Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the tear sac, the area between the nostril and the eye and containing part of our tears. It is easily recognized by the presence of a red and hot swelling at the corner of the eye, sometimes painful. It can be treated by applying hot compresses, otherwise by antibiotic treatment (after consulting a doctor).
What is dacryocystitis?
Dacryocystitis is an infection of the tear sac, located on the side of the eye, which contains part of our tears. It is the most common tear pathology.
Dacryo = dakruon tear; Cystitis = kustis bladder
What is the tear sac for?
Normally, this bag is used to contain the tear fluid whose role is to moisten and therefore protect the cornea (at the back of our eye) as well as the inside of the nose (in the form of perspiration). Tear fluid is produced by the tear glands, located a little above the eye, connected to the tear sac, itself connected to the tear duct which connects it to the nasal cavity.
During an overproduction of liquid, as during an emotional shock, it overflows and flows along the places or even inside the nose: these are our tears (whose salty taste is linked to the mineral salts that ‘he carries).
What triggers dacryocystitis
Dacryocystitis in most cases starts when the nasal lacrimal duct is blocked, which can lead to inflammation of the tear sac. This obstruction can occur spontaneously, or following another pathology of the eye, or even a tumor in rare cases. Bacteria such as staphylococci or streptococci are usually the cause of the disease, hence the taking of antibiotic treatment.
The different forms of dacryocystitis
- Acute : The tear sac area is inflamed and causes pain for the patient, but is easily treated.
- Chronique : A cyst can form and promote the secretion of mucus from the lacrimal sac. Often coupled with conjunctivitis. In this case, a surgical incision may be necessary to burst the abscess.
A consultation with an ophthalmologist may reveal dacryocystitis following an examination of the tear sac. The doctor will press on the bag to confirm the release of mucus, in case of acute dacryocystitis.
Anyone can develop dacryocystitis, although it is most often found in children, coupled with conjunctivitis, or in adults over 60 years of age. There are no specific risk factors for dacryocystitis, apart from good general hygiene.
Symptoms of Dacryocystitis
- Pain
In the case of a acute dacryocystitis, the pain is sharp for the patient over the entire area of the lacrimal sac, on the lower eyelid.
- watering
Tears flow from the corner of the eye for no apparent reason (compared to emotional tears)
- Blushing
The area between the nostril and the corner of the eye shows more or less reddening in case of inflammation
- Edema
A small lump or swelling forms in the tear sac (between the nostril and the eye) on the lower eyelid.
- Secretion of mucus
In chronic dacryocystitis, obstruction of the lacrimal-nasal duct results in the secretion of mucus into the lacrimal sac. Mucus (viscous substance) can therefore come out of the eye in the same way as a tear, or during pressure.
How to treat dacryocystitis?
There are different ways to treat dacryocystitis, depending on the severity of the inflammation.
Antibiotic treatment
An ophthalmic doctor’s consultation may advise the patient to take a medicinal solution, based on antibiotics, to treat the inflammation within a few days. Antibiotic drops will be poured directly onto the swollen eye area.
Application of hot compresses
Applying a warm compress to the eye helps reduce inflammation or decrease the extent of edema.
Incision of the abscess and surgery
If the infection is not reduced enough, an eye specialist can directly cut the area of the swelling to release the mucus. In case of major obstruction of the nasal tear duct, surgery will be necessary (called dacryocystorhinostomy).
How to prevent dacryocystitis?
The infection can occur suddenly, there is no preventive means to avoid dacryocystitis, apart from a good overall hygiene of life!