Czech Amber Lager

A distinctive feature of the style is a bright malt note. Hop bitterness is also felt, but its intensity depends on the manufacturer and can be extremely moderate, almost absent. Also, the bouquet may show nuances of toast, caramel, sweets, spices, fruits, berries. A diacetyl note is allowed.

The color is rich, bright. The drink is clear, not cloudy. Forms a stable creamy foam in the glass.

The taste is always malty, although the shades depend on the producer: in some representatives of the style, the bouquet is dry, tart, in others it is sweet, with distinct caramel tones. Hop background.

On the tongue, the beer feels round, slightly creamy, and medium-bodied. Carbonation is light, there is no “carbonation” effect.

Czech Amber Lager is an interpretation of the Viennese style that has undergone local changes. At home, the drink is called polotmavé pivo.

Two types of hops are taken as the basis: Pils and caramel, however, the use of Vienna and Munich hops is also allowed. Hops and lager yeast must be exclusively of Czech origin. The result is a beer with a rich, full-bodied bouquet, a bit like a premium Czech pale lager, but more malty. Compared to the Viennese lager, on the contrary, Saaz hops are felt in the taste, and the style differs from the English bitter by a pronounced caramel profile.

Czech Amber Lager

Strength: 4.4-5.8%.

Density: initial 1.044-1.060, final 1.013-1.017.

Bitterness Index: 20-35 IBU.

Color: 10-16 SRM.

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