Prize. The biography of the XIV Dalai Lama continues.

Quotes from the XIV Dalai Lama

“There is no need for temples, there is no need for complex philosophy. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness. “

“I don’t celebrate birthdays. It seems to me that this is a waste of time. For me, this day is no different from others. In a way, every day is a birthday. You wake up in the morning, everything is fresh and new, and the main thing is that this new day brings you something important. “

“Remember, not always what you want is what you really need.”

“People were created to be loved, and things were created to be used. The world is in chaos because it’s the other way around. ”

“Before judging someone, take his shoes and walk his path, taste his tears, feel his pain. Bump into every rock he tripped over. And only after that tell him that you know how to live correctly ”.

“If the problem can be solved, there is no need to worry about it. If the problem cannot be solved, worrying is useless. ”

Dalai Lama XIV: biography (video)

It’s hard to be a god. Dalai Lama XIV

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