Cystoscopy – indications, price, course of examination. What are the complications?

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Cystoscopy is an endoscopy of the urinary bladder, which is used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary system. Many people are concerned about this test because it uses a cystoscope to view the lower urinary tract through the speculum. It is not a very pleasant, but definitely important test, especially in people who regularly suffer from urinary tract diseases.

Indications for the examination

There are many indications for cystoscopy. First of all, they are long-term diseases of the urinary system, which, despite treatment, do not disappear – especially pain symptoms that do not respond to treatment, urinary tract infections, irritation of the urinary system or high intensity of other disease symptoms. Cystoscopy is also performed with haematuria to confirm or rule out bladder cancer. This examination is also performed in the case of urolithiasis or suspected malformations of the urethra and bladder. Also in the case of irritation of the urinary system after surgery, e.g. in the pelvic area, cystoscopy is indicated.

However, it is not only a diagnostic test – it also enables endoscopic removal of some bladder tumors, e.g. bladder papilloma. Multiple cystoscopy will remove such a tumor or crush and remove stones in the bladder. In addition, in this way, you can also administer the contrast directly to the urinary system to improve the accuracy of X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging, and thus obtain a more accurate picture of what is happening in the urinary system.

Cystoscopy – price and waiting time for the examination

Cystoscopy is a test reimbursed by the National Health Fund. However, how long it takes to perform it depends on the queue in a specific hospital or health center. Sometimes it is several days and sometimes several weeks. However, this study can also be done privately. The price of a cystoscopy depends on several factors, but it usually costs from PLN 200.

How is the test performed and do you need to prepare?

A cystoscopy is a test in which your doctor uses a speculum to look at your urinary tract. Such a speculum is inserted through the urethra, so cystoscopy hurts. However, anesthesia is administered to reduce pain and discomfort. Before the examination, it is necessary to empty the bladder, wash the perineum, and especially the urethra, to minimize the risk of infection.

Depending on the type of anesthesia, your doctor may recommend that you come to the test without food or drink. Especially when it is general anesthesia, although short intravenous, epidural or spinal anesthesia may also be used, depending on the purpose of the examination – e.g. when it is a short examination during a routine visit, a different type of anesthesia is used. General anesthesia is most often used in children and hospitalization for several days is required after the examination.

Possible complications after cystoscopy

As with any invasive examination, complications may arise after cystoscopy. First of all, it is discomfort felt for a few days after the examination, but it usually disappears on its own. Complications may include discomfort when urinating, increased pressure on the bladder, burning sensation in the urethra, more frequent urination, hematuria, and even urinary tract infection. In extreme cases, the urethra and even the bladder may be damaged.

Name of the study Cystoscopy
Introduction – what is this research / what the research is for Cystoscopy, or endoscopy of the urinary bladder, is used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary system. It involves using a cystoscope to view the lower urinary tract through the speculum. It is not a pleasant, but definitely important test, especially in people who regularly suffer from urinary tract diseases.
Indications for the examination Long-term diseases of the urinary system, unresponsive to the treatment of pain, urinary tract infections, irritation of the urinary system, hematuria, to confirm or rule out bladder cancer, urolithiasis, suspected malformations of the urethra and bladder, irritation of the urinary system after surgery
Standards x
Interpreting the results (at least basic) x
How is the test going After anesthesia, the doctor uses a speculum inserted through the urethra to check the condition of the urinary system.
How to prepare for the test Fasting under general anesthesia, empty bladder, good perineal and urethral hygiene
Information to be reported prior to testing Allergies to anesthetic drugs
How to behave after the examination Rest
Possible complications after the examination Discomfort felt for a few days after the examination, pain while urinating, increased pressure on the bladder, burning sensation in the urethra, more frequent urination, haematuria, urinary tract infection. In extreme cases, the urethra and even the bladder may be damaged.
Other important (if any) x

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