Dahlia “Merry Fellows”: description, cultivation from seeds

Many gardeners with great success grow dahlias on their plots – perennial varieties and annuals. Dahlias “Merry Fellows” – representatives of dwarf varieties. They differ from their counterparts in that they do not form a tuber, so it will not work to grow this variety as a perennial. This type of dahlia is found everywhere. On flower beds and borders, in flower pots and on terraces, everywhere you can see bright elegant inflorescences. Many do not even know what these flowers are called, but they love them very much.

Their popularity is due to the ease of care and the fact that this variety of dahlia does not require winter storage. For those who have not yet grown dwarf dahlias, we offer a photo of “Merry Fellows”:

Dahlia Merry Fellows: description, cultivation from seeds

Dahlia Merry Fellows: description, cultivation from seeds

Dahlia Merry Fellows: description, cultivation from seeds

Dahlia Merry Fellows: description, cultivation from seeds

Decorative flowers of dahlias provide large inflorescences and bright green leaves. The diameter of one flower reaches 9 cm. Usually, mixtures with different shades of inflorescences go on sale.

Dahlia Merry Fellows: description, cultivation from seeds

In one package you can buy white, red, pink, yellow flowers to decorate your summer cottage. Dahlias also differ in the shape of the inflorescence. They can be terry and simple.

Dahlias “Merry Fellows” are propagated exclusively by seeds in a seedling and seedless way.

Important! The lower the adult plant, the earlier it will bloom. Be sure to read the information on the seed packets.

The nuances of growing seedlings of cheerful dahlias

Annual dahlias “Merry Fellows” are very fond of light and warmth. They calmly tolerate a short drought, but without good lighting, the stems of the plant will be weak and elongated. Therefore, planting the Merry Fellows variety in the shade is not recommended. How to grow seedlings of “Jolly Fellows” for your site yourself? Of course, withstanding all the requirements of agricultural technology of annual dahlias. First of all, let’s talk about sowing seeds.

  1. Deadlines. When sowing dahlia seeds for seedlings, they try to withstand the early dates – the end of March, April. Sowing immediately into the ground is carried out after there is confidence that there will be no more frosts. Of course, direct sowing into the ground will delay flowering, but dahlias will have time to please you with their beauty. Plants sown directly into the soil will require close attention at first. Shoots are sheltered from a possible cold snap until they get stronger. Seedlings make it possible to accelerate the flowering of dahlias.
  2. seed. They buy seeds of “funny” dahlias in specialized stores or from their neighbors in the country. Often liked plants migrate from one area to another. Before sowing, the seeds can be held in a solution of aloe juice or formalin. But this is an optional procedure. “Cheerful” dahlia has excellent germination, and the seeds do not require additional preparation.
  3. Ground. For dwarf dahlias, loose, slightly acidic or neutral soil is suitable. When growing seedlings, it is better to prepare a mixture of sand, perlite and peat.
  4. Tanks for seedlings. Excellent help peat pots and tablets, paper or plastic cups, wooden boxes and pots.

We proceed directly to the procedure for sowing dahlia seeds.

  1. The soil is shed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or another disinfectant. If it is calcined, then it will only be better for plants. The prepared soil mixture is poured into containers. Lay out the seeds, lightly sprinkle with earth and water moderately.
  2. Repeated watering is carried out no earlier than 5-7 days later.
  3. The container is covered with glass or polyethylene – this will accelerate the germination of seeds. After the emergence of shoots, the film is removed.
  4. Thin out seedlings after a week.

Further care is to comply with the standard requirements for growing seedlings:

  • watering;
  • temperature regime (27°C) and lighting;
  • pick;
  • hardening.

For experienced flower growers, the “Jolly Fellows” dahlias, the cultivation of which we describe, are hassle-free flowers. Planting and caring for a dwarf variety does not cause any difficulties. Beginners in floriculture need to carefully monitor the seedlings of dahlias during the growing period in order to change the parameters in time.

We plant annuals in the ground and take care

The optimal time for landing is the end of May. At the place you have planned for planting flowers, prepare the soil in advance. Dig the site, loosen and fertilize with humus or compost.

Important! Do not use fresh manure or bird droppings for dahlias.

Seedlings are planted to a depth of no more than 2 cm. If you deepen the root system further, this can lead to decay of the root collar.

The landing pattern is maintained 30×20, be sure to keep a neat row. Add a little humus and wood ash to each well to provide the plants with useful components as much as possible. Variety “Merry Fellows” – lush flowers and require sufficient distance between the bushes. This rule can be omitted when sowing directly into the ground, given that you can always thin out the seedlings and transplant to another place.

Dahlia Merry Fellows: description, cultivation from seeds

Planted seedlings of “funny” dahlias are watered and mulched. This technique allows you to save moisture, reduce the number of waterings and reduce labor costs for gardeners.

A constant presence in the beds is not required, but the basic parameters for caring for “funny” dahlias will have to be fulfilled.


“Merry Fellows” do not impose increased requirements for watering. They withstand short drought well, but excessive moisture is undesirable for them. Therefore, weekly abundant watering is the best solution. It is not necessary to strictly follow the schedule in rainy weather. Waterlogging leads to rotting of stems and roots, plants may die. In August, plant growth stops, and the need for watering is significantly reduced.


If you previously fertilized the soil, then this will be quite enough for the Merry Fellows dahlias. The only condition is that the fertilizer must have time to decompose so that the nutrients become available to the roots. Therefore, fertilize the soil in the fall. If you need to get more lush flowering in the flower beds, carry out a three-time top dressing of dahlias:

  1. The first – infusion of mullein or ammonium nitrate two weeks after landing at a permanent place of residence.
  2. The second – with potassium salt or superphosphate after budding.
  3. The third is organic in the flowering phase of dahlias.
Important! Do not overfeed plants with nitrogen fertilizers. This will lead to a powerful growth of leaf mass, and you may not wait for flowering.

We decorate the site with bright flowers

In July, the “Merry Fellows” dahlias begin flowering, which continues until frost.

Dahlia Merry Fellows: description, cultivation from seeds

Knowing the height of the bush, you can plan plantings in flower beds, for decorating garden paths or bright spots on the lawn.

Dahlia Merry Fellows: description, cultivation from seeds

Advice! You can independently regulate the flowering period by pinching the side shoots.

This is done over the 4th pair of leaves. It is also necessary to remove faded inflorescences in a timely manner. If you are planning to harvest your seeds for next season, leave a few on the bush.

As soon as flowering stops, they will ripen. In cool weather, remove the inflorescences from the bush and put in a warm and ventilated place. But be sure to let the seeds ripen on the bush, so that next year you will not be left without your favorite flowers.

Attention! Some gardeners propagate the dwarf variety with tubers, although this is problematic for this variety.

“Jolly Fellows” hardly form good tubers for planting. It is important to carefully observe the timing of sowing and planting so that the tuber can form during the season. Dig them up after the first frost on the ground. Now we have to properly save the tubers of the “funny” dahlia until the new season. Some gardeners, after drying, coat them with clay to retain moisture, then place them in cardboard boxes and lower them into the basement. Be sure to sign shades of flowers in order to properly plan plantings for next year.

Dahlia Merry Fellows: description, cultivation from seeds

Tubers that survived the winter are planted in open ground in May.

Warning! The degeneration of the tubers of “jolly” dahlias begins after three years, therefore, the resumption of reproduction with the help of seeds is required.

Unpretentious dahlias “Merry Fellows” will help you create beautiful elegant flower beds on your site without spending much time, effort and money. Bright and lush flowering will make the site more elegant and comfortable.

Dahlias are annuals, undersized. Landing and care.

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