Daily diet rich in eggs. Check out their health properties!
Daily diet rich in eggs. Check out their health properties!Daily diet rich in eggs. Check out their health properties!

The negative impact of eggs on the human body due to the cholesterol contained in the yolk is a myth. Scientific studies have confirmed that the substances – lecithin and omega-3 fatty acids found in eggs lower cholesterol levels. The World Health Organization (WHO) has even recognized eggs as a standard food. It is obvious that the model is always the best available form, in the case of protein quality – the model is the egg.At the beginning, it should be noted that scientists have not found a confirmation regarding the relationship between eating eggs and cholesterol levels. However, they confirm that eggs have a very positive effect on our health. After all, chicken yolk is a real mine of vitamins and nutrients. Not only are eggs low in calories, they contain 13 vitamins and minerals. The egg is the only food product that contains everything necessary for the human body amino acids exogenous, i.e. those that the body does not produce itself, and which should be received with food. Therefore, in terms of the composition of amino acids, i.e. protein compounds, eggs are the most perfect product of animal origin.

Remember to eat eggs.Eggs are an extremely valuable element of the diet that improves our everyday, active functioning. It naturally improves brain function, improves concentration and memory, thanks to the ingredient found in the yolk, i.e. lecithin, commonly known as the “fat slayer”. Lecithin breaks down the consumed fats and cholesterol into small particles, preventing them from sticking to the vessel walls, thus reducing the build-up of atherosclerotic plaque (which causes sclerosis). With the help of lutein, which improves vision, lecithin has powerful antioxidant properties, thanks to which it slows down the aging process and even protects against cancer and heart disease. Similar tasks are performed by the yolks contained in it vitamins A and E and fatty acids omega-3 together with lecithin they work additionally anti-inflammatory i antithrombotic.For skin and bones – eggs are the easiest way!

Not everyone knows that eggs strengthen our bones. People who regularly eat eggs with holy conviction claim that eggs protect their bones from fractures and other injuries. Elderly people who have eaten at least one egg a day since childhood assure that they have not suffered any bone damage throughout their lives, such as overstraining or unstable gait. However, if a leg or an arm was broken as a result of, for example, an accident, the bone regenerated very quickly. However, there must be something to it … It is also worth knowing that egg yolks are full of vitamin D.and strengthening the skin B vitamins (necessary for proper metabolism and functioning of the nervous system). This special composition is complemented by mineral salts, e.g. iron, therefore egg yolks are recommended for people with anemia.

Nutritionists have included eggs in their food pyramid as recommended products in the daily diet. So it’s hard to find a negative related to their food. Only allergy sufferers should take eggs under the microscope, and people who are not allergic to egg white or chicken yolk should eat them every day. Bless you!



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