Roses are extraordinarily beautiful flowers that are grown more and more by gardeners. Propagation by cuttings is the easiest way to obtain an exact copy of an individual. Using this method, a gardener can get a flower of a variety that he likes in appearance, aroma, cold resistance and resistance to sudden changes in temperature. In addition, propagation of roses by cuttings in the fall is very simple. This is within the power of even the one who grows the crop for the first time. Rose cuttings are easy to obtain by cutting the stem of the plant. In order for the cuttings to “settle” well in a new place of residence and please with large and beautiful flowers, you must follow a number of simple rules and follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners.
How to cut cuttings in the fall?
To grow roses from cuttings, rose cuttings need to choose stems of medium thickness. At the same time, both flowers growing in the garden and those that have already been cut and are in the bouquet are suitable as a material for creating cuttings.
You need to cut as follows:
- Select the stem and cut it at a distance of 1,5 mm from the kidney.
- The upper cut is carried out at a right angle at a distance of 1 cm from the kidney.
- All thorns and leaves on the handle of the lower cut must be removed. The organs located in the upper part must be reduced three times.
- The upper cut must be treated with potassium permanganate or wax in a liquid state.
- Before rooting the cutting, it must be kept for a day in water or in a solution of a preparation that stimulates root growth.
After all these preparatory measures, planting is carried out directly.
Carrying out cuttings of culture in the fall from the garden, it is necessary to opt for a stem where the buds have not yet been fully formed.
You need to carefully examine the individual-donor. If there is an area on the stem that looks like the bark of a tree, then it is immediately eliminated and is not used as a means of propagating roses. A long stem is cut into pieces of 0,07 – 0,08 meters. At the same time, on each “segment” there should not be more than a couple of buds and the same number of leaves.
If the donor is short, one seedling is formed from it. Separating the cutting from the shoot, the first cut is carried out perpendicularly, the next – at an angle of 45 °. In this case, cutting should be done with a sharp knife. The lower cut is carried out near the soil, which contains many nutrients and vitamins that stimulate the appearance of roots in the seedling.
When are cuttings of roses formed from bouquets? Some, not paying attention to the beauty of flowers, immediately after falling, the petals begin to cut the stem. Before that, every night the plants are immersed in a container of water. However, the underside of the bud should not come into contact with moisture. Such “baths” help keep the individuals fresh and saturate with water, which will help the cuttings take root in the future. However, to get a copy of the “queen” from the bouquet, it is better to immediately cut the copy you like.
Video “Growing from cuttings”
From the video you will learn how to grow a rose from a bouquet.
How to plant cuttings in the fall in the garden?
How to plant roses? Propagating roses from cuttings is easy. It is enough to make holes in the soil about 0,15 meters deep and place the seedling in the ground. After that, the earth should be sprinkled with clean sand (a layer of about 3 cm), or mixed with peat in a ratio of 1: 1. Seedlings need to be planted to a depth of 0,02 meters at an acute angle. The distance between individuals should be at least 0,05 meters, and the width of the space between rows – 0,08 – 0,1 meters.
After the planted material is watered with a concentrated solution of manganese and each seedling is covered with a plastic bottle. Even better, install wire frames and cover them with polyethylene. Such a “home greenhouse” will not allow moisture to evaporate quickly, which will positively affect the culture.
Choosing a place on the site for landing
It is necessary to plant cuttings in the ground only after choosing the right place for planting. The main rule: the area should be open and well lit, but with a slight shadow, which will protect the plants from sunburn.
If there is a lot of planting material, then rows are formed on the site.
As a soil for planting cuttings in the fall, a mixture of the following components is suitable:
- Turf land;
- Leaf land;
- Sand;
- Humus or peat;
- Ash tree.
The proportion of components in the mixture is 4:1:1:2:0,5.
Rooting cuttings
How to grow flowers from cuttings? An important role in the process belongs to the rooting of seedlings. Having chosen the right place for planting (where the flowers will not get burned), trenches of 0,15-meter depth are formed on it. The pits are filled by a third with a pre-prepared soil mixture, and sprinkled with sifted and washed sand on top.
A frame with a film is installed above the beds, thus creating a greenhouse.
Further, the cuttings are placed in the holes, fixing the roots in the sand. After all, sand stimulates the growth of these organs. After planting, flower seedlings are isolated from the external environment under the film. The structure can be slightly shaded, because the temperature inside the greenhouse must constantly be kept at 25 °.
Three times a day, the beds are sprayed with clean water. This helps to maintain the correct level of humidity. With an increase in air humidity, an impromptu greenhouse is ventilated by lifting the film on one side.
After a couple of weeks, roots form on the cuttings. The buds of seedlings also begin to grow actively, which is easy to notice by controlling the ost of the shoots. After that, the humidity inside the film shelter is reduced by means of long airings. This is the only way to make breeding flowers as effective as possible. The active growth of crops is evidence that plants no longer need a greenhouse. However, sun protection is still needed for flowers.
How to root cuttings in a container?
The advantage of roses is that they can be grown both in the ground and at home on the windowsill. However, the technology is not significantly different. A slight difference is only in the soil for growing.
If we grow roses in containers, then the rooting of the cuttings must be carried out there as well. The procedure for planting flowers is practically no different from the ground. However, there is one significant difference. You can grow roses in containers if the bottom layer of soil consists of pebbles or expanded clay. This is the only way to ensure proper air circulation. After drainage, fertile soil must be placed in the container. The top layer in the pot is sand. The stalk in the flowerpot is placed in the same way as on the site.
So, the rose is able to reproduce in different ways. Gardeners most often use cuttings of roses in the fall, and at home. This method is considered the simplest, but at the same time gives excellent results. You can get cuttings both from crops growing in the garden, as from those that have long been plucked and collected from them a bouquet. In this case, the effect is exactly the same. Both the stalk grown in the garden and the one formed from the bouquet take root perfectly. The main thing is to choose the right individual for cuttings. So, you can safely propagate flowers in this way, because it gives the most effective results!
Video “Rooting cuttings”
From the video you will learn how to root a rose.