Dahlias in the spring and planting them, how to plant
Planting dahlias in the spring is the key to the normal development of these plants. If you follow certain rules, the plants will turn out to be strong, by autumn they will bloom and provide planting material for the next season.
How to prepare dahlias in spring for planting
This perennial flower does not hibernate in the garden. It is quite picky about growing conditions and dies with the onset of cold weather. Therefore, after the first freezing, cut off the stems, carefully dig up the tubers and clear them of the ground. Fold them in a ventilated box and place them in a cool place.
In the spring, dahlias need to be prepared for planting in the ground.
When it gets warmer, around mid-April, take out the planting material and start preparing it:
- Disinfection. If necessary, wash the roots, inspect for rot or mold, and cut off the affected areas. For 30 min. dip the tubers in a solution of potassium permanganate, sprinkle the cuts with ash or activated carbon and dry.
- Germination. Pour some wet sand, peat, sawdust or loose earth at the bottom of the box. Arrange the tubers so that the root collar is on top, sprinkle with soil. You can also germinate dahlias directly in the ground, making several grooves in a well-lit area, spreading the tubers in them and covering the entire planting with a film in the form of a greenhouse.
- Division. After buds swell or sprouts appear, divide the overgrown nest into parts containing 1-2 tubers and a growth bud.
It will take about 2 weeks to get ready. Division is the main method of propagation, allowing you to increase the number of seedlings.
How to plant dahlias in spring
Choose a bed in advance in a well-lit area protected from drafts, dig up in autumn, apply mineral and organic fertilizers. Do not plant these flowers in the same spot and near the asters every year.
Spring planting is carried out in well-warmed ground and consists of the following stages:
- Well preparation. In the selected area, make holes 10 cm deep at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Cover the bottom with a layer of sand and rotted manure, crush it with earth and water it.
- Landing. Place a nest in each hole, placing the tubers horizontally, cover with soil, deepening the root collar by 2 cm.
- Support installation. It will be needed for tall varieties. Later, when the roots grow, there is a risk of damaging them by sticking a support into the ground.
Cover the planting site with a layer of sawdust. Water the plants frequently at first and cover them from direct sunlight.
In the future, dahlias will not require special care. Planting correctly and on time can be a little laborious, but it will provide good conditions for growth and flowering.