Fathers are entitled to leave for the birth of their child, but they often take it during their partner’s stay in the maternity hospital to complete the administrative formalities.
Conclusion, the mothers find themselves alone when they return home.
Suddenly, it’s all the more difficult for Dad to find a place in the duo that you form with your little one. He sometimes feels a little left out, especially if you are breastfeeding. If this is the case, involve him in the feeding, ask him to install the cushions, to stay with you …
Consider dividing up the tasks.
Example: if you are breastfeeding, he can change Baby and give him a bath.
Respect his differences
You have to trust him! Even if he doesn’t carry your child like you and looks awkward, he will learn little by little.
If he is afraid to take him in his arms, encourage him, a newborn baby is not that fragile! Finally, you should know that a dad is often more relaxed when he comes home from work because he has not had to take care of Baby all day. Entrust him Baby, he will be so proud to see that he calms down in his arms.
New dads want to get involved, so make room for them!