D. Karlin “The future is not what it used to be”

This book is very American from cover to cover, often funny and sometimes very angry. George Carlin (famous comedian and writer, winner of four Grammys) smashes political correctness, and politicians, and everyone who gets on his tongue, without hesitation in expressions.

This book is very American from cover to cover, often funny and sometimes very angry. George Carlin (famous comedian and writer, winner of four Grammys) smashes to smithereens both political correctness, and politicians, and everyone who gets on his tongue, not embarrassed in expressions (which are translated into Russian in full without defaults). Well, it’s nice to know that “they” also have a lot of stupidity, while it’s nice to understand that whoever the author calls “morons”, it’s definitely not us, at least due to geography. But sometimes things get out of hand. Somehow, unexpectedly, many similarities are found in our and American way of life. And the author continues – and puts the chosen landmarks into question. “A country whose thoughts are on jet skis and SUVs, snowboards, jacuzzi pornography, sanitary pads and penis enlargement, liposuction, thongs and scented insoles, has no prayer – not even the old condo Christian prayer – against the billion fanatics who hate her, despise her materialism and who, in general, have nothing lose.” Of course, this is about the United States. Novopros, and what our own thoughts are occupied with, arises somehow by itself …


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