CZD: A six-year-old boy regained consciousness after a liver transplant

A six-year-old boy who underwent a liver transplant a week ago due to toadstool poisoning regained consciousness on Wednesday. He began to breathe on his own and talks with doctors – Paweł Trzciński, spokesman for the Children’s Health Center in Międzylesie, confirmed PAP.

Information about the condition of Tom appeared a few minutes after hours. 14.00 on the profile of the facility on Facebook.

The CZD spokesman told PAP that the fact that Tomek makes verbal contact with doctors proves that his brain is functioning properly.

More information about the boy’s health will be provided by the doctors who are caring for him during the press briefing scheduled for today at 15.30 in CZD in Międzylesie.

More than a week ago, Tomek underwent a liver transplant operation. His own was damaged by toadstool poisoning. Last Tuesday, doctors performed a surgery to close the abdominal integuments (PAP).

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