Daikon Minowashi: reviews, planting and care

Daikon Minowashi is a variety preferred only by experienced gardeners. The reason is that the plant is able to develop only when daylight hours are waning. With early planting, the root crop will certainly go into the arrow.

Daikon Minowashi: reviews, planting and care

A late-ripening vegetable must be planted in the ground in the second half of summer, which violates the usual rhythm of agrotechnical work.

History of variety breeding

Daikon is a type of radish and radish. However, unlike them, it does not have a specific bitterness. Japan is considered the birthplace of the root crop. There, the daikon is in first place in terms of crop area.

In Our Country, culture has not received such a distribution. However, some gardeners grow a vegetable. Daikon Minowashi is one of the few varieties in demand. In 2005, Avista applied for the registration of Minovasi. And since 2007, the variety has been included in the State Register of the Federation.

Description of the daikon Minowashi

The length of the root crop of the Minowashi variety reaches 60 cm, and in diameter – 10 cm. The mass of the root reaches 1,5 kg. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, tapering towards the tip. The foliage in the rosette is located vertically upwards, the extreme one leans towards the ground. The leaves are dissected, dark green with a gray tint, medium size.

Minowashi root pulp is juicy, tender, dense. There is no porous and loose. The taste is sweetish. The skin is thin, white, near the base – green.

Attention! Minowashi daikon leaves are used in salads.

Characteristic of the variety

Daikon variety Minowashi is recommended for cultivation in all regions of the country. Late maturing variety. The biological maturity of the fruit occurs approximately 70-75 days after sowing the seeds. But you can not wait for this period, but use daikon 7-10 days earlier. In order for a vegetable to have a long storage period, it must fully ripen, its taste qualities last up to six months.

Attention! Seeds of the early-ripening daikon Minowashi are on sale, in which the fruit ripening period is 50 days, the length of the root crop is up to 40 cm.

There are other “twins” of the variety.

Daikon Minowashi: reviews, planting and care


According to the varietal characteristics of the Minowashi daikon, from 1 square. m harvest up to 13 kg of crop. After harvesting, the fruits are shaken off the ground, dried a little and transferred to a dark place. Favorable storage temperature is 0-5 °С. Shelf life 2-3 months.

Disease and pest resistance

In the case of improper agricultural practices, the Minowashi daikon suffers from the following bacterial diseases:

  • vascular and mucous bacterioses;
  • mosaic;
  • hernia;
  • blackleg.

To cope with the infection and remove it from the garden, you need to use antibacterial drugs, such as Planriz, Binoram.

Among the pests that pose a real danger to the root crop, it is worth highlighting slugs, cabbage fly, cruciferous flea, garden scoop, aphids. You can fight parasites with the help of laundry soap, a low concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, hot red pepper and other folk methods. Or resort to bioinsecticides in the form of Bitoxibacillin, Aktofit, Lepidocide. They should be used in accordance with the attached instructions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The following positive qualities are characteristic of the Minowashi daikon variety:

  • precocity
  • productivity;
  • the possibility of planting daikon after the previous batch of vegetables has already been harvested;
  • excellent taste;
  • valuable mineral composition of the root crop;
  • no increased requirements in the growing process;
  • environmental friendliness, the vegetable does not accumulate harmful substances.

Now for the disadvantages. First, it is low frost resistance. Air temperature from + 10 °C and below will be considered unfavorable for Minowashi variety daikon. Secondly, long daylight hours. As a result, the root crop blooms, loses valuable taste. Plant a vegetable in early spring or late summer.

Daikon Minowashi: reviews, planting and care

Planting and caring for the Minowashi daikon

Growing daikon is just as easy as growing any other vegetable. The difficulty lies only in the right time for landing. It all depends not even on the climatic features of the region, but on the weather conditions on the day of disembarkation. It is important that the vegetable goes to the root, and does not begin to bloom.

Terms of planting

There are spring and summer plantings of daikon.

In the spring, it is better to plant a vegetable crop as early as possible. You should not be afraid of cold weather, the seeds will survive even severe frosts. However, the fruit of the spring daikon is not stored for a long time. It, like radishes, should be consumed after ripening. Also, this vegetable is more prone to shooting. In greenhouse cultivation, planting is best done at the end of March or in early April. For open ground, the time shifts a little – the last week of April or the beginning of May.

In summer, Minowashi daikon is planted from early July to early August. Usually root seeds are sown in the beds after dill, green onions, lettuce. The advantage of summer planting is that there are fewer pests during this period, and such a vegetable is capable of long-term storage. However, the root crop may not have time to grow to its maximum size.

Attention! Daikon Minowashi seeds are selected for a specific planting period.

Preparation of beds

It is advisable to choose a sunny site for daikon. When growing a plant in the shade, the foliage will be thin and long, and the root crop itself will be small, clumsy. Well suited beds, where they used to grow tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, onions. Not the best predecessors will be radishes, cabbage. The daikon variety Minowashi is undemanding to the composition of the soil. The only thing is that it is harder to pull out a ripe vegetable from dense soil.

Preparing the site for planting a daikon consists in digging up the soil, which was previously fertilized. For 1 sq. m you need:

  • humus with a volume of 10 l and 200 g of wood ash;
  • 10-15 g of potassium sulfate and urea;
  • 20-30 g of nitroammophos.
Attention! Experienced gardeners advise not to ignore this stage, since the land is depleted, it has already yielded a crop.

The soil is fed with this mineral complex, restoring the reserves that have been used up.

Daikon Minowashi: reviews, planting and care

Rules of landing

Having decided on the timing of planting the Minowashi daikon, you should proceed to the direct process of planting and care after.

  1. Grooves are formed on the bed at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other, 3 cm deep.
  2. Water the earth with warm water and wait for complete absorption.
  3. The seeds of the Minowashi daikon variety are planted every 20 cm.
  4. Sprinkle with earth and tamp a little.
  5. For faster germination, the area is covered with a film or agrofiber.
  6. After 5-6 days, the shelter is removed.
Advice! It is not necessary to water the seeds from above, they are already in a humid environment.


Further measures for the care of vegetable crops are regular watering, loosening, weeding.

Daikon cultivar Minowashi should be watered regularly and moderately. The lack of moisture makes it bitter, dry and harsh in taste. And excessive moisture leads to cracking of the fruit. On average, watering is enough to produce 1 time in 5 days. On hotter days, the procedure should be done more often. During the rainy season – less often. It is necessary that the earth around the daikon is wet. Dry soil will lead to negative consequences.

During the entire growing season, you need to make sure that weed grass does not grow near the plant, and the soil is loose. After each moistening procedure, the earth must be weeded and loosened. When the roots appear on the surface, they begin to pile up to protect against possible damage.

Advice! A mulching layer of straw or peat will help facilitate care.

Daikon Minowashi: reviews, planting and care

Collection and storage

2 weeks before harvest, the Minowashi daikon variety is stopped watering. And moisten the ground before harvesting slightly. The root crop itself is dug up and carefully dragged by the tops. The main thing is that he does not break off. Deformed, broken, diseased plants are not subject to long-term storage. They are used first.

After drying, remove the earth and leaves. You can store the vegetable in the refrigerator or cellar. The storage period for the Minowashi variety is up to six months.

Attention! So that the root crops do not fade, you need to monitor the level of humidity.

Pest and disease control

Preventive measures will help protect vegetables from health problems:

  • comply with crop rotation requirements;
  • prepare seeds for planting;
  • remove weeds, loosen the soil;
  • timely carry out the processing of the root crop from pests;
  • plant marigolds next to the Minowashi daikon bed.


Daikon Minowashi is a late maturing variety. Under favorable weather conditions, its weight reaches 4 kg. The root crop is valuable for its medicinal properties. When planted in summer, the vegetable will be stored almost until spring and will save the body from beriberi and colds.


Petr Andreevich, 38 years old, Kaluga
I have three years of experience growing daikon Minowashi. I usually sow seeds in August. The vegetable grows up to 50 cm in length. As a rule, root crops are juicy, dense, not bitter. After collection, we clean it from the ground and send it to storage in the cellar. Until the spring never lay down – we eat earlier.
Alexandra Olegovna, 51 years old, Moscow region, pos. Malakhovka
Last year I tried to plant Minowashi daikon for the first time, and nothing happened. Sowed, however, in the heat. However, drip irrigation did not spare. There was enough moisture. Rosettes were lush, beautiful, but all went to the arrows. It’s a shame, I wanted to try my own grown daikon.
Alexandra Sergeevna, 42 years old, Krasnodar Territory, pos. Ilsky
I would like to note that the process of growing daikon Minowashi cannot be called simple. It is constantly required to loosen, water the soil. Roar several times. And why is it worth removing the daikon. It didn’t work out for me alone, I had to call my husband for help in order to dig a whole root of 60 cm. The root crop is fragile, you need to act carefully so as not to damage it.
Daikon variety MINOWASHI, description, cultivation experience.

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