Cyclo 3 Fort – indications, contraindications, dosage, price

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Cyclo 3 Fort is a combined drug combining three active substances: Ruszczyk extract, vitamin C and hesperidin methylchalcone. Due to the composition of the drug, the preparation is used in the treatment of symptoms of venous insufficiency and as an aid in combating the symptoms of haemorrhoids. What are the indications and contraindications for the use of the drug? Does it have side effects? How to use Cyclo 3 Fort and how much should you pay for this drug?

Cyclo 3 Fort — charakterystyka leku

Cyclo 3 Fort is a three-component drug, the action of which affects the elasticity of the veins and the functioning of the circulatory system. The three substances responsible for the action of Cyclo 3 Fort are Ruszczyk extract, hesperidin methyl chalcone and vitamin C. The most common reasons for using Cyclo 3 Fort are venous insufficiency and ailments related to haemorrhoids.

Cyclo 3 Fort is sold without a prescription. The package contains 30 capsules. The manufacturer of the drug is Pierre Fabre Médicament, a French multinational pharmaceutical and cosmetic company. Its headquarters are located in the French city of Castres. The beginnings of the company date back to 1962. The founder of the concern was Pierre Fabre, a French pharmacist. Currently, the company’s drugs are present in 130 countries.

What diseases affect the circulatory system? Check: Diseases of the circulatory system and circulation

Cyclo 3 Fort – composition and action of the drug

Preparat Cyclo 3 Fort to lek złożony, który w składzie zawiera 3 substancje czynne, czyli hesperydynę, witaminę C oraz wyciąg z ruszczyka kolczastego. Działanie powyższych składników można opisać następująco:

  1. that’s hesperity — to naturalnie występujący roślinny związek flawonowy. Cząsteczka hesperydyny składa się z części cukrowej i niecukrowej opartej na strukturze flawonu. Hesperydyna to związek obecny w cytrynach, pomarańczach oraz innych owocach cytrusowych. Jej działanie to przede wszystkim ochrona naczyń żylnych, przeciwutlenianie, zmniejszanie przepuszczalności ścian naczyń włosowatych, działanie przeciwobrzękowe oraz przeciwwysiękowe. Związek ten jest także antyoksydantem;
  2. vitamin C – i.e. ascorbic acid, is a compound that participates in many metabolic changes. Vitamin C primarily has antioxidant properties, protects against free radicals, participates in oxidation and reduction processes, and participates in the biosynthesis of collagen, folic acid and adrenal cortex hormones. Vitamin C also improves the absorption of iron;
  3. rusczyk extract — to związek, który poprawia elastyczność i stan napięcia ścian naczyń żylnych. Wpływa na obkurczanie naczyń żylnych, zmniejsza zastój żylny i poprawia powrót krwi z układu żylnego kończyn dolnych. To substancja, która jest stosowana w niwelowaniu objawów chorób naczyń żylnych.

W leku Cyclo 3 Fort ilość substancji czynnych wynosi: 150 mg suchego wyciągu z kłącza ruszczyka kolczastego zawierającego 22% sumy heterozydów sterolowych — ekstrahent: etanol: 85%, 150 mg metylochalkonu hesperydyny i 100 mg kwasu askorbowego.

The other ingredients of Cyclo 3 Fort are:

  1. krzemu dwutlenek koloidalny bezwodny;
  2. Magnesium stearate;
  3. Talk;
  4. Polyoxyethylene glycol (Macrogol) 6000.

Skład otoczki kapsułki leku Cyclo 3 Fort to:

  1. Bottom (yellow) – quinoline yellow (E 104), sunset yellow FCF (E 110), titanium dioxide (E 171), gelatin;
  2. wieczko (koloru pomarańczowego) — żółcień pomarańczowa FCF (E 110), tytanu dwutlenek (E 171), żelatyna.

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Cyclo 3 Fort – indications for use

Preparat Cyclo 3 Fort to trójskładnikowa formuła, której działanie polega na zwiększaniu elastyczności naczyń żylnych. Lek ten działa tonizująco i ochraniająco na naczynia krwionośne.

There are two main ailments in which Cyclo 3 Fort may be effective. The indications for the use of Cyclo 3 Fort are:

  1. symptomatic treatment of venous insufficiency – a feeling of heaviness in the lower limbs, pain;
  2. leczenie pomocnicze w dolegliwościach żylaków odbytu, czyli hemoroidach.

What are the causes and symptoms of haemorrhoids? Read: Żylaki odbytu

Cyclo 3 Fort — przeciwwskazania

Despite its effectiveness in the treatment of symptomatic insufficiency of venous vessels or haemorrhoids, Cyclo 3 Fort cannot be used by every patient struggling with these ailments.

A contraindication to the use of the drug Cyclo 3 Fort is hypersensitive to extract from Ruszczyk, hesperidin or ascorbic acid or to any of the other auxiliary ingredients of this preparation.

Cyclo 3 Fort cannot be used by patients diagnosed with iron metabolism disorders, because vitamin C significantly affects the absorption of this element.

What are the properties of iron, and what causes its excess or deficiency? Check: Iron – properties, sources, symptoms of iron excess and deficiency [EXPLAINED]

Cyclo 3 Fort – precautions

Before using Cyclo 3 Fort and during treatment with this preparation, certain precautions should be taken, which are described in the package leaflet.

Precautions that should be kept in mind when using Cyclo 3 Fort are:

  1. if you develop skin inflammation or skin ulcers while using the drug, contact your doctor;
  2. jeśli wystąpi obrzęk jednej lub obu kończyn dolnych, niewydolność serca czy niewydolność nerek, należy skontaktować się z lekarzem;
  3. if diarrhea occurs, discontinue the preparation and contact your doctor;
  4. if the drug is used in disorders of the venous circulation – if after two weeks there is discomfort or fragility of the vessels, contact your doctor;
  5. w przypadku gdy hemoroidy utrzymują się po kilku dniach leczenia niezbędna jest konsultacja lekarska;
  6. vitamin C may affect the results of laboratory tests such as: determination of glucose, bilirubin, transaminase activity or determination of lactate levels;
  7. the preparation contains sunset yellow FCF (E 110). The use of the drug may cause allergic reactions

How do you recognize a drug allergy? Read: Drugs are also allergenic

Cyclo 3 Fort – drug dosage

Cyclo 3 Fort is available in the form of capsules to be taken orally. The preparation should always be used according to the instructions in the leaflet or the doctor’s or pharmacist’s instructions. The indicated doses should not be exceeded, as this will not affect the effectiveness or speed of drug action, and may only cause side effects of using the drug.

Dawka leku Cyclo 3 Fort for adults:

  1. with symptoms of venous insufficiency: 2-3 capsules a day; you can take 1-2 capsules in the morning and 1 capsule in the evening;
  2. pomocniczo przy objawach związanych z żylakami odbytu: 4–5 kapsułek na dobę, przez okres do 7 dni; można przyjmować 2–3 kapsułki rano i 2 kapsułki wieczorem.

The capsules should be taken immediately before or at the beginning of a meal. The dose should be taken with a glass of water.

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Cyclo 3 Fort – side effects

As with any other drug, the use of Cyclo 3 Fort may cause unwanted side effects in the patient. They do not occur in every patient and it is worth remembering that the expected benefits of using the drug are usually higher than the damage resulting from side effects.

It is important to report any suspected adverse reactions after authorization of the medicinal product so that the benefit / risk balance of the medicinal product can be monitored.

The frequency classification of adverse body reactions (ADRs) is based on the following principles: very common (≥1 / 10), common (≥1 / 100 to

Symptoms such as:

  1. common (affects less than 1 in 10 people) – diarrhea, sometimes severe, quickly subsiding when treatment is stopped, abdominal pain.
  2. uncommon (affects less than 1 in 100 people) – insomnia, difficulty sleeping, indigestion, nausea, erythema, itching, muscle spasms, pain in legs and arms;
  3. rare (occurs in less than 1 in 1 people) – nervousness, dizziness, cold extremities, pain in the veins, gastrointestinal disorders, aphthous stomatitis, increase in alanine aminotransferase;
  4. frequency not known (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data) – stomach pain, maculopapular rash and urticaria, reversible microscopic, mainly lymphocytic colitis in some cases.

Adverse drug reactions can be reported directly to the Department for Monitoring Adverse Effects of Medicinal Products of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products. Side effects can also be reported to the entity responsible for releasing the medicine.

What should you know about side effects of drugs? Check: Adverse drug reactions

Cyclo 3 Fort — interakcje z innymi lekami

Before taking Cyclo 3 Fort, the patient should inform the doctor or pharmacist about all the drugs that the patient is currently or recently taking, as well as about those that the patient is planning to take. Due to the fact that the drug contains vitamin C, pay attention to all drugs that contain substances that react with ascorbic acid.

What interactions are there between popular drugs? Check: Dangerous interactions

Cycle 3 Fort — dinner

The price of Cyclo 3 Fort depends on the pharmacy where we buy the preparation. For 30 capsules of Cyclo 3 Fort we will pay an average of about PLN 25.

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Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health. Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home.

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