Dads invest the web!

Daddy blogs are on the rise!

Everyone knows moms blogs, these discussion spaces where mothers share the day to day joys and setbacks of their family life. In recent years, dads have also invested in this promising niche. His name is “Till the cat”, “Je suis papa”, “Papa poule” and they are determined to make their voices heard in a field that has long remained feminine. This generation of uninhibited dads, Till the cat, who defines himself as a “daddy blogger dinosaur”, almost saw him born. 8 years ago Benjamin Buhot decided to become a stay-at-home dad and it was only natural that he wanted to talk about his new, not always easy, job.. Seduced at the time by the trend of “Bad mom”, these mothers who dismantle the idyllic clichés of motherhood, Benjamin then tells his fatherhood with an offbeat and resolutely optimistic tone. First read by moms, Till the cat is quickly adopted by dads who appreciate being finally recognized through their parenthood. Benjamin Buhot also receives many messages from dads tempted by the experience of a stay-at-home father and who thank him for having paved the way.

Cool dads who claim their paternity loud and clear

The dads blogs are totally in line with this new generation of cool and confident dads. “Blogging is for these young fathers a way of talking to other men about fatherhood and all the upheavals it causes”, underlines Benjamin Buhot. From the birth of their wife to the latest diaper rash cream through their princess’ devouring passion for Frozen, Dads 3.0 straightforwardly tackle all the subjects that interest fathers… and mothers. Some tell about their daily life, others talk about their discoveries, test products. On “”, Olivier tells about his tribulations as a young dad in apprenticeship. He provides very specific advice on choosing childcare equipment and toys for children. To attract readers, he also relies on funny and sometimes impertinent content: “10 moments of loneliness when you have children”, “8 good reasons to lie to your children”. Multi-cap, it can be found on the Many men YouTube channel with practical videos. Who said men weren’t right to talk about disposable diapers? “”, Aka Sébastien Thomas, admits he is totally confused by his two daughters. “So I had to learn who Hello Kitty was, pink was a primary color and how to put on tights. I also became a fan of Kindergarten… ”, he warns straight away on his blog. Touching, he evokes his adventures with his “three women” with emotion and without taking himself seriously. “” Also does not have his tongue in his pocket. And it is in pictures that this young all-terrain father shares with us the wonderful world of parenthood.

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    Blog papa

A different tone, a common desire: inform parents

A tone, a different look, maybe less guilt than with mothers and even more spontaneity, that’s what makes the DNA of these blogs of fathers. There is no rivalry with mothers since it is very often they who make them known. Together, on the contrary, they endlessly multiply the parental blogosphere that parents today can no longer do without. The digital dads obviously share their adventures on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. For example, Simon Hooper, father of four girls (the oldest at 9, the youngest 6 and the twins 1 year), has 478 subscribers on his Instagram account, dedicated to his family. The stay-at-home father recounts his very ordinary daily life in pictures, which he makes twisting.

Like some moms, some start their own YouTube channel like. Today Benjamin Buhot has abandoned his hat of a stay-at-home father for that of web editor and author (Le journal de moi… Papa, Larousse). Because the magic of blogging is also that it allows you to bounce back to other activities more in line with your aspirations. On twitter, Till the cat brings together a growing community of young parents, but not only. He talks about school, games, but also TV, music, cooking… more general topics. “We can’t stay a 100% dad blog forever, otherwise we end up going in circles,” he says. Children grow up, concerns change. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in diapers and bottles. “

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