Dacha in the Leningrad region: Dyatlov’s dacha, Boyarsky’s dacha, photo
And also the “cold” flower bed of Evgenia Igumnova and palace luxury on the site of Edita Piekha. We present the summer hit-parade of gardening achievements. In the top – only the stars and their favorite lands near St. Petersburg.
July 21 2016
Evgeny Dyatlov and Julia Dzherbinova: roses will not grow on their own
“There are always flowers on our site,” the spouses-actors tell. – In the spring there were daffodils, tulips of various types, peonies, and not bright red or fuchsia, as everyone is used to, but pale pink. We have creeping roses of the same color. They are the ones with the most problems. Some kind of forest moth always climbs on them, then someone else. Probably because they are the most beautiful.
With tulips it is much easier, only then you must remember to dig them up. Lilacs and conifers of various types also grow on the site. They are so cute, spreading. We select them, not even always knowing the name, just by their appearance, and plant them in separate heaps. Even this year there was a lot of black and red currants, my daughter Vasilisa and I collected them and ate them right there, and put the leftovers in the freezer. But the apples did not work for some reason.
We also started planting lettuce, dill and other greens. It’s so nice – I ran around the site, ripped it off and ate it. “
Star Council“At the dacha we try not to use “chemistry”, because it is dangerous for animals, and we have a dog. Therefore, hTo protect roses from pests, spray them with a solution of ordinary laundry soap at the rate of 100-200 g per 10 liters of water. “
Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian: lawn – and no worries
The spouses-actors are sure: the main thing at the dacha is “not to bathe”
“At some point we decided not to plant flowers at all – it was too troublesome. True, phloxes grow on the site. And tulips bloomed, but these are all unpretentious plants, they do not need special care. Previously, everything was done by an invited gardener, but this year we cut the lawn ourselves, and this is where our worries end.
We also made waterproofing of the site, changed the landscape a little. We go to the forest for berries, we don’t grow anything ourselves. “
Stellar advice: “Fumbling in the ground and equipping greenhouses is worth exactly as long as it brings joy. If not, don’t torture yourself. Let you just have a neat lawn and a clean, well-groomed area. “
Evgeniya Igumnova: etude in cold colors
“Every year my land is literally littered with apples. So I call all my friends to harvest. In general, the garden is very beautiful, with alpine slides. I insisted on keeping it cool and gradually we removed all the yellow, orange and red plants. Mainly blue and pink flowers remained.
Although I have a dream to plant red Canadian maple, it is also a cold, wine shade. Most of all I love irises and barberry, it is unpretentious and grows very quickly. We planted it two years ago, and now it is already huge, solid bushes – I think you can make compositions, hedges from them.
I got a vegetable garden from the previous owners, but I literally razed it to the ground and turned it into a lawn. Although in difficult times it will be possible to plant potatoes there again! “
Star Council: “If you do not have enough knowledge to arrange the garden of your dreams by yourself, trust a professional. I was lucky in my time, but finding a serious specialist is not easy. If you see a beautiful, well-groomed site – make inquiries about who is the author of this beauty, and invite him exactly. “
Edita Piekha: Versailles in gardening
“I have a forest, shrubs, and flowers on my site. I myself do not understand floriculture, and when I moved to live in the countryside, I entered into an agreement with a garden and park enterprise from Vsevolozhsk. They come to me twice a year, plant seedlings. The result suits me and inspires me.
Some people delight in digging in the ground, growing carrots, parsley, and before my eyes all the time there is beauty, flower beds with different flowers, green thuja, two arches braided with curly roses, one red, the other white. Some of the friends even said: “Yes, you have a little Versailles here!”
And the forestry allowed me to fence off a small area, on which I planted young trees. I got my own park, with a gazebo, with a canopy, and even my grandson and daughter gave me three tables and ten chairs – it’s a pity, guests rarely come to me. “
Stellar advice: “Plant flowers on the site. Beauty is a necessity, it should surround a person, charge him with positive energy, and from the very childhood. When I was 4 years old, we lived in France, and my dad, a miner, grew roses in his free time. He had at least six varieties of roses blooming on one bush. I still remember their smell. “