Dąbrowska’s diet – rules, menu, advantages and disadvantages of using a fruit and vegetable diet

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He has as many followers as opponents. And although it is thanks to her that both celebrities and ordinary mortals lose unnecessary weight, experts alarm: fruit and vegetable fasting is not healthy for our body. Do spectacular metamorphoses really come at the cost of deteriorating health? We dispel doubts about Dr. Dąbrowska’s diet.

Who is Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska?

Ewa Dąbrowska, a physician by profession, specialist in internal diseases, is the author of a restrictive detoxification diet, which is to “force” the body to use its reserves, and thus – to excrete excess water and get rid of toxins. Dr. Dąbrowska’s diet propagates partial or total postwhich, according to the rules, should have a positive effect on the condition of our body.

Dr. Dąbrowska developed it based on her scientific works on civilization diseases and their treatment with the help of nutrition. It was they who became the pretext for creation vegetable and fruit dietwhich detoxifies the body and affects the body’s defenses, reversing its effects in autoimmune diseases. Dr Ewa Dąbrowska is also a less popular author Daniel’s dietwhich is considered a half-starvation. The fasting Daniela it improves digestion and cleanses the body of toxins.

Według assumptions of the Dąbrowska diet, while using it, it is only allowed to eat low-starch vegetables and some fruits. Main the purpose of Dąbrowska’s diet is cleansing the body of toxins, improving health and vitality, and improving the quality of sleep. In addition, the diet assumes that by removing diseased cells, it is able to prevent the formation of cancer and civilization diseases, while extending life and improving its quality.

Principles of Dąbrowska’s diet

Dąbrowska’s diet it really is fruit and vegetable fastwhich is currently used as a two-step process weight loss program. Its initial assumption was to get rid of toxins from the body of a person who followed the diet. Losing kilograms was supposed to be only a side effect of its use.

Healing fasting, as Dr. Dąbrowska’s diet is often called, is based on eating only fruits and vegetables throughout the duration of the diet. After completing the diet, our menu should be based only on vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains and nuts.

The entire period of the diet should last about 6 weeks. During this cleansing diet we eat three main meals and two snacks with a total calorific value ranging from 400 to 600 kcal. The meals must only consist of vegetables and some fruit. The vegetables that should be on the menu belong to the group of vegetables:

  1. bulbous: onion, leek;
  2. deciduous: all herbs and lettuce;
  3. cucurbits: cucumbers, zucchini;
  4. cruciferous: broccoli, cauliflower;
  5. nightshades: all except potatoes;
  6. root: beetroot, radish, carrot, parsley.

Among the fruits, you can only find apples, grapefruits, lemons and blueberries.

Meals prepared with these products should be as little processed as possible. This means that they can at best be baked or steamed. We do not use salt, and we use natural herbs for seasoning. When it comes to drinks, we can reach for still water, natural herbal teas and vegetable decoctions.

Roof restrictive diet it has the task of accurately above all cleanse the bodyresulting in the restoration of our body’s ability to heal itself. Since fruit and vegetables used in the diet are powerful antioxidants, they regenerate, cleanse and rejuvenate all the cells that make up our body.

Since the diet consists of low-calorie meals, the digestive processes called endogenous digestion. It consists in using the deposits and damaged tissues in the body as a source of energy. In a normal diet, the body’s energy source is the carbohydrate, fat and protein obtained from food.

The author of the diet believes that the processed foods that make up most of us diets lead to the fact that our intestines, overloaded with chemical constituents, begin to “leak”. As a result, the immune system becomes clogged and can no longer distinguish what is at risk. As a result, it does not recognize diseases that develop in the body, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes or joint diseases.

Advantages of the Dąbrowska diet

The undoubted advantage of using the Dąbrowska diet is the easy preparation of meals that make up the daily menu. Most of them require only peeling, cutting or grating vegetables, and in the case of dinner – cooking or baking them. The preparation process is therefore limited to only a few minutes.

Another advantage is rapid weight loss. This is a positive “side effect” of the diet, especially for those who are struggling with overweight and obesity on a daily basis and cannot lose unnecessary kilograms. The most spectacular weight loss we observe especially in the first weeks when we get rid of substances that are residual in the body. In many cases, by giving up protein, fats and carbohydrates, the skin condition improves and the figure looks slimmer, because water is not retained in the body tissues.

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The most important advantage of the Dąbrowska diet is getting rid of many health ailments. Improving the condition of the skin, cleansing the body of toxins, strengthening immunity and getting rid of ailments from the digestive system are just some of them. Properly managed Dąbrowska’s diet is able to inhibit or even reverse the development of certain diseases, such as asthma, migraine, allergy or Hashimoto’s disease. Numerous studies have proven that Dr. Dąbrowska’s diet can bring relief to many women in menstrual discomfort.

Indications for the use of the Dąbrowska diet

Dr. Dąbrowska’s diet is intended primarily for those who are fed up with their current diet, feel tired, heavy and overeated. Diet cleansing the body it will improve the metabolism, remove the deposits in the intestines from the body, and we will start to feel fresh and light. The fruit and vegetable diet is also recommended for people who struggle with extra kilos. In addition, the Dąbrowska diet is recommended for use by people struggling with many diseases on a daily basis, including:

  1. Hashimoto’s disease;
  2. weakened immunity and frequent viral, bacterial and fungal infections associated with it;
  3. allergy, asthma, food intolerance;
  4. menstrual disorders;
  5. the onset of menopause;
  6. hypothyroidism;
  7. ovarian and uterine fibroids and cysts;
  8. neurological problems, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, neurosis, memory impairment, epilepsy, previous stroke;
  9. diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombosis.

Fruit and vegetable fast it is also worth using in the case of dermatological problems. Acne lesions, atopic dermatitis or psoriasis can worsen if our daily diet is not balanced and consists of highly processed products. The use of a diet and the subsequent change of eating habits will significantly improve the skin condition.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

Disadvantages of the Dąbrowska diet

Like any diet, Dr. Dąbrowska’s fruit and vegetable fasting has its drawbacks. What nutritionists most often accuse him of is too low calorific value. The daily diet balance of 400-600 kcal is definitely not enough, especially when we lead a normal lifestyle, go to work, take care of children or clean. It is also not enough to provide the body with the necessary nutrients. The diet excludes the use of salt or fats, and these are known to be necessary for the proper functioning of the body, carrying out many biochemical processes and the absorption of vitamins.

Another disadvantage of the Dąbrowska diet is small number of meals. Fasting assumes that we only eat three meals a day. The first one should be on our plate no earlier than 2 hours after getting out of bed, but not earlier than 9 am. We have the second meal, which should be lunch, at 14 p.m. and dinner at 19 p.m. Many experts believe that eating three meals a day is definitely not enough. It is true that the diet assumes that we can eat an apple between meals, but this does not solve the problem – in the long run it can lead to dizziness, fainting and general weakness of the body.

Negative the effect of Dr. Dąbrowska’s diet is a dysregulation of metabolism and a slowdown in the metabolic rate. It often shows up after the end of the “treatment” effect jo-jo and problems with the digestion of certain foods. Applying the Dąbrowska diet It also does not encourage an active lifestyle, while it is best to limit the frequency of exercise. Of course, it helps with weight loss that many people care about, but weight loss, in addition to fat tissue, also affects muscles.

Many doctors are also concerned about possible side effects such as weakness, loss of immunity, headaches, joint pain, hormonal and thermoregulation disorders, diarrhea, and hair loss. Long-term use of such a diet, without the supervision of a specialist, may lead to the destruction of the body.


Dr. Dąbrowska argues that we are able to cure most diseases on our own by introducing appropriate nutrition and creating favorable conditions for our body. However, doctors are concerned that this may lead to people who require pharmacological treatment starting to do it on their own.

Contraindications to the use of the Dąbrowska diet

As Dr. Dąbrowska’s diet is low in calories and requires eating few meals, it should not be used by pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding. Fruit and vegetable fasting is also not recommended for people suffering from type 1 diabetes, kidney disease, cancer, liver disease, anemia, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases as well as tuberculosis and hyperthyroidism. Such a radical low-calorie diet is also not recommended for people struggling with depression, genetic diseases and diseases related to eating disorders, such as bulimia and anorexia.


It should also be remembered that before deciding to start a diet, we should consult a doctor. This is especially true for people who are chronically ill and who use medications on a daily basis – the low caloric value can make the side effects of their use much greater.

Stages of Dąbrowska’s diet

Dr. Dąbrowska’s diet consists of two stages: detoxification and quitting the diet. The first stage usually lasts 10 to 40 days, during which we consume 400-600 kcal. How long we are on a diet and how high its caloric content is depends primarily on our needs and what effect we want to achieve.

At this stage, the menu should only consist of permitted vegetables and fruits. We do not use any spices, unless they are fresh or dried herbs. We eat vegetables raw or cooked in the form of soup or stew. However, it must be remembered that all fat, including the one in the form of yoghurt or cream, is prohibited. At this stage of the diet, we drink 3 liters of fluid. These can be still water, herbal teas and unsweetened fruit teas.

Characteristic for Dr. Dąbrowska’s diet is the so-called recovery crisis, i.e. the moment during dieting, when vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and body weakness may occur. These symptoms are the result of detoxifying the body. However, if they last for more than three days, you should consult your doctor immediately.

The second stage of Dąbrowska’s diet it’s getting out of the diet. This is the time when we slowly start introducing additional products to the menu. Fruits and vegetables allowed in the first stage are still the basis, but we also enrich them with others, adding nuts, dairy products, and groats and grains. We use these products to prepare balanced, valuable meals. Highly processed products are still absolutely forbidden.

In fact, how long it will take us to get out of the diet is entirely up to us. We can also use this stage forever, treating it as a change in eating habits. However, we should remember that if we return to the habits from before its application after leaving the diet, the effect of fasting will be short-lived and will certainly end with a return to the previous weight.

Dąbrowska’s diet – a sample menu

Day 1.


  1. Carrot juice;
  2. Salad with tomato, pickled cucumber, onion, and chives.


  1. Carrot fries;
  2. Green Pea Soup;
  3. Celery, carrot and apple salad;
  4. Herbal tea.


  1. Apple Muse;
  2. Boiled beetroot and apple salad;
  3. Lemon balm tea.

Day 2.


  1. Beetroot juice;
  2. Celery salad with tomatoes and peppers;
  3. Baked apple.


  1. Vegetable cream soup;
  2. grapefruit;
  3. Peppers stuffed with vegetables;
  4. Cherry compote.


  1. Cucumber Salad with Peppers, Mint and Onions;
  2. Apple Muse;
  3. Carrot juice.

Day 3.


  1. Pickled beetroot borscht;
  2. Boiled cauliflower salad with dill and chives;
  3. Apple juice.


  1. Vegetable burgers with tomato sauce;
  2. Green bean soup;
  3. Baked apple;
  4. Sauerkraut juice.


  1. Boiled beetroot salad;
  2. Carrot juice;
  3. Baked tomatoes with onions and herbs.

Dąbrowska’s diet – recipes

Carrot fries

Ingredients: 4 medium carrots, cinnamon, salt and favorite herbs.

Preparation: Peel the carrots and cut them into French fries. Then they should be poured with cold water, drained from the water and put into a container. We add our favorite spices, herbs, cinnamon and salt, and then mix thoroughly so that the fries are well covered with our spices. Next, we cover the baking tray with baking paper and evenly place the fries on it. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius until golden brown.

Vegetable burgers

Ingredients: 1 large onion, 1 cauliflower, 2 large carrots, parsley root, dried parsley (2 teaspoons), teaspoon of marjoram, freshly chopped chives (4 tablespoons), salt, pepper, granulated garlic, turmeric, sweet pepper.

Preparation: Cut the cauliflower into two unequal parts (cook most of it until tender). Dice the onions, and then mix with the cooked cauliflower until mush. Then grate the carrots, parsley and the rest of the cauliflower on a large-mesh grater. Successively mix everything with the previously blended cauliflower and season to taste as desired. Knead until all ingredients are combined. Shape the burgers and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes.

Tomato Passat

Ingredients: 5 kg of tomatoes, 3 tablespoons of salt and about 10-15 cloves of garlic.

Preparation: Boil the water in a pot, then put the tomatoes in the boiling water. After about a minute, take out the tomatoes and peel them, then peel and remove the stalks. Put the chopped tomatoes in a pot, add salt and possibly garlic, then bring to a boil. Boil the tomatoes for about 5 minutes so that they can gently bubble during this time. Put the tomato mass into the prepared and scalded jars, then close the jars, place them upside down and leave to cool for 12 hours, covering with a cloth or blanket.

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Dąbrowska’s diet – opinions

Generally, opinions on Dr. Dąbrowska’s diet are positive. Please note that this is not the case slimming dietand cleansing, but most people praise it for the weight loss effect. Of course, among the opinions expressed, you can also find those that claim that Dr. Dąbrowska’s diet did not help, and even harmed. Such a situation may take place, but most often in people who, before starting the fast, did not perform the appropriate tests and did not consult a doctor about their willingness to start a diet. The vast majority of people using the diet of Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska pay attention to the improvement of the skin, the disappearance of ulcers and the reduction of excess cholesterol. The small amount of calories that we deliver to the body during fasting causes our body to activate a substitute internal nutrition.

Also read:

  1. Fast food: is there a healthy fast food and is pizza also fast food?
  2. Do you want to start a diet? Check what research is worth doing beforehand
  3. What happens to your body when you drink green tea?

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