Currant (red, black) with mint: compote for the winter and for every day

For the winter, it is worth preparing a compote of currants and mint, which brings new, unusual notes to the taste of a familiar drink. Thanks to herbs, the aroma becomes more intense and refreshing. The spices and lemon added to the composition will help to make the taste of the compote more original.

Currant (red, black) with mint: compote for the winter and for every day

Secrets of making currant and mint compote

It is forbidden to brew a drink in aluminum containers. The acids found in black and red currants begin to react with the metal. As a result, harmful compounds are formed that give the compote a metallic taste. Also, because of cooking in such dishes, the berries are deprived of all minerals and vitamins.

Mint is recommended to use fresh. Leaves should not be dry and cut by insects.

When buying, you should carefully choose the fruits. Definitely need to try them. The taste should be tart and slightly sour. If there is no aroma, the currant is artificially grown. If there is a smell of alcohol, then several fruits burst, began to deteriorate and the fermentation process began. Such red and black currants will spoil the entire batch of the drink. When pressed, the density of the berry should be felt. It should be neither soft nor hard. If the fruits are soft, then the storage was incorrect or too long. Firm berries denote immaturity.

Advice! If a lot of bees, wasps and flies fly around a bucket with red or black currants, then the berries are definitely cracked and you should not buy them.

Red currants are sourer than black, but the benefits of the fruit are the same. If the taste is too sour, you can add more sugar.

To get an incredible flavor, vanilla pod, nutmeg or cinnamon sticks are added to the drink. If the recipe provides for the addition of honey, then it is introduced only into a slightly cooled drink. Hot liquid kills all its nutritional properties.

To make currant compote with mint for the winter the most saturated and concentrated, hot sweet syrup is poured directly onto the berries in the jar. After that, leave the workpiece under a covered lid for several minutes. Then the liquid is poured into a saucepan, boiled, poured over the berries and rolled up.

Currant compote recipes for the winter

Black and red currants contain a large amount of vitamins. To keep them for the entire winter period, you can not subject them to heat treatment for a long time. Boil the berries no more than the time indicated in the recipe.

The fruits contain tannins, due to which vitamin C is completely preserved during the preservation process. Therefore, in winter, it is worth constantly drinking a healthy preparation to saturate the body with vitamins and protect it from viral diseases.

To make redcurrant compote with mint bright, beautiful and tasty, you must strictly follow all the recommendations.

Recipe for compote for the winter of red currant and mint for a 3-liter jar

Bright, fragrant compote is pleasant to open on cold winter days. Before seaming, there is no need to boil it, the products will fully give their aroma and taste to the hot syrup. The drink is concentrated, so you need to dilute it with water before drinking.


  • water – 2,3 l;
  • currant – 2 kg red;
  • sugar – 320 g;
  • currant – 300 g black for color and aroma;
  • mint (preferably a mixture of several varieties) – 50 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Remove sticks from berries. Rinse currants and mint thoroughly.
  2. Pour water into sugar. Put on medium fire. Boil syrup.
  3. Arrange berries and mint in prepared jars. Fill container 2/3 full.
  4. Pour in boiling syrup. Spin.
  5. Turn over and close with a blanket folded in several layers. Leave for 2 days.
Advice! It is not recommended to enjoy a drink earlier than a month later. The berries will take time to release their flavor and aroma.

Currant (red, black) with mint: compote for the winter and for every day

Redcurrant compote with mint for the winter without sterilization

The drink will contribute to the fight against beriberi in the winter. It removes unnecessary fluid from the body, eliminating edema.


  • sugar – 220 g;
  • red currant – 400 g;
  • blackcurrant – 100 g;
  • mint (fresh) – 30 g;
  • water – 1,5 l.

Cooking process:

  1. Remove stalks. Pour black and red berries with a large volume of water. Drain dirt carefully. Repeat the process 2 times. Rinse the mint.
  2. Combine sugar with water. Put on medium heat and cook until the crystals dissolve.
  3. Pour berries, then mint into boiling syrup and cook for 3 minutes. Pour immediately into prepared containers. Screw on the lids.
  4. Turn over and wrap with cloth. Leave for 2 days.

Currant (red, black) with mint: compote for the winter and for every day

Compote for the winter of red currant with mint and lemon

The proposed option tastes like the famous mojito. Compote remarkably refreshes and saturates the body with vitamins.


  • currant – 700 g red;
  • sugar – 400 g;
  • water – 5,6 l;
  • fresh mint – 60 g;
  • lemon – 140 g

Cooking process:

  1. Clean currants from impurities and leaves, then remove the stalks. Rub the lemon with a brush to get rid of paraffin.
  2. Rinse citrus, berries and mint.
  3. Put 2 three-liter jars to be sterilized.
  4. Slice the citrus.
  5. Evenly distribute the lemon and currants among the jars. Pour sugar and add mint.
  6. Pour in boiling water. Insist 15 minutes. Pour the water back into the pot. Boil and pour over the berries again. Fasten the lids on quickly.
  7. Flip. Hold under a warm blanket until completely cooled.

Currant (red, black) with mint: compote for the winter and for every day

Sterilized redcurrant compote with mint

A drink in the winter will serve as an excellent basis for making a cocktail and homemade jelly.

Advice! After picking, the berries are suitable for making compote within 3 days, provided they are stored in the refrigerator.


  • mint – 3 branches;
  • currant – 450 g black;
  • water – 2,7 l;
  • currant – 450 g red;
  • sugar – 420

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the mint. Sort and clean the berries. Remove dried and with a sign of damage. Rinse.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan. Place mint. Put on medium heat and cook for 7 minutes. The liquid should take on a greenish tint. If the color is pale, then add more mint.
  3. Pour in sugar. When bubbles appear on the surface, pour in the berries. Switch fire to maximum mode. Boil 3 minutes. It is impossible to keep on fire longer, otherwise the berries will spread and form turbidity at the bottom.
  4. Pour compote into jars. Screw on the lids.
  5. Cover the bottom of a deep container with a cloth and expose the blanks. Fill jars with cold water to the brim. Put on minimum fire. After the water boils, sterilize for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Take it out and immediately place it upside down on the floor. Cover with cloth. Leave for 2 days.

Currant (red, black) with mint: compote for the winter and for every day

The original recipe for redcurrant compote, mint and lemon balm for the winter

Melissa will saturate the compote with a special aroma and make the taste more original, and mint – refreshing.


  • water – 3 l;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • currant – 300 g red;
  • mint – 3 branches;
  • Melissa – 3 sprigs.

Cooking process:

  1. Clear the berries of debris and remove the stalks.
  2. Rinse lemon balm, mint and currants.
  3. Combine water with sugar. Boil 8 minutes. Add prepared foods, except mint. Boil 2 minutes.
  4. Pour into prepared jars. Add mint leaves. Roll up.
  5. Turn over and leave for 2 days under a blanket.

Mint should be fresh, preferably only plucked. Leaves lying in the refrigerator can make the drink bitter. In winter, it is delicious served with lime or orange wedges.

Currant (red, black) with mint: compote for the winter and for every day

Currant and mint compote recipes for every day

It is useful to cook currant compote with mint in small volumes for daily use. With a minimum of time, you can prepare a delicious, vitamin drink that the whole family will enjoy. In the proposed recipes, you can add more mint, thereby making the compote more refreshing.

Advice! To add spice, you can throw a few orange or lemon peels into the drink. This will give the compote flavor and slight sourness.

Delicious blackcurrant and mint compote

Mint refreshes and fills the drink with an unusual taste. You can use not only blackcurrant, but also a mixture with red.


  • currant – 500 g black;
  • Cinnamon – 5 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • dried mint – 10 g;
  • water – 2 l.

Cooking process:

  1. You can use fresh mint instead of dried mint. Sort blackcurrant. Rinse off debris. Use only strong berries. Soft ones will boil quickly and make the drink cloudy. Wash fresh mint.
  2. To boil water. Add mint. Stir and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Add blackcurrant. Pour in sugar. Boil. Remove from fire. Sprinkle with cinnamon and leave covered for 4 hours. Strain through a sieve.
  4. Serve with ice cubes and fresh mint leaves.

Currant (red, black) with mint: compote for the winter and for every day

Recipe for fragrant blackcurrant compote with mint and star anise

Refreshing, spicy and surprisingly healthy drink will energize for the whole day. Compote will perfectly replace lemonade and take its rightful place on the festive table.

Advice! Mint is allowed to use not only fresh, but also dried


  • Cinnamon – 5 g;
  • water – 2,3 l;
  • star anise – 5 g;
  • mint – 10 g;
  • blackcurrant – 650 g;
  • powdered sugar – 280

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. Rinse mint with cold water.
  2. Bring water to a boil. Add star anise with mint. Boil 10 minutes.
  3. Pour in powdered sugar. Cook until completely dissolved.
  4. Rinse blackcurrant from dirt. Remove stalks. Pour into compote. Boil 10 minutes. Fire must be kept to a minimum.
  5. Remove from burner and sprinkle with cinnamon. Stir and cool completely.
  6. Serve garnished with fresh mint leaves.

Currant (red, black) with mint: compote for the winter and for every day

Storage Rules

It is necessary to store winter blanks in a cool room where the sun’s rays do not fall. Ideal for storage or basement. The temperature must be within +1°…+6°C. The shelf life of sterilized blanks, subject to the conditions, is 2 years. Without sterilization – 1 year.

If the blanks are stored in a cabinet at room temperature, then they must be consumed within a year. A drink without heat sterilization will retain nutritional and taste qualities for no more than six months.

Fresh, unrolled compote is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Advice! To make compote with blackcurrant and mint the most useful and nutritious, it is allowed to replace sugar with honey.


Refreshing and delicious currant and mint compote, it is important to learn how to cook it correctly. If the technological process is violated, the healing properties will be lost. The amount of mint can be increased or decreased according to taste preferences. In any of the proposed recipes, you can use assorted red and black berries, so that the drink will turn out to be more aromatic and rich in color.

Red currant compote.

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