Cyclothym. Cyclothymic temperament as a whole is characterized by increased emotionality, rapid transitions from joy to sadness, easy contact with the environment, and realism. Cyclothyms are distinguished by sociability, realism and easy adaptation to the world around them. They are not people of strict sequence, a well-thought-out system and scheme, but are prone to compliance and compromise. These are practices that first get to know a person and real possibilities, and then they already consider the principle. Mood is everything, reflection does not play a major role. Cyclothyms have a lot of joy in work, flowing practical energy, but they do not have the firm, unyielding, resolute vigor of schizotyme temperaments. And in general, qualities based on intrapsychic functions are all eccentric, fanatical, alien to pure cyclothymes. Many cyclotims are found in the professions of merchants, speakers, and journalists. Of their positive qualities, one must first of all point to indefatigable efficiency, resourcefulness, impulse, courage, courtesy, adaptability, ability to deal with people, a wealth of ideas and the ability to quickly grasp the situation. The negative aspects of cyclothyme are manifested in a tendency to superficiality, tactlessness, inconstancy, overestimation of one’s capabilities, and recklessness.
On the professional-behavioral level this type can be characterized by the following characteristic: vigor, lability, opportunism, courtesy, adaptability, richness of ideas, superficiality, tactlessness, inconstancy, overestimation of one’s capabilities, recklessness.