Cyclic diet – eat more and beat – Dietetics – Articles |

Stagnation is part of the weight loss process. People who are lucky are those who have not experienced them during the entire period of the diet. It turns out we can overcome this difficult time simply by eating more!

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When to expect stagnation?

Most often it takes place in the second stage of weight loss, but in fact, it can appear at exactly any time. I wrote about the stages in the article on the permitted pace of weight loss during weight loss. The time to start fat burning it is so dangerous that we have already got used to the larger ones the effects of the first phase, even if we realized it was just water. There is a quick discouragement and a feeling of powerlessness in the face of being free decline. In addition, the body also rebels by protecting fat reserves all the ways. And that’s not all. Any diet, especially very low calorific value lowers the metabolism. It’s natural. We also weigh less, so our demand is lower. AND as long as we can deal with this nature quite easily – by reducing it slightly calorific value or increasing physical effort, rebellion will not go like this easy.

What are the methods to overcome the stagnation?

Schools are different, we mostly talk to ourselves and hear from specialists – grit your teeth and keep on the diet. It is also worth increasing the degree activity. During this period, special scrupulousness must be observed regularity of meals and the amount of fluids drunk – about 30 ml each kilogram of body weight. All this to break the body and its resistance. If this does not help, I advise those under my care to introduce weight loss rules cyclical. I will add that most often to their dismay. This method is based on a temporary increase in the caloric value of meals by about 300-400 kcal, of course still sticking to the principles of a healthy diet. This should go on for a few days after which again, gradually reduce the caloric content of meals. This method is based on Colloquially speaking, distracting the body’s attention from weight loss and its ‘reset’. Then the metabolism improves, u for most people, this will be enough to get back on track.

In stagnation, remember to exercise!

A guide to actions in stagnation

Below I present in points what to do when there is a standstill:

  1. Follow your diet scrupulously, eat regularly, and drink enough fluids all the time. Wait.
  2. Check if the reason for the stagnation is not one of the points presented by Karolina Łąkowska in the article about the causes of stagnation and why I don’t lose weight.
  3. Increase physical activity.
  4. Gently lower the caloric content of your diet, don’t do it forever!
  5. Again, stick to a balanced diet, exercise regularly.
  6. Increase the caloric content of your meals by about 300-500 kcal, following the principles of a healthy diet.
  7.  Reduce your calories again.

Fortunately, more and more people already understand that stagnation is an integral part of our weight loss. The worst thing you can do is break your hands and go back to old habits. Diet is also character shaping and it will certainly be confirmed by people who have already achieved their goals.

Have you already gone through the stagnation? You have ways of going through this difficult time?

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