Currant liqueur: 7 recipes at home

Quite often, currants (both black and red) are not just a lot, but a lot. In this situation, it is appropriate to recall that it is possible and necessary to prepare delicious alcoholic drinks of different strengths from this berry. For example: liqueurs.

They also make currants: tinctures, wine, liquors

Tips before starting

  1. Currants must be separated from combs, vegetable debris, as well as rotten, spoiled and moldy berries.

  2. The berry should be as ripe and juicy as possible.

  3. Red currants are sourer than black and, accordingly, require more sugar (about ¼ of the indicated mass).

  4. The sugar indicated in the recipes, if desired, can be replaced or supplemented with liquid honey.

Classic vodka drink

For this type of liqueur, you can use either black or red currants. Moreover, both fresh and frozen (the first, of course, is preferable).


  1. Currants – 3 kg

  2. Vodka or 45 degree alcohol – 250 ml

  3. Sugar – 1 kg

Method of preparation

  1. Rinse the berries in cold water, let the water drain well.

  2. Remove the berries from the twigs and, sprinkling with sugar, place in a large glass container.

  3. Cover with gauze, leave for 4 days in the sun. Shake the container with the contents every day.

  4. After the start of fermentation, install a water seal, keep the jar in a dark place for 45 days.

  5. When fermentation stops, carefully drain the liquor, filter, pour in alcohol and stir.

  6. Pour the finished liquor into prepared bottles, seal tightly, store in a cool place.

Blackcurrant juice pour

In principle, no one forbids using redcurrant juice in a recipe, but you need to keep in mind that this option will require more sugar, and the result will be less saturated.


  1. Blackcurrant juice – 500 ml

  2. Vodka or 45-degree water-alcohol solution – 500 ml

  3. Sugars – 200 g

  4. Ground cinnamon – 1 pinch

  5. Cloves – 2-3 pcs.

Method of preparation

  1. Mix all ingredients well in a suitable jar.

  2. Hold a tightly closed container for a month in a dark, warm place.

  3. The resulting drink is passed through a dense filter and bottled.

  4. Hold the hermetically sealed container for a month or two in a cool, dark place, after which it can be put on the table.

Pouring from berries and blackcurrant leaves

Here, there are no options. The red berry does not look at all in this scenario.


  1. Currants – 1 kg

  2. Pure grain alcohol – 600 ml

  3. Water – 400 ml

  4. Currant leaves – 10 pcs.

  5. Sugar (to taste) – 250-350 g

Method of preparation

  1. Transfer the washed berries to a jar and slightly knead them.

  2. Add clean leaves, water and alcohol, then mix everything thoroughly.

  3. Put a tightly closed container for a month in a cool dark place.

  4. Then, carefully filter the drink, squeeze the cake into it and add sugar to your liking.

  5. Mix the substance well, close it again with a tight lid and return it to a cool room for 4 days (at the same time, during the first 2 days, shake the liquid several times to dissolve the sugar).

  6. After the specified period, strain the drink again, bottle it, seal it tightly and leave it alone, at least for another couple of months.

Double blackcurrant liqueur

This version of the drink has pronounced Polish roots. Accordingly, one cannot do without liquid honey.


  1. Black currant – 1 kg

  2. Vodka – 500 ml

  3. Pure grain alcohol – 500 ml

  4. Sugars – 400 g

  5. Flower honey – according to the situation

Method of preparation

  1. Pour the washed berries into a jar, pour in alcohol, close tightly and shake thoroughly.

  2. Send the container prepared in this way for a month in a dark, warm place.

  3. Then, pour the alcohol into another jar, and mash the berries remaining in the same container and cover with sugar.

  4. Leave tightly closed currants and no less tightly closed alcohol infusion in a warm, dark room for another 10 days.

  5. After this time, carefully strain the currant syrup, squeeze the cake into it and mix with the alcohol base.

  6. If necessary, add honey and mix everything again (in principle, sugar is also suitable, but it will not be authentic and I would even say: not poetic).

  7. Close the almost finished drink tightly again and return to a warm, dark room for another week.

  8. The result is filtered again, bottled and sent to the cellar to wait in the wings (at the same time, again, it is better not to rush).

Nalivochka triple

If the previous “pansky” drink seems too strong to you, you can add 500 ml of non-carbonated drinking water to the list of ingredients, and one more step to the cooking process.

Method of preparation

  1. We do everything up to the 5th step from this recipe.

  2. After 10 days, carefully strain the currant syrup, mix it with the alcohol base and close tightly again.

  3. Pour the remaining berry cake with water (the water should cover the currant pulp by 2-3 cm), close tightly and place in a cool dark place for two weeks.

  4. Next, filter the liquid, squeeze the cake into it and pour the new syrup into a container with a strong liquor.

  5. If necessary, add honey or sugar and mix everything again.

  6. Close the resulting substance tightly again and return to a warm, dark room for another week.

  7. The result is filtered for the last time, bottled and sent to the cellar for at least a two-month rest.

Noble liqueur-casserole: red on red

An old-world redcurrant drink. Very fast to prepare and very tasty to eat.


  1. Red currant – 1 kg

  2. Red wine (you can have a good homemade one) – 500 ml

  3. Sugars – 200 g

Method of preparation

  1. Put the washed currants in a ceramic pot (or, in the absence of the latter, in an enamel pan) and pour wine over.

  2. Cover the container with parchment paper (or foil) with several holes pierced in it and place in the oven, heated to a temperature of 40-60 ° C.

  3. Keep the pan in the oven for 7-10 hours, taking it out for 5-10 minutes from time to time to check how much the berry has given up its juice.

  4. After the expiration of the above period, finally pull out the pan, cool its contents to room temperature, filter the drink well and squeeze the juice from the berries into it.

  5. Add sugar, mix the result, then wait a couple of hours, and then bottle the liqueur.

  6. Keep the drink for two weeks in a dry, cool place and, finally, please your family and friends with it.

Blackcurrant infusion “Stumbling block”


  1. Water – 850 ml

  2. Vodka – 750 ml

  3. Black currant berries – 1 kg

  4. Sugar – 1 kg

Method of preparation

  1. Rinse ripe berries, dry and remove from the branches.

  2. Mash the currants, put in a sieve or cloth bag, let the juice drain well.

  3. Prepare sugar syrup, skim off foam, cool.

  4. Mix syrup and currant juice, put on fire, let it boil once and immediately remove from heat and pour in vodka.

  5. Stir, again put on low heat, not letting it boil, boil the liquor until it thickens.

  6. Cool the liqueur, pour into prepared bottles and cork carefully. Store in a cool dry place.

Relevance: 25.06.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueur Recipes

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