If you are complex about the imperfection of your figure, look at the Krasnoyarsk beauties with magnificent forms. All girls are bright, interesting and self-confident, as they believe that every woman is beautiful and unique in her own way, even if she does not fit into the standard 90-60-90.
As a reminder, the final of the Miss Pyshka 2016 contest took place in Krasnoyarsk (more
Education and work: SibSTU, majoring in economics, works as an accountant. Receives a second education in the specialty “musician”.
About Me: purposeful, very kind, gentle, positive. Helps people if it is in her power. She received a diploma in dance coach POLE DANCE, has the first category in powerlifting.
Hobbies: sports, modern choreography. Rides a snowboard and a bicycle. Learns to play the guitar, piano, loves to sing, go to karaoke. Likes to participate in competitions, perform on stage and give people his energy! Spends free time with her two beloved men – husband and son.
Education and work: Academy of Music and Theater, orchestra artist of the Opera and Ballet Theater (playing cello).
Dream: win the competition and show all women that after forty, having given birth to children and having a completely non-model figure, you can look feminine, sexy and attractive! Alexandra also dreams of starring in an advertisement for clothes and underwear for ladies with curvaceous shapes.
Hobbies: theater, cycling and outdoor activities. She also knits soft toys, clothes, writes poetry and cooks very tasty – her 6-year-old daughter Katenka and 10-year-old son Svyatoslav adore her mother’s Napoleon cake.
- Photo Shoot:
- organizer of the contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”
Job: Krasnoyarsk College of Social Technologies, social educator.
About Me: optimist, loves society, communication with friends and new interesting people.
Purpose in life: work in the Ministry of Education, creating a family and winning a competition.
Hobbies: plays in the KVN youth league, loves rock music and is an excellent cook! Favorite dish is pilaf.
- Photo Shoot:
- organizer of the contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”
Education and work: works with children in boarding school # 1 as an educator.
About Me: kind, sociable, cheerful, sympathetic, benevolent.
Hobbies: goes in for sports, visits the pool, goes for walks with his beloved dog.
Education and work: St. Petersburg University of Economics and Management, specialty “Social and Cultural Service and Tourism”, make-up artist-photographer.
About Me: kind, with a cheerful disposition, sociable, honest, creative person.
Purpose in life: To give happiness to your family and of course to be happy yourself! To carry love and tenderness throughout your life in a relationship with your husband. It is worthy to bring up the seven-year-old son Yaroslav, so that in many, many years he will be proud of his upbringing!
Hobbies: loves to do needlework, delighting loved ones with handmade gifts made using the scrapbooking technique. Since childhood she has been dancing – this is her favorite hobby, she dances everywhere and always
Dream: Since childhood, she has dreamed of giving her mother a trip to Paris. And in her immediate plans, Valentina wants to acquire a house by the lake, spend the weekend there with the whole family, enjoy life, breathe fresh air, listen to the rustle of leaves, look at the firewood in the fire and sing songs. Become a model? Why not, because at 32, life is just beginning!
Education and work: tourism and hotel business, administrator in a mini-hotel.
About Me: very open person, loves to know himself and the world around him, to travel. He values honesty and openness in people.
Purpose in life: Karina has long wanted to try herself in the modeling business, take part in a beauty contest and show by her own example that you can be beautiful, successful and self-sufficient, even if your parameters are far from ideal.
Dream: open your own recruiting agency and train to be a make-up artist.
Hobbies: cooks well and loves to discover different national dishes.
- Photo Shoot:
- organizer of the contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”
Job: JSC “Russian Railways”.
About Me: According to the beloved man – kind, smart, beautiful, quick-witted, funny, easy-going. Always ready to help in any situation. In people he values honesty, loves people with a sense of humor, who can not only laugh at others, but also at themselves.
Purpose in life: to achieve success in your work.
Dream: a happy family!
Hobbies: in his free time, together with a cheerful company, he goes to the cinema, the pool or just walks along the embankment.
- Photo Shoot:
- organizer of the contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”
Job: specialist in social work at the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children (department for the prevention of neglect and social orphanhood of minors).
About Me: cheerful, balanced, kind, purposeful girl. In people she values sincerity, decency and cleanliness.
Purpose in life: to have a large, strong, close-knit family, to love and be the most beloved woman. Live in harmony with yourself and the people around you.
Dream: to live by the sea.
Hobbies: travel is freedom and new discoveries. They make it possible to get away from the routine, the hustle and bustle, to understand why you are in a hurry, work … Olga also visits the gym, swimming pool, reads books, does embroidery, leads an active lifestyle.
Education and jobsa: KrasGAU, specialty – mathematical methods in economics. Works in a city improvement company.
About Me: open, positive and kind person. In people she values sincerity, openness, kindness, humor.
The purpose of life: creating a happy and harmonious family.
Dream: visit all the capitals of the world, swim with dolphins.
Hobbies: cinema, theater, fitness, swimming pool, loves walking around the city, through the woods, reading books, embroidery, photo sessions.
Education and work: KGTEI Economist-Manager, Aerospace Academy named after Reshetneva, specialty – accounting and auditing, member of the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia.
About Me: strong, stubborn, kind and sensitive. In people she values sincerity, love, inner energy and strength.
The purpose of life: open your own business, part of the proceeds from which to spend on charity, including shelters for the care of homeless animals, clinics for sterilization and castration of homeless people, treatment of these animals, etc. And Maria also dreams that there will be more love in the world and less cruelty towards both people and animals.
Dream: to be happy, to enjoy every moment, is in harmony with your soul.
Hobbies: skiing, skating, rollerblading, cycling, chatting with friends, sewing, helping stray animals, designing clothes, singing.
- Photo Shoot:
- organizers of the contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”
Education and work: higher, tourism manager.
About Me: mother of two wonderful children, donor, organizer of rafting down the Mane, member of the board of the “Cryofil” walrus club, studied at the school of yacht captains in Montenegro, caught a trout weighing 43 kg (!). The character is cheerful.
Dream: take part in a yacht regatta, ride a bike around Olkhon on the ice of Lake Baikal, go downhill skiing in Sheregesh and take part in a four-day cycling marathon in Khakassia (300 km). And much more!
Hobbies: loves outdoor activities, loves to travel. Bread-salted hostess, she loves to cook very much.
- Photo Shoot:
- organizer of the contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”
Work: Siberian Research and Clinical Center of FMBA of Russia, intensive care unit – nurse.
About Me: open, sociable, positive, cheerful. In people he values honesty, openness, decency, positive. She chose the profession of a nurse not by chance, her mission is to help people. Valentina received a medal for her participation in the elimination of the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP.
Purpose in life: to realize all her dreams, and she has a lot of them. The motto for life is that you can live interestingly and be happy at any age and with any shape!
Hobbies: bicycles, dancing, music, table tennis, psychology, loves swimming, especially at sea. He loves to travel, especially in Russia, and discover something new for himself.
- Photo Shoot:
- organizer of the contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”
Education and work: Veterinarian by profession, now works as a salesman in a pastry shop.
About Me: kind, responsive, responsible, loves animals. He values decency and honesty in people. Loves to cook! One of my favorite dishes is French meat.
Dream: to open your own cafe or restaurant, and in the near future – to create home comfort in a new apartment.
Hobbies: learns to sew and knit, spends free time with her family – with her husband and 9-year-old son Nikita.
Education: Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, major in advertising and public relations.
About Me: wants to reveal himself as a person and realize himself as much as possible, knows how to cook well, a favorite dish from the cuisine of Equatorial Guinea – mfukuonu.
Purpose in life: to create a happy, strong family and open a shop (show-room) of fashionable women’s and men’s clothing and Queen Size shoes, because each size can be beautifully “packaged”. Maria-Isabella: “There are many girls, women and men in Krasnoyarsk with large size clothes and not every one of them knows where to get a beautiful, and most importantly fashionable and high-quality thing for an affordable price.”
Dream: live in India or another warm country where there is a lot of sun, ocean water and clean air.
- Photo Shoot:
- organizer of the contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”
Work: Leading real estate specialist.
About Me: a wonderful hostess, she loves to cook various national dishes, delicious pastries and treat relatives and friends.
Hobbies: music, travel, pets.
Education and work: higher, works as a purchase and sales manager in the TS.
About Me: purposeful, gentle, feminine, decent. He loves the sky, summer, positive and open people, new sensations and his work. Elena believes that every woman is unique and beautiful, and there is no need to hide what can be shown! Favorite dish is pumpkin soup with shrimps.
Dream: travel more, create a good family and give birth to a blonde daughter with green eyes.
Hobbies: hiking, camping, swimming, fitness, creative crafts, walks in the fresh air, scenic photo sessions.
Work: manicurist. She loves her job for helping women to be beautiful and well-groomed.
About Me: kind, sweet, sociable, purposeful, creative nature, loves to learn new things and create beauty around. In people she values good manners, sincerity, kindness.
Dream: Travel the whole world and learn to dance Latin American dances.
Purpose in life: create a happy family, give birth to wonderful children, open your own beauty salon and win the beauty contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”! Olesya believes that the time has come for beautiful, feminine and lovely girls with gorgeous shapes!
Hobbies: is fond of psychology, loves to read, loves to travel, relax in nature and go to the gym.
- Photo Shoot:
- organizer of the contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”
Education and work: Minin secondary school, art teacher, member of the Public Council under the Education Department of the Yemelyanovskiy District Administration.
About Me: fun, creative, purposeful and fair. In people he values loyalty, decency, responsibility and humanity.
Dream: it is important for girls in uniform to be aware of their attractiveness and beauty, to be self-confident. And so I would like to organize master classes for girls who do not meet world fashion standards, so that plump girls become confident in their beauty from childhood, Tatiana believes. Plans for the near future: finish building a house, give birth to a daughter and take part in a beauty contest.
Hobbies: loves to read, adores animals, sings in the teacher’s vocal group “Harmony”, loves to cook, and especially loves to experiment with new dishes. Favorite dish – Armenian tolma made from grape leaves.
Work: Master of industrial training and teacher of the Krasnoyarsk College of Social Technologies.
About Me: Larisa is a first-class culinary specialist – her students participate in confectionery competitions in Krasnoyarsk and the region and take prizes.
Hobbies: likes to travel the world.
- Photo Shoot:
- organizer of the contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”
Work: Siberian Research and Clinical Center of FMBA of Russia, nurse in the intensive care unit.
About Me: kind, modest, caring, loves to cook and be creative.
Purpose in life: to raise and put on their feet their two sons Arseny, five years old, and Miron, three years old, to bring them up worthy people.
Hobbies: culinary, favorite dish of satsivi.
Dream: go to college and win a beauty contest.
Education and work: specialized secondary, cook of the 5th category. Works in a public catering manager.
About Me: cheerful, easy-going, loves new acquaintances. Leads an active lifestyle and cannot sit still, always moves forward.
Dream: to live in the south of our country, on the seashore.
Hobbies: singing (won first place in a karaoke battle and second in a vocal competition), together with her son, she rides a bicycle, skates, goes to the theater, to the gym and the pool.
Education and work: future veterinarian.
About Me: kind, purposeful, cheerful.
Hobbies: loves animals, loves to read books.
Education and work: Law student, head of a charitable organization, member of the board of trustees of an orphanage, member of the Club of Good Bloggers, photographer.
About Me: active, sociable, purposeful, kind, creative, loves everything beautiful and creative. He values kindness and responsiveness in people.
Purpose in life: to take place in your profession, to be a loving and beloved wife and mother.
Hobbies: graduated from a music school in piano, choral singing since 7 years old, a modeling agency, has been practicing taekwondo for 4 years.
- Photo Shoot:
- organizer of the contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”
Education and work: higher education, marketing coach, linguist-translator (hobby).
About Me: active, purposeful, feminine, Elena adores her job and lives the life of a team. The secret of her success is simple – sincere, human, attitude towards people.
Dream: visit Japan and get to know the culture of this country.
Hobbies: plays the violin and piano, sings, is fond of astrology and psychology. She is a good housewife, knows how and loves to cook. The best dish is wings in caramel sauce.
Education and work: higher, KrasGAU, works as a manager in the delivery service.
About Me: the main motto is to look at everything with a positive! In people she values sincerity, openness and she herself tries to be the same.
Hobbies: reading, knitting, visiting theaters, cinemas, cooks great, especially loves to cook chicken dishes.
Dream: happy family, and my immediate plans are getting a driver’s license.
- Photo Shoot:
- organizer of the contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”
Education and work: professional artist, art master of interior painting, creator of intuitive master classes.
About Me: as a child I was called a dreamer. Not with admiration and surprise, but more often with a touch of adult disdain. And me, as a child, was puzzled. I wondered: why don’t they believe me, because what I am talking about is only part of the possible?
About dream: never stop dreaming! Alone or with your best friend! Do you know why? Because dreams do come true. This means that even the impossible is possible.
- Photo Shoot:
- organizer of the contest “Miss Pyshka – 2016”
Education and work: higher, by profession a technologist of bakery production.
About Me: kind, positive, responsive.
Hobbies: meet friends, relax in nature.
Education and work: Khakass College of Professional Technologies, Economics and Service, fashion designer, artist, hairdresser.
About Me: calm, smiling, sometimes shy, knows how to listen, always ready to help, responsible and serious when the situation requires it. Julia tries to find positive in everything. Quite critical of himself. Believes in fate and is not afraid of difficulties. If there is a goal, it goes to it, even if it is not easy enough. In people she values intelligence, literacy, responsibility, a sense of humor.
Hobbies: I like everything related to artistic, decorative creativity, design. He loves car trips, long distances, nature, cooks well, and when he finds inspiration, he knits and draws. He enjoys ice skating, cycling.
Curvy beauties: choose the very best
Alexandra Ryzhenkova
Anastasia Pustovoitova
Anna Kiseleva
Anna Nichiporenko
Karina Butko
Valentina Melnichenko
Venera Valevskaya
Veronica Okhotnikova
Galina Tiptsova
Daria Artyuhova
Ekaterina Alekseeva
Ekaterina Strelkova
Elena Kakhanova
Elena Nikitina
Vasilina Karlova
Kristina Sudnikovich
Larisa Malovitskaya
Maria Valenko
Maria Isabella Edu
Natalia Dolgova
Natalia Smolyakova
Oksana Vershkova
Olesya Sibina
Olga Olesnitskaya
Olga Raevskaya
Valentina Prysyazhnyuk
Tatiana Bondareva
Julia Perminova
Julia Razina