- Curro Cañete: “Nostalgia is paralyzing because it leaves us hooked on what no longer exists”
- Psychology
- Curro Cañete, author of «The power of trusting you» and «A new happiness», has just published «Now it’s your turn to be happy», a book in which he gives the keys to reach happiness and remove the stones from our path
Curro Cañete: “Nostalgia is paralyzing because it leaves us hooked on what no longer exists”

El desire for fulfillment and happiness it is universal and is present in all human beings without exception. We are the owners of our reality and our own life, therefore we can create and transform it to our measure: we can transform our emotions and go from unhappiness to happiness or even increase that happiness with healthy habits and achieve those physical realities with the conscious use of our mind. But how?
Curro Cañete, coach and author of «The power of trusting you» and «A new happiness» has just published «Now it’s your turn to be happy», a book in which he gives the keys to reach happiness, setting aside on the way everything that does not benefit us and offering solutions to those issues that seem like a problem when in reality they are not.
«The first step to get closer to full happiness is connect to oneself. Many people are disconnected from their dreams, desires, what they want to do in their life … It is like going on a train and not knowing where to get off, and it is something whose answer is not given by others, but by oneself. What do you expect? Have a family member or friend tell you how to do it? You have to stop and think about what you want to do from today on, and for that you have to close your eyes and think about it, ”he clarifies.
This is what he calls «move forward with focus», Because when we lose that focus we enter darkness and chaos is created in our mind, even leading us to practices that take us away from the happiness we seek. «First you have to know what you want and focus in that direction, enjoying the present but knowing which paths we have taken. The key is to be happy while moving towards what you want.
And given the problems that arise along the way, Curro Cañete is clear: the first thing is to keep calm because nothing is too serious. “Sometimes we make real mountains of things that don’t matter at all. When we calm down, whether it is talking with our partner, listening to music or doing meditation, the ideal is to brainstorm possible solutions, that the more there are the better, and once we have that list, focus on only one ».
Bad thoughts
The coach, who is listed as one of the best-selling writers in the field of personal growth in Spain, warns that although it seems easy to go in search of happiness, we can find some bumps in the road, such as bad thoughts and bad thoughts. nostalgia. «Our negative thoughts limit us greatly. The phrases that we say to ourselves with prejudices and limiting beliefs are our worst enemy. You have to remove that scratchy disk that tells you that you cannot do something because those negative thoughts are one of the main reasons that prevent you from reaching your dreams, “says Curro Cañete, who also believes that destructive thoughts do not go very far, so «you have to make the mind our ally, not that it takes you in the opposite direction ».
The second stone that we may stumble upon on our journey to happiness is the nostalgia, and the writer’s book dedicates a small space to what he considers “a trap in which we must not fall”. «Nostalgia is paralyzing because it leaves us hooked on what no longer exists: last. When you understand that the present is very rich, that life has a lot to offer you in the present and that what is important is what you have today and you want to create from today, nostalgia loses strength, “he says. From his perspective, the less one looks at the past, the better because that is where “focus is lost on what is wanted in the future.”
Personal growth exercise
In the book «Now it’s your turn to be happy», Curro Cañete raises a series of exercises that help us feel better with ourselves and to know where we are in our happiness. One of them is the so-called wheel of continuous and unlimited improvement, where health, work, love and money are put on a platter, which I name as the pillars for personal growth.
«It is very good to make that wheel because it gives you a exact average of your happiness», Says the expert. Is love or health weak? You will know how to advance that area. You can make the wheel whenever you want because it is always a good time. «I advise that it be done at least once a year, for example at the beginning of the year and on birthdays. Thanks to her, we will become aware of whether we are going to get better in life.