D. Chopra “Become younger, live longer. 10 steps of rejuvenation»

Get enough sleep, meditate, exercise, eat a varied and balanced diet, constantly learn new things, laugh more often, fill your life with love, compassion and spend more time with your loved ones. Here are the secrets to a long life.

Get enough sleep, meditate, exercise, eat a varied and balanced diet, constantly learn new things, laugh more often, fill your life with love, compassion and spend more time with your loved ones. Combined, these actions can “reduce our biological age by 15 years. After all, a person is a plexus of energy, information and mind, capable of transformation and renewal,” Deepak Chopra is sure. The hereditary doctor of Ayurveda emigrated from India to the USA in 1968, where he received his medical education. His simple recommendations are unlikely to become a revelation for a reader savvy in the matter of a healthy lifestyle. But, as we well know, the most difficult thing is to start applying the recommendations: first, find a place in life for these pleasant and useful activities, and then, day after day, engage in them consciously, finding pleasure in it. In the preface, Dick Chopra warns: “It is better to read the book at least twice so as not to miss anything. But even this will not be enough. The main thing is to do it.” Perhaps it is this book, systematized and understandable, written by one of the most respected “non-traditional” doctors in the world, that will be able to push for transformative changes.

Sofia, 320 p.

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