Red currant syrup can be prepared for the winter in the same way as compotes, jams, jelly from this berry. Subsequently, desserts, drinks are prepared from it, or consumed in its original form as a sweet dessert for tea.

Currant syrup recipes for the winter: from red and black

Useful properties of currant syrup

The drink is useful, first of all, for digestion. If it is consumed before meals, it stimulates the appetite, if after – it helps to digest food. In addition, it has a general strengthening and tonic effect on the body. Improves blood composition, improves immunity.

Currant syrup contains many vitamins and microelements. Its regular use has a good effect on overall well-being. Especially useful in winter, when there is a shortage of fresh fruits. helps to avoid hypovitaminosis, and in the season of colds is an indispensable preventive and therapeutic agent.

Attention! Currant syrup should not be abused, as it is a rather allergenic product. It can be used from time to time, for example, for colds, as a general tonic in the winter-spring period, for the preparation of sweet desserts.

How to make currant syrup

The syrup is obtained from natural black or red currant juice, boiled together with sugar, citric acid and aromatic additives. It can be used in the preparation of sweet products, for example, as part of creams, in the form of fillings for baking, for cereals, kissels, and so on. If you prepare a drink from syrup, you need to dilute it with carbonated or acidified drinking water and consume it through a straw.

Syrup can be prepared both with the help of cooking, that is, in a hot way, and without it. To obtain syrup without heat treatment, the following is required:

  • squeeze juice from ripe juicy fruits that are not damaged;
  • strain the resulting extract;
  • add sugar, citric acid to the juice, the recommended ratio is 350 (ml): 650 (g): 5-10 (g);
  • stir until all preservative ingredients are dissolved;
  • strain the syrup;
  • pour into clean dry bottles, close them with corks, seal with sealing wax or fill the neck with paraffin;
  • Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

Currant syrup recipes for the winter: from red and black

The syrup prepared in this way is not subject to sugaring, retains the taste and aroma of fresh fruits.

To prepare syrup in a hot way, you need:

  • take ripe, healthy fruits;
  • peel the currants from the twigs, rinse with cold water;
  • any of the available ways to get juice;
  • strain the extract, heat over a fire, but do not bring to a boil yet;
  • add sugar, for about 0,7 l of juice – 1,5 kg of sugar;
  • cook over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  • bring to a boil and boil for up to 5 minutes;
  • add citric (tartaric) acid, about 1 kg of sugar – 5-10 g;
  • boil for a couple more minutes, remove from heat;
  • pass hot syrup through a gauze filter;
  • cool;
  • pour into sterilized jars;
  • roll up boiled lids.

The foam that forms at the beginning is not removed, it can be broken with a slotted spoon. At the end of cooking, a lot of foam also accumulates, so it needs to be removed and removed.

Currant syrup recipes at home

You can prepare currant syrup for the winter at home. The product retains all the flavors and colors of fresh berries, as well as most of the nutrients needed for a healthy life.

redcurrant syrup recipe


  • currant (red) – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • water (boiled) – 0,4 l;
  • citric acid – 8 g.

Peel the currants from the stalks, leaves and rinse. Transfer the berries to a bowl and mash with a wooden spoon. Pour in water, stir everything well and strain through a cotton cloth. Add sugar to the resulting liquid, cook over low heat until a thick consistency appears. At the end, throw citric acid, roll into jars.

Currant syrup recipes for the winter: from red and black

Red currant jelly syrup


  • currant (red or white) – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0,8 kg.

Take slightly unripe red currants. Without adding water, get juice from them. Boil, add sugar gradually, in parts. The first half during cooking, the second – shortly before its end.

To determine the readiness of the jelly, you need to run a wooden spoon along the bottom of the pan. The remaining trace in the form of a track will indicate that the desired consistency has been achieved.

Transfer the hot mass into dry sterile jars, after 8 hours roll up with polyethylene (sealed) lids. Red currant jelly can be used independently, for example, for tea, decorating confectionery with it.

Currant syrup recipes for the winter: from red and black

strong jelly recipe

Throw the peeled and well-washed currants on a sieve, transfer to a basin. Heat until steam appears. Pass through a sieve to obtain juice, add sugar to it.


  • red currant juice (freshly squeezed) – 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar – 1,5 tbsp.

Put the basin on the fire. As soon as the syrup boils, set aside and remove the foam. After 20 minutes, return to the fire and repeat again. So continue until the liquid thickens and foam stops forming. Pour hot jelly into jars and close the lids after 24 hours. All this time they should be open. Jelly is served with buns, puddings, casseroles.

Attention! If a hot drop, flowing down from a spoon, freezes, then the jelly is ready.

Blackcurrant syrup recipe for the winter

Berries must be taken ripe, without defects. Remove them from the brush, rinse with running water. Crush the berries with a wooden mortar (spoon), stand for one or two days. This must be done in order to prevent the development of the gelation process, since there are a lot of pectin substances in currants. During these two days, a weak fermentation takes place, during which the pectin is destroyed, the taste and color improve.

The resulting juice is driven through a multilayer gauze filter, then mixed with sugar. Approximately 2 kg of granulated sugar will go per liter of juice. It is better to take enameled dishes, but check that there are no damages on the inner walls. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring and removing foam. Shortly before completion, throw tartaric (citric) acid into the pan. For 1 liter of syrup you will need 4 g of powder. Strain the hot concentrate again in the same way and pour it cooled into the prepared container.

Attention! To check the readiness of the syrup, you need to drop it into cold water. If the drop sinks to the bottom and dissolves only when stirred, the concentrate is ready.

Blackcurrant jelly syrup


  • currant (black) – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0,25 kg.

Mash the berries and bring to a boil in a saucepan for making jam. Keep on a quiet fire for about 10 minutes, then get the juice out of them by squeezing. Put the resulting liquid back on the fire, boil, add sugar. Cook no more than 20 minutes.

Currant syrup recipes for the winter: from red and black

How to make syrup sauce


  • currant (any) – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1,5 kg;
  • cinnamon;
  • nutmeg.

Properly prepared berries wipe through a sieve (colander). Add sugar to the puree and mix well with a mixer. Transfer to a saucepan with a wide thick bottom, turn on the heat. When it boils, add spices and cook for a few more minutes over low heat. Simultaneously prepare sterilized jars. Pour hot syrup into them, roll up.

Attention! The sauce can be served with sweet dishes, desserts, such as ice cream, pudding, mousse.

Caloric value

Currant syrup is a mixture of berry juice and a large amount of sugar. Therefore, the calorie content of such a product is quite high.

B (proteins, g)


F (fats, g)


Y (carbs, g)


Calorie content, kcal


Attention! It is dangerous for people suffering from obesity or diabetes to get involved in this product.

Terms and conditions of storage

You can store currant syrup in the refrigerator. This is the best place to store it, especially if the blanks were made in a cold way, that is, without cooking. Cooked syrups can be kept in a basement, pantry, or any other cool, dark place.


Red currant syrup contains a lot of vitamin C, as well as a large number of other important substances. Therefore, by making a preparation for the winter, you can protect yourself from colds, hypovitaminosis and other seasonal diseases.

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