
Daikon is a Japanese radish. This vegetable is a root plant of the cruciferous family. The difference between daikon and ordinary radish or radish is that it does not contain mustard oil and does not have a strong odor. This species was obtained in Japan through selective breeding. The translation of the word from Japanese means “big root”. Japanese radish is considered one of the main vegetable crops and the most important ingredients in Japanese cuisine. It is used in almost all dishes: salads, side dishes, first courses. It is also boiled, stewed and pickled. A pickled vegetable is a very tasty delicacy. Daikon is the most delicious vegetable for many. Some of the well-known varieties of vegetables are daikon minowashi and raspberry nectar.

For the Chinese, daikon is an indispensable food, while Koreans and Burmese eat salted daikon. For Europeans, this root crop is better known under the name “white radish” or “white radish”. It is preferred to be used in salads dressed with butter, sour cream or cream.

The Japanese radish has larger roots than the common radish. Their weight is approximately 2-4 kilograms, and some root crops reach a weight of 20 kilograms. They have special taste qualities: more juicy, tender, without a pronounced taste of radish. The advantage is that the daikon is perfectly stored throughout the winter.

Useful properties of daikon

The benefits and harms of daikon have been studied for a long time. Like most vegetables, daikon contains many useful substances. It is important to note that the vegetable is useful not only fresh, but also when stored for a very long time. The composition of the daikon includes vitamins of the subgroup B, C, A, PP, E, basic minerals, pectins, fiber, beta-carotene, enzymes and antioxidants. The vegetable is unique in that it does not have the ability to absorb harmful substances and salts contained in the soil. Therefore, the crop of Japanese radish is environmentally friendly and does not contain harmful components. Doctors recommend constantly including radish-based dishes in the diet. Daikon is versatile, it can be added to a salad, or you can make juice out of it.

What are the beneficial properties of vegetables? First of all, it cleanses the body. It can be used as a mild laxative and diuretic. Minerals such as potassium and calcium contribute to the removal of excess fluid and toxins from the body. Thanks to this quality, the Japanese radish was introduced into the basis of proper nutrition and some diets.

Also, Japanese radish has a very positive effect on strengthening immunity. A composition rich in vitamins strengthens the body, and components containing protein and phytoncides cleanse the internal organs of bacteria and microbes. Regular use of daikon is an excellent prevention of colds. The vegetable promotes recovery and facilitates the course of diseases such as bronchial asthma, bronchitis, cough. It favorably affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The advantage of a vegetable is its pleasant taste. Everyone can drink a glass of juice, while it will improve the work of the pancreas.

In addition, daikon is an excellent sedative. It significantly affects the functioning of the nervous system, improving mood and lowering nervous excitability. Daikon juice, drunk at night, will give a person a full and healthy sleep.

Also, the benefits of Japanese radish are noticeable in diabetes, heart disease and problems with blood vessels. The properties of radish allow people with diabetes to normalize blood sugar. Also in the composition of the vegetable there is fructose, which is simply indispensable in the special diet of diabetics.

Daikon is no less useful in losing weight. It is a low-calorie vegetable, because 100 grams of the product contains only 18 kcal. As mentioned earlier, the radish cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, so the vegetable is simply irreplaceable in losing weight.

Radish is often used for cosmetic purposes. Freshly squeezed juice is able to save a person from freckles, age spots, acne and other skin inflammations. Also, the juice can be rubbed into the hair roots, it perfectly nourishes and strengthens their structure.

Dangerous properties of vegetables

Despite the many positive properties of the vegetable, daikon has some limitations and contraindications. First of all, this applies to people who have problems with the stomach and intestines. Due to the high fiber content, indigestion or severe flatulence may occur. It is also not recommended to use daikon for people with ulcers and gastritis. You should not use a vegetable and those who suffer from gout and kidney disease. Also, people over 50 years of age should definitely consult a doctor before eating a vegetable. For certain chronic diseases and individual characteristics, the doctor will be able to recommend the use of a vegetable in a certain amount.

Japanese radish should be consumed during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, only after consulting a gynecologist.

Daikon cultivation

This root crop can be easily found on store shelves and markets. But everyone knows that a home-grown vegetable will be much more useful than a store-bought one. Growing a vegetable is sure to please everyone. Planting and caring for a vegetable will not be difficult, since this vegetable crop is quite unpretentious. The difficulty can only lie in the fact that not everyone manages to correctly calculate the time when you need to plant a daikon. It can be planted both in the second half of summer and in spring. In summer, it is recommended to plant daikon in the middle lane.

There are a number of rules and recommendations that must be followed so that the harvest is rich, tasty and really healthy:

  • soil preparation;
  • sowing;
  • watering;
  • harvesting;
  • storage.

First of all, it is important to properly prepare the beds. Although this plant is not particularly whimsical and grows quite well on various types of soil, it still loves loose soil very much. Therefore, before planting, the ground must be dug up and leveled. In order for the root crops to grow large, it is necessary to dig deep holes (about 10 cm) before planting. The distance between the holes should be sufficient (approximately 5-7 cm). The seeds of the vegetable are quite large, so they will sprout without problems. When to sow seeds in open ground? The ideal time for planting Japanese radish is April. One seed is laid in one hole, after which the soil must be moistened and covered with earth. To prevent slugs from appearing, the surface of the beds must be treated with ash. After thinning, the daikon should be fed with fertilizer. You can only transplant seedlings with a rounded shape of root crops.

Since the root crops must remain in the soil until mid-September, they need additional watering. If the street is dry, then the daikon should be watered when the soil becomes dry. Abundant watering is not required, so if it rained, then nothing is needed from a person.

Fruit picking is carried out until the end of September. It is not easy to dig up a daikon, but you can only dig up the whole fruit slowly. The planted root crop blooms and produces seeds. In order for vegetables to be preserved for a long time, they need to create special conditions. The air temperature in the place where the vegetable lies should be from -1 to 5 degrees. It is recommended to store the daikon in boxes with dry sand.

Plant pests are very similar to cruciferous diseases. It is difficult to deal with them, but it is possible. First of all, you need to adhere to all the rules of agricultural technology: remove weeds, disinfect places where vegetables and garden tools will be stored, and clean the site from plant residues. Some diseases are destroyed by chemicals. In extreme cases, vegetables can be sprinkled with them.

Delicious recipes with daikon

There are many recipes for preparing various dishes with daikon. Due to the fact that it is a high-calorie product, it is used in all kinds of food options. The calorie content of a vegetable is only 18 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. The most common recipes are salads. It is very tasty to combine daikon with carrots and apple, with carrots and chicken, with chicken and apple. Also a very tasty option is Japanese radish pancakes.

Daikon salad with carrots and apples

For cooking, you will need 1 medium-sized daikon, 1 carrot, 1 apple and some mayonnaise. All vegetables must be grated, seasoned with mayonnaise and a little salt.

A wonderful option for the winter is Korean daikon. It is prepared quite simply.

To prepare such a blank, you will need: 2 daikon, 750 grams of water, a quarter cup of salt, a quarter cup of sugar, a quarter cup of vinegar, a quarter teaspoon of turmeric. Japanese radish should be washed well, peeled and cut in any way: cube, quarter, rings. The main thing is that the pieces can fit in the jar. Next, prepare the marinade. To do this, add salt, sugar, turmeric to boiling water (250 grams) and mix everything. Next, you need to add the remaining water there and leave everything at room temperature. After the turmeric dissolves in water, you need to put the pieces of daikon in a jar. Add vinegar to the marinade, mix and pour over the daikon. You can add more water to the marinade if needed. The jar should be closed with a tight lid and stored for about 4 days in a dark, cool place. Then the finished Korean-style daikon can be stored in the refrigerator, but the shelf life of such preservation is not more than a month. In order for the turmeric to color the vegetable, you can periodically shake the jar.

Daikon with cucumber

The salad is very easy to make. For it you will need onion, raw daikon, cucumber, vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Onions and daikon should be peeled and washed, cucumbers should also be washed well. Next, the daikon and cucumbers are grated, the onion is finely chopped, all this is mixed, seasoned with oil and spices. Thus, a healthy, quick and very tasty salad will be ready.

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