Currant White Fairy – productive variety, giving more than 5 kg per bush. The berries are one-dimensional, small in size, with a pleasant delicate taste. Bushes are compact, do not take up much space. They grow well in the climatic conditions of the middle lane.
History of breeding
The White Fairy (also called Diamond) is a variety of white currant obtained by breeders Litvinova V.M. and Smolyaninova N.K. on the basis of the Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture. During development, the researchers carried out free pollination of different cultivars. The application for admission was filed in 1991.
After passing successful tests, the variety was included in the register of breeding achievements in 2007. It was approved for cultivation in Central Our Country, including in the Moscow region and neighboring regions.
Description of the currant variety White Fairy
In the description of the currant variety, the main characteristics of the bush, size, shape, color of the berries are given. The main parameters are presented in the following sections.
Currant bushes The White Fairy is of medium strength, the crown is compact, practically does not spread to the sides. Shoots without lignification, moderate thickness, green. The color may also have a brownish-red tint. There is no pubescence on the surface, the branches are straight, without bending. As they grow older, they become covered with wood, become thicker, the color changes to gray-brown.
Currant buds of the White Fairy variety are located singly, the stems are short. They are quite large, have an ovoid, obtuse shape, gray-brown color. There is no pubescence, they slightly deviate from the shoots. At the same time, the apical buds are not free.
The leaves of the White Fairy currant have a 3- or 5-lobed shape, they are small in size, the surface is dense, matte, and has no pubescence. The color is green, saturated. Along the central vein, the plates are bent inward. At the same time, the edges rise slightly. The middle lobes are sharp and longer than the lateral ones.

The bush produces tasty medium-sized berries
The basal lobes are poorly developed. On the edges of the leaf plates of the White Fairy currant there are teeth, they are blunt, of medium size, they do not have pronounced “tips”. At the base there is a core, the notch is shallow. The petioles are quite long, medium thickness, green in color, a pinkish tint is noticeable.
Currant flowers White Fairy are small, shaped like saucers, with a green roller near the pistil. The sepals are yellowish-greenish in color, interspersed with pink in the form of strokes. Brushes of medium size, from 8 to 9 cm with petioles, medium density. Axes of medium thickness, no pubescence, petioles are short. The stalks are also small, thin, green. They do not have pubescence.
The fruits of the currant White Fairy are small, weighing an average of 0,6 g, individual specimens up to 0,8. They are one-dimensional, rounded in shape, white in color, stripes are noticeable. Detachment from the stalks dry, which facilitates harvesting. Each berry has seeds, they are medium-sized. Calyxes are medium, closed, do not fall off even after maturation.
Characteristic of the variety
Among the main characteristics of the variety of summer residents are interested in the taste of berries, ripening time, and the yield indicator. The most important parameters are described below.
Currant berries White Fairy have a sweet and sour taste, quite delicate and pleasant. At the tasting assessment, they received 4,0 points out of the maximum 5. The composition contains sugars (mass fraction 6,8%), acids (up to 2,2%), including vitamin C – almost 42 mg per 100 g. Good taste but almost no flavor.
Terms of maturation
In terms of ripening, the White Fairy currant belongs to mid-season varieties. The fruits are formed in July, and begin to ripen in early August.
One of the advantages of the White Fairy currant variety is a very high yield. Subject to the rules of care, up to 5,2 kg of delicious berries are harvested from one adult bush. If grown on large plots, up to 13,4 t/ha can be harvested.
Frost resistance of currant White fairy
White fairy refers to frost-resistant varieties. It winters normally in the climatic conditions of the Moscow region, other regions of the middle zone and areas lying to the south of it.
Currant Pollinators White Fairy
The variety is self-fertile, so it does not need pollinators. However, to maintain a stable yield, it will not be superfluous to plant representatives of varieties with similar flowering times, such as Cream, Belka or Boulogne.

Snezhana is one of the varieties that is suitable as a pollinator for the White Fairy
Resistance to diseases
Currants are highly resistant to various diseases and pests. At the beginning of the season, it is enough to carry out one preventive treatment. If necessary, the bushes are inspected in the summer and sprayed from insects using insecticides or folk remedies.
Advantages and disadvantages
Currant varieties White Fairy is valued for its pleasant taste and very good yield. The variety is unpretentious, normally tolerates winter frosts. You can breed a culture both for yourself and for sale.

The variety is valued for its good taste.
- increased productivity;
- detachment is dry, the fruits do not crumble;
- frost resistance;
- disease resistance;
- self-fertile, pollinators are not needed;
- the crown is compact, the bush does not take up much space.
- the crown thickens quickly, pruning is required;
- the bush is demanding on the composition of the soil;
- gives a lot of root shoots, which must be constantly removed;
- can be severely damaged by overwatering.
How to plant
The planting of the White Fairy currant is planned for autumn – from early September to mid-October, since in this case the seedlings will take root, adapt to winter and immediately grow in spring. Planting material is purchased in August or September. The seedling should be healthy, with closely fitting buds to the stems. In young shoots, the bark should be grayish, without a specific smell of currants, and also without signs of damage.
The place for planting a seedling of the White Fairy currant should be sunny and dry (not in a lowland). The optimal soil type is fertile, light loam with a neutral pH = 6-7. Preparations begin several months in advance. The soil is dug up and humus or compost is added in the amount of 7-10 kg per 1 m2. If it is clayey, heavy, add sand or sawdust 3-5 kg each for the same area.
When planting currants, the White Fairy acts like this:
- Several holes are marked with a depth and a diameter of 60 cm.
- Small stones are laid at the bottom – a layer 5-7 cm high.
- They put a seedling in the center, straighten the roots, place it at an angle of 45 degrees.
- Then sprinkled with fertile soil.
- Tamp down so that the root neck is 8-10 cm below the surface.
- Watered with settled water.
- Cut off all the shoots of the White Fairy currant so that three buds remain on each.
- After a few days, mulch for the winter with sawdust, straw, hay or other materials (minimum height 10 cm).

The seedling is placed at an angle of 45 degrees
Features of care
Starting from the second season, currants are fed every spring with ammonium nitrate or urea – 15-20 g per bush. During the formation of buds, superphosphate (40 g) and potassium sulfate (30 g) are given. Monthly watered with infusion of mullein 1:10 or chicken manure 1:20.
The soil is periodically loosened, weeds are removed in the trunk circle. Sanitary pruning is done in early spring. At the same time, the White Fairy currant bushes are treated with fungicides to prevent fungal infections.
Currant White Fairy – one of the best varieties of currants of medium ripening. It is characterized by good immunity, high productivity, resistance to adverse weather conditions. Fruits with a dry separation, they are easy to take at harvest time. Juicy and moderately sweet, suitable for fresh consumption and in various preparations.