Fans of dairy products can use the eponymous diet for weight loss. Milk is rich in vitamins, calcium and minerals. Just one liter of this healthy and tasty drink fills the body with easily digestible protein in the amount of the daily norm. The main components of the diet below, in addition to dairy products, are cocoa and honey. This food system is used only on the last three days of the week. On other days, you are allowed to eat any food, but in smaller volumes than usual. And, of course, you should forget about fatty foods and rich pastries.
The dietary diet is as follows: for the first four days of the week for breakfast, you need to eat 250 g of cheese, 100 g of lean yogurt and 10 g of honey, and also drink a honey drink (mineral water diluted with lemon juice and five grams of honey). Further during the day it is recommended to eat balanced and full, but in moderation. Fasting days continue from Friday to Saturday, for which a special menu has been compiled.
After sleep, drink half a cup of hot water.
Breakfast: a glass of lean milk with honey and cocoa.
2nd breakfast: orange and water (1 l), drunk in small portions.
Lunch: boiled fish or meat (200 g) with a slice of lemon.
Afternoon snack: lean yogurt, a teaspoon of honey.
Dinner: 500 g of vegetable broth (no salt), drink for 10 minutes, then eat boiled vegetables, 150 g in three doses with an interval of 20 minutes.
Before going to bed: lean yogurt, a teaspoon of honey.
Breakfast: drink one and a half liters of water within two hours.
2nd breakfast: lean yogurt with honey.
Lunch: grapefruit juice, 250 g milk with cocoa and honey (1 tsp each)
Dinner: 200 g of baked fish, green vegetables or vinaigrette.
Before going to bed: lean yogurt with honey.
Breakfast: 500 ml of water, juice of one grapefruit, a glass of lean milk with cocoa and honey.
2nd breakfast: a liter of water (drink one glass every half an hour).
Lunch: 200 g boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad with lemon juice.
Before going to bed: lean yogurt with honey.
There is another extreme version of the milk diet for urgent weight loss with a result of three kilograms in three days. The principle is simple – the exclusion from the menu of all products except milk. For a day, you will need one and a half liters of a drink, which should be drunk one glass every 2,5-3 hours. Before starting a strict dairy diet, take a critical look at your body’s capabilities and consult your doctor.
Milk and vegetable diet
The idea of a vegetable, fruit, and milk based diet is a healthy mix of plant-based and dairy products. Protein in large quantities, combined with carbohydrates and fiber, is a reasonable diet option during the period of weight loss. This method of losing weight gives another additional effect – cleansing the body of accumulated toxins. Even if you like this diet in advance, get expert advice before using it.
The dairy-vegetarian diet has several varieties. In the first version, along with milk, vegetables, as well as fruits and berries are consumed. The second is dairy and vegetable. The third is milk and fruit. The last option can also include a milk-banana diet. They all have in common the exclusion from the diet of sugar, the minimum intake of salt and the vegetarian nature of the diet (the name of each variety speaks for itself). The recommended duration of such a diet is no more than a week.
Milk and fruit diet
A milk-fruit diet can be safely attributed to tasty and comfortable methods of losing weight. Restrictions will be easily tolerated if a person prefers fruits and milk in their regular diet. Such a diet is one of the most balanced and low-calorie weight loss systems. The menu consists of milk, dairy products and fruits. Moreover, when choosing a fruit component of nutrition, focus on low-calorie fresh fruits with a low sugar content.
For best results, do not eat grapes, avocados, bananas, and dried fruits, as well as canned fruits. Citruses are ideal, but the choice is yours. The dairy part of the diet consists of raw milk, fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese) with a low fat content and no sugar. The combination of protein, fruit carbohydrates and fiber is a good help for the body, eliminates the manifestation of a strong feeling of hunger.
One of the menu options (designed for meals at intervals of two or three hours and strict adherence to the diet):
First breakfast – a cup of tea or natural coffee without sugar;
Second breakfast – 200 g of lean cottage cheese;
Lunch – 200 g of fruits and berries (fruit salad);
Snack – 350 ml of any lean fermented milk drink;
Dinner – 200 g of fruit or berries.
During the day, non-carbonated mineral water and hot drinks without added sugar are allowed. The result of a weekly diet is a weight loss of five kilograms. If this is not enough, the diet can be extended up to three weeks, but be sure to take weekend breaks. The nutrition scheme will look like this: five days of diet, two days of regular food (without fatty and sweet), and so on for three weeks. Be sure to get medical advice before starting a diet.
Milk and vegetable diet
A dairy and vegetable diet is a fairly effective method of getting rid of excess weight. It helps to quickly lose a few kilograms and produces a healing effect (the digestive tract is getting better, toxins are being cleansed). The diet is based on dairy products, a large amount of vegetables, fruits and bran supplement nutrition, it is permissible to eat 50 g of black bread per day. With this menu, the body does not undergo starvation, but loses weight due to the correct combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fiber.
The menu of each day includes four meals a day. Sugar is completely excluded, salt is used in minimal quantities. If hunger occurs in between meals, it is permissible to eat an apple, peach, orange or carrot.
The menu looks like this:
Breakfast: 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of tea or 200 g of oatmeal porridge with bran and a cup of natural coffee;
Lunch: 200 ml of vegetable soup, 5 lazy dumplings, a glass of dried fruit compote, 100 g of apples or an orange;
Dinner: 200 g of boiled vegetables (vinaigrette) or apple-carrot salad, to which you can add walnuts;
At night: 200 g of fruit juice.
Milk diet with green tea
Dairy diet with the use of green tea is classified as fasting days. This is a mono-diet with a short duration. Weight loss using this technique reaches one kilogram per day. The nutrition system is quite strict – no food in the diet, only drinking a drink with the interesting name “milk milk”. In addition, it is necessary to drink purified or mineral water up to two liters per day. This is due to the need to compensate for the lack of fluid in the body – milk tea acts as a diuretic and choleretic agent.
Milk milk recipe is available and simple:
Boil one and a half liters of milk,
Cool down to 70 °C;
Pour green tea into it (four teaspoons);
Infuse the drink for 20 minutes and strain.
Consume throughout the day. The temperature of the drink does not matter. Black tea is allowed. Choose milk that is low in fat. This will help avoid stress on the liver. It is strictly forbidden to use such a diet for more than two days in a row.
Dairy diet for 3 days
One of the options for a milk diet is a banana-milk menu, designed for three days. The technique is rigorous, and therefore limited to a short period of application. It should not be used by pregnant women, people with diseases of the stomach and intestines, young children and adolescents. An obstacle to the use of such a diet is the individual intolerance of the main products – milk and bananas.
Everyone knows the high calorie content of bananas, but with a reasonable approach, they can help you lose weight. Bananas are rich in potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. The presence of a significant amount of fiber in them contributes to a soft and quick cleansing of the body. Milk is a storehouse of minerals, vitamins and protein.
The daily ration of this diet consists of two bananas, 500 ml of lean milk, herbal teas and non-carbonated mineral water. Products should be divided into five receptions. Eating bananas and milk is allowed separately or in the form of a banana milkshake. Water and teas are drunk without restriction and without added sugar, it is allowed to refresh tea with a slice of lemon. If you bring the number of bananas to three pieces, and milk to 750 ml, you get a diet option that is used as an enhancer or fixative of any other method of losing weight.
Dairy diet for 5 days
The benefits of dairy products have been known since ancient times. They nourish the body with valuable substances, contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes. Their use brings the appearance of nails, hair and skin into perfect condition. Therefore, no one doubts the positive result of a diet using dairy products as the basis of nutrition. One of the well-known options for this method of losing weight is a curd diet lasting five days. The expected weight loss will be three to five kilograms.
The superiority of cottage cheese in terms of the amount of protein among dairy products is undeniable. The presence of vitamins, calcium, magnesium and other useful substances in it, along with easy digestibility and rapid saturation, makes many choose cottage cheese as the main product of the diet. You should choose cottage cheese with a low fat content. For each day you will need 400 g of cottage cheese. The daily allowance is divided into five parts. These portions will form the basis of nutrition.
The menu can be supplemented with the following products:
A glass of lean kefir;
Low-calorie fiber and fast carbohydrates in the amount of 200 g per day – orange, peach, kiwi, pear, apple and others (eat fresh with cottage cheese and separately as a snack);
Slow carbohydrates – vegetables in the amount of up to 500 g per day (eat in any form, but do not fry);
Oatmeal, bran in small quantities.
Such a milk diet requires a complete rejection of coffee, alcohol, salty, sweet, spicy.
Dairy diet for 7 days
The constant use of diets and the use of fasting days in combination with physical activity helps to achieve weight loss, but can deplete the body and lead to health problems. The milk diet in this regard is fundamentally different from other weight loss methods. The rich composition of milk gives the body the necessary nutrients, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and, as a result, speeds up the metabolism.
The dairy diet provides for the gradual introduction of milk and dairy products into the diet and their combination with low-calorie foods. A week of such a diet can easily free the body from extra 4-5 kilograms. There is a more rigid option – a milk mono-diet. It is suitable for determined and purposeful people. The effect of using this diet for seven days is minus 6 kilograms or more. Meals are held according to a certain scheme from eight in the morning to eight in the evening. The diet consists only of milk.
The daily meal plan looks like this:
1st day – 200 g of milk every two hours;
2nd day – 200 g of milk every hour and a half;
3rd day – 200 g of milk every hour;
4th, 5th, 6th, 7th days -200 g of milk every 30 minutes.
Exit from the diet is carried out gradually. In the first two days after the end of weight loss, before lunch, you should drink a glass of milk with an interval of two hours, and vegetable salads are allowed in the afternoon. In the future, switch to a regular diet. This method of losing weight successfully eliminates fat in the abdomen. Adding a little physical activity in the form of simple exercises will make your figure perfect by the end of the diet. However, this mono-diet is contraindicated in case of allergy to dairy products and in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases.
Reviews of the milk diet for weight loss
Hope: dairy diet is just great. True, I have not tried such an extreme as seven days on milk alone, but milk, kefir, cottage cheese plus vegetables and fruits are quite acceptable for me personally. The week of the diet passed without much stress, and along the way, the extra 5 kg were lost. I recommend.
Antonina: dear ladies, my advice, in order not to strain in search of a diet, choose for yourself a certain nutrition system, which you adhere to for a long time. Gradually, the weight returns to normal, and the milk diet can be considered as a fasting day after the festive banquets.