As experts admit, problems of a sexual nature among Russians were already a frequent occurrence, but with the advent of the pandemic, the situation only worsened.

When the first wave of coronavirus around the world just began, social networks were full of memes on the topic of sex: people came up with poses with a distance of one and a half meters, and argued whether the boyfriend should pay a woman for a date with a PCR test. Now that the hype has died down, you can really laugh at such jokes, but you should still take them with a grain of salt: urologists, gynecologists and sexologists report that there are more problems in sexual terms. And the Russians too.

According to an American study published in The World Journal of Men’s Health, coronavirus persists in the tissues of the penis for a long time after recovery, which can lead to erectile dysfunction. Early research showed that the virus invades testicular tissue and may affect male fertility in general. From all this it follows: potentially the virus can be transmitted sexually. In men, prostatitis is also often exacerbated – and with more or less normal analyzes, pain syndromes intensify.

But not only men turn to doctors with complaints about the health of the genitals: in some girls, after suffering from coronavirus, chronic cystitis is exacerbated. For example, it used to be twice a year, but now it doesn’t go by for several months.

The psychological factor also plays an important role. And in case of breathing problems during illness and during the rehabilitation period, there are no thoughts, not only about sex, but also about any other everyday things.

“Against the backdrop of negative news and general feelings of anxiety, stress increases even more in people prone to anxiety. People who feel more or less stable develop anxiety. Any nervous experience practically kills sex drive. A person does not want sex when he is depressed, when he is nervous, ”says sexologist Denisov-Melnikov.

Urologists even joke with each other: before it was necessary to prove to the doctor that you have a coronavirus, and now – that you do not have a coronavirus. It will be possible to return everything to its former course only when the world takes off its masks and learns to keep the coronavirus under control.

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