Cystic acne

Cystic acne is a type of inflammatory acne that has deep cystic lesions. These cysts are filled with purulent and bloody content inside. Hormonal disorders and sometimes excessive sweating are the factors influencing the appearance of symptoms. The likelihood of acne scarring is very high.

What is cystic acne?

Cystic acne is one of the most dangerous types of acne. The condition is very easy to diagnose as it is characterized by the formation of skin lesions in the form of pus-filled cysts similar to boils (cysts are the most serious skin lesion found in acne). Lesions can appear singly or in groups (sometimes they merge with each other). At first they are small, but with time they begin to grow up to several centimeters. Cystic acne is much more common in men than in women, because androgens (male sex hormones) are responsible for the formation of painful acne lesions. People struggling with this ailment often develop low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence, which results in difficult interpersonal contacts. Attention! Do not squeeze or scratch the resulting purulent lesions.

For acne-prone skin, we recommend using Sevolium Cream for oily, acne-prone and spotty skin, which you can buy at a favorable price at Medonet Market.

Cystic acne – causes

At the root of cystic acne is the intense activity of the sebaceous glands, which causes the secretion of a large amount of sebum, and thus – keratinization of the epidermis of the sebaceous glands. The layers of keratinized epidermis begin to overlap and close the exit duct. The consequence of this situation is the formation of blackheads, which are a non-inflammatory form of acne. However, the bacteria that accumulate on the surface of the skin thrive and cause inflammation.

Thus, the main factor of the disease is considered to be the hormonal balance and the genetic background – if your parents struggled with acne, it is very likely that it will attack you as well. Cystic acne can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. However, it is more common in teenage boys and young men.

For the care of acne skin, you can try the Carbon natural soap for acne skin Mydlarnia FOUR SPACES or Olive-laurel sulfur cleansing soap Surgras Aleppo Soap Co. by Tadé. Both soaps are available at discounted prices on the Medonet Market.

What is cystic acne manifested?

People suffering from cystic acne complain of the formation of cystic lesions. Nodular lesions are felt under the skin as hard and painful. Unfortunately, the bumps heal very hard and leave unsightly scars, often irregularly shaped, in most patients. Cystic acne is most often located on the face, armpits and buttocks. Facial ones are relatively easy to heal, but unfortunately they recur more often. Cystic-nodular lesions destroy healthy skin tissue, so they should not be touched or squeezed out, as this can lead to the spread of acne and the formation of scarring. Many patients wonder if scarring can be prevented. Yes, it is possible, but only with aggressive treatment.

IMPORTANT: Usually, purulent cysts aren’t contagious unless they’re occupied by bacteria. Then the acne still cannot pass to the person who is in contact with the sick person, but using the same towels already creates such an opportunity.

If you have an acne problem, reach for our Daily Acne Soothing lotion. It regulates the production of sebum, soothes irritations and accelerates skin regeneration. We also recommend a natural suspension with betulin with an anti-inflammatory effect and rose water from damask rose, which effectively inhibits the secretion of sebum. For acne skin care, you can also use Montmorillonite Green Clay for skin care, which you can buy in a 150g package at Medonet Market.

Cystic acne – treatment

Like any type of acne, cystic acne requires the assistance of a dermatologist. It is difficult to treat and very strong systemic drugs are usually administered. Sometimes it is necessary to make several treatment attempts to select the appropriate preparation. The most popular of them are:

  1. antibiotics for oral use – a popular preparation that has been used in the treatment of acne for a very long time. Antibiotics inhibit the multiplication of bacteria (in the case of cystic acne – Propionibacterium acnes) and soothe skin inflammation. Antibiotic therapy usually starts with high doses and is gradually reduced as the skin condition improves. The most commonly used antibiotics are tetracyclines;
  2. retinoids – isotretinoin for oral use – causes the activity of the sebaceous glands to be inhibited and their size to be reduced. In addition, retinoids prevent the multiplication of bacteria. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. contraceptive preparations.

As an aid in the treatment of acne, reach for the Bioherba Cleansing Gel for oily and acne-prone skin with activated carbon and Bioherba’s Moisturizing Milk for oily and acne-prone skin. Both cosmetics thoroughly and deeply cleanse the skin, have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. You can buy them at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Some patients sometimes require surgical intervention. The specialist cuts the skin over the lesions and removes the infected material from them. In extreme cases, special injections with steroids are also used, applied directly to the lesion. Steroids reduce cysts and inflammation. When it comes to sore lumps – painkillers unfortunately do not bring any effects.

Treatment of cystic acne can take up to several months, followed by a stabilization period. After completing the therapy, you can easily deal with discoloration and scars. Various types of aesthetic medicine treatments, such as peelings and laser treatments, help in this.

You can also support your treatment by drinking herbal teas and infusions. Try, for example, the EKO recommended tea for acne, which you can buy at a favorable price on Medonet Market. We also recommend Pretty complexion – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit, the ingredients of which have a prophylactic and supportive effect during the treatment of acne lesions.

Home treatment

It is considered to be the most effective product recommended in the home fight against acne Ichthyol Ointment. It has a brown color and is not very pleasant to smell. It is available over the counter in the pharmacy and has properties that facilitate the release of pus from the cyst, and it is very often used in boils and ulcers. In addition, people struggling with cystic acne should invest in light creams adapted to their skin type and remember to thoroughly cleanse the skin.

We recommend EPTA AC washing peeling for oily and acne-prone skin, which you can buy on Medonet Market separately or in the EPTA AC Set for Cleansing and Care of Oily and Acne-prone Skin. For the care of acne skin, you can also buy Perilla satin matting serum for combination and acne skin, which helps regulate sebum secretion.

Lit .: [1] Braun-Falco O., Plewig G., Wolff HH, Burgdorf WHC: Dermatology, eds. half. Gliński W., Wolska H., Wydawnictwo Czelej, Lublin 2002, 994-1006.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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