Cystitis – causes, symptoms, treatment. Cystitis medications

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Cystitis manifests itself in a very unpleasant way. It is accompanied by increased temperature, muscle pain and malaise. Sometimes other ailments also join us, forcing us to constantly run to the toilet. Is it still a typical infection or is it cystitis?

What is cystitis?

Cystitis is inflammation caused by bacteria and microbes. People suffering from this condition have an increased need to urinate due to constant fluid intake. During cystitis, most sufferers drink a large amount of various warming drinks. Herbs are sometimes also diuretic.

While drinking a lot of fluids during cystitis requires a person to urinate more often, this does not mean they should limit their drinks. On the contrary, you need to hydrate your body when treating cystitis. If the disease is not accompanied by urinary or kidney problems, it should not be alarming.

Cystitis usually occurs through the urethra. Bacteria spread more easily into the bladder in women. This is due to the proximity of the mouth of the urethra to the anus and vagina. Many women may suffer from this ailment many times during their life. The urinary tract of a healthy person is sterile and does not contain any germs or microbes.

Prophylactically and as support for treatment, it is worth using Ecological Cranberry Juice, which you can buy at Medonet Market. It is available in packs of 270 ml or 3 liters. You can also choose capsules formulations such as Cranberry Viridian Extract.

What are the causes of cystitis?

In most cases of infection, it is caused by E. coli (Escherichia coli). The bacteria is found naturally in the body and is also present in the stool. Its presence in the digestive tract does not pose a threat, but when it enters the bladder and adheres to its walls, it will cause cystitis. If the patient starts treatment too late, bacteria can spread to the kidneys.

Coliform (Escherichia coli) can enter the urinary tract, e.g. through the urethra. It is enough for a person to use a contaminated towel or to improperly carry out hygiene activities. Cystitis can be caused by sitting on cold stones, walls, etc. Moreover, sitting on the beach in a wet swimsuit can also be the cause.

In some cases, the cause of cystitis is casual sexual intercourse without the use of a condom. It is easier for bacteria to enter the urethra during intercourse. Sometimes, during sex, the mucosa of the urethra is rubbed, which also promotes the reproduction of germs. The development of bacteria is also favored by sweating and overheating of the intimate areas.

The use of scented bath products can cause inflammation, in addition to infection with colonic bacilli. Intimate deodorants in particular pose a threat. In some women, cystitis is caused by vaginal contraceptives and tampons.

For the bladder and urinary tract – you can buy herbal and fruit tea at Medonet Market. Its regular use will improve the condition of the urinary tract.

Symptoms of cystitis in adults

Women usually suffer from cystitis because, unlike men, their urethra is five times shorter, so germs can penetrate the bladder faster. One of the main symptoms of the disease is frequent, sometimes even constant urge to urinate. It is accompanied by sharp pain and burning during micturition. In the acute stages of cystitis, the patient passes a small amount of urine.

Sometimes the only symptom of cystitis is bacteriuria, characterized by the presence of bacteria in the urinary tract. The patient’s urine is then dark in color and has a specific smell. A sick person may experience lower back pain and abdominal pain. It is often accompanied by low-grade fever and fever.

To find out if you have urinary problems, do the Urinary Tract Infection Home Test for Children and Adults. You can buy this study safely and conveniently on Medonet Market.

Cystitis in a child

Cystitis in a child has different symptoms than in an adult. It is one of the most common bacterial infections. It can be problematic to recognize, especially in the youngest. Unlike adults, boys are more likely to get cystitis. However, among older children, more girls were diagnosed with the disease.

The cause of the disease in a child is also the mentioned Escherichia coli bacterium. Factors contributing to the occurrence of infection may be, for example, a defect in the urinary system or the presence of urinary tract infection in other family members. Nevertheless, the disease may result in neglect of personal hygiene.

A symptom of cystitis in a child is pain and burning sensation accompanying urination. In children, as in adults, haematuria and purulent discharge from the urethra may appear. Other symptoms of cystitis in children are abdominal pain and small amounts of urine.

Want to reduce the risk of cystitis? Reach for freeze-dried cranberries for available weight, which has a positive effect on the urinary system.

Cystitis – consequences and therapy

The disease is not dangerous if it is diagnosed and treated early. However, failure to take appropriate measures can lead to chronic disease and serious complications, including nephritis. After noticing the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately see a doctor. A sick bladder can be treated both at home and with antibiotics or sulfonamides with a wide range of effects.

Treatment of cystitis with antibiotics takes 7 to 10 days. Although the patient will feel relieved a few hours after taking the first dose, it is inadvisable to stop the treatment. Otherwise, the bacteria will become resistant to the antibiotic. The consequence will be a relapse of the disease with doubled strength. Even after the disease symptoms have disappeared, several days after starting the treatment, it will be advisable to perform urinalysis again.

Prophylactically and as an auxiliary in treatment, reach for Cystitis – a herbal mixture available in an economical package containing 500g of dried herbs.

Cystitis medications

Cystitis medications are also available over the counter. However, they should not be taken by people with extensive urinary tract infection, because other preparations may be more helpful in their case. Cystitis medications include: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, herbs such as chamomile and birch extract can also help you urinate.

A proven remedy for cystitis is cranberry extract. Children are most often treated with it. The extract is available without a prescription. Thanks to it, bacteria do not adhere to the walls of the bladder and the process of excretion of microorganisms from the urinary tract takes place. The presence of vitamin C in cranberries acidifies the urine, which also reduces the multiplication of bacteria. However, even before using cranberry extract, check with your doctor or pharmacist.

At Medonet Market you can also buy 100% Natjun cranberry juice, which is currently at a promotional price.

Natural remedies for cystitis also include:

  1. goldenrod,
  2. common juniper,
  3. black currant,
  4. pumpkin seeds,
  5. parsley,
  6. bearberry.

Goldenrod is appreciated for its diuretic effect. It is a natural remedy for cystitis because it can significantly accelerate the urination process. The common juniper works in a similar way, which additionally is a rich source of flavonoids. Blackcurrant stimulates the body’s natural defenses needed to reduce pathogens. Parsley and pumpkin seeds also have a strong diuretic effect.

As an adjuvant in the treatment of cystitis, you can also drink wild strawberry leaf tea.

In order to prevent secondary superinfection during the infection period, we should take special care of hygiene of intimate places. For washing, it is best to use intimate hygiene fluids, especially those containing live bacteria. They maintain the natural pH of the skin and mucous membranes, have strong bactericidal, viral and fungicidal properties, and at the same time do not cause irritation.

  1. Antifungal intimate hygiene fluid: check the offer
  2. Intimate hygiene fluid with lactic acid: check the offer
  3. Gynecological anti-infection fluid: check the offer
  4. Intimate wipes with chamomile: check the offer

Cystitis in pregnancy

It is one of the most common ailments among pregnant women. In most cases, the cause is bacterial infection. The symptoms can be bothersome, although many mothers-to-be suffer from cystitis without any symptoms. A urinary tract infection is signaled by pain in the lower abdomen and frequent passing of small amounts of urine. There may be blood or a thick discharge in the urine of a pregnant woman.

Cystitis in pregnancy results from the greater susceptibility of the pregnant woman to infections. Some of the ladies believe that this is even the first harbinger of pregnancy. Treatment of the disease in this case should take place under the supervision of the attending physician. In some cases, he or she may order an abdominal ultrasound scan.

Pregnant women suffering from cystitis are most often treated with oral antibiotics. However, not all medicines can be used as some may harm your baby. As in the case of non-pregnant women, treatment takes about 7 days.

Home treatments for cystitis in pregnancy include drinking, for example, cranberry juice, blackcurrant or chokeberry. It is also advisable to drink plenty of sugar-free water.

Bladder colds – prevention

First of all, you should follow the basic rules of personal hygiene. It is worth giving up fragranced cosmetics for intimate places – because, unlike unscented ones – they can irritate the mucosa. It is inadvisable to use other people’s underwear and swimwear. When wiping down the toilet, use clean disposable towels and always wash your hands.

Proper diet is no less important in the prevention of bladder colds. Spicy herbs, alcohol and coffee are detrimental to the bladder. In the case of the latter two, it does not mean that you should completely give them up, but it is worth at least limiting their consumption. Both nutritionists and doctors recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water a day on a regular basis.

Natural dietary supplements also support the urinary system. A wide range of this type of products can be found at Medonet Market. Find the best preparation for you.

A sore bladder is a harbinger of what?

A aching bladder is usually one of the symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Urethral infections are the most common in men; in women, to inflammation of the bladder. Disorders may result not only from morphological defects, but also from hormonal disorders, inflammations and even mental disorders. A aching bladder can indicate either an underactive or overactive organ.

Why shouldn’t you underestimate your bladder?

Although cystitis in many cases proceeds without complications, there is a group of people in whom a transplanted bladder can cause more serious diseases. This applies to people with urinary tract defects. Elderly people suffering from diabetes or heart failure are also at risk. Acute cystitis can cause, for example, pyonephrosis, urosepsis and chronic nephritis.

Means from the pharmacy – pharmacological treatment of cystitis

There are also other herbal preparations available in pharmacies to help fight the infection. Preparations with furaginum are also effective. Below are our suggestions for over-the-counter remedies. Remember to consult your doctor or pharmacist before using them.

  1. Cystitis pills with furagin: check the offer
  2. Pumpkin seed bladder capsules: check the offer
  3. Herbal tea for a healthy bladder and kidneys: check the offer
  4. Cranberry extract capsules: check the offer

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Intimate infections – similar symptoms, different causes
  2. When the bladder fails- urinary incontinence
  3. How to treat recurrent urinary tract infections?

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