Cyclamen from seeds: how to grow
Cyclamen is a perennial flowering plant. In total, there are about 20 species of this plant. But only Persian and European species are suitable for growing at home. The flowering period begins in spring and ends in autumn. The optimum temperature for keeping it is 15–20 degrees. Growing cyclamen from seeds is not an easy task, and the process itself will take you a year.
The process of preparing seeds is simple, but it requires attention and adherence to some rules. This process is a little more complicated than growing from tubers, since in order to grow cyclamens at home, you must first select planting material from seeds and prepare it.
The optimum temperature for growing cyclamen from seeds is 15-20 degrees
Follow some rules when preparing seeds:
- Select the planting material. Try placing the seeds in a bowl of water; the seeds that sink to the bottom are best for germination.
- Soak the seeds in a potassium permanganate solution and leave them for 15 hours. This will increase their germination.
- Choose the right peat. Choose breathable peat, it is better to mix it with leafy soil.
- Provide drainage in the container where the cyclamen will grow.
By observing these rules, you will reduce your further hassle with the plant, since the seeds will be prepared for planting and further growth.
Planting and further care
The planting process is extremely simple:
- Spread the prepared seeds on moist soil.
- Observe the required distance between them of 2-3 centimeters.
- Sprinkle earth on top.
To plant cyclamens from seeds at home, you do not need to have special knowledge – even a beginner in planting can cope with this.
Place the cyclamen in a sunny location, but keep out of direct sunlight
Caring for new seedlings requires attention, but with proper care, you will get a beautiful blooming cyclamen:
- Cover new seedlings with plastic.
- Provide them with the required temperature of about 20 degrees.
- Remove the polyethylene for 10-15 minutes daily to allow the seedlings to receive oxygen.
If all stages are observed, the cyclamen should germinate in 1,5-2 months. Transplant into separate pots when each seedling already has 3 leaves. This usually happens after 3 or 4 months.
Growing cyclamen is a simple process, but it requires attention. If you make an effort to this and follow all the rules, then as a result you will get a blooming perennial that will decorate your windowsill with beautiful flowers.