Currant Dar Eagle: description, planting and care

Redcurrant Dar Orla is a variety that many gardeners have been able to appreciate. Its feature is a stable yield, subject to the simple rules of agricultural technology. The fruits of this currant are distinguished by a high content of vitamins and minerals, therefore they are used in cooking, as well as for medicinal purposes. But in order for this shrub to fully develop, it is necessary to provide it with favorable conditions, taking into account its characteristics.

Currant Dar Eagle: description, planting and care

Redcurrant Dar Orla is distinguished by its versatility

History of breeding

This species was obtained at the All- Research Institute of Selection of Fruit Crops of the Oryol Region. An application for admission to testing was filed in 2000, and only 18 years later he received permission to use.

The authors of the variety are employees of the Institute, namely L. D. Bayanova and O. D. Golyaeva. The purpose of the creation was to obtain a type of red currant, which will be distinguished by high yield, increased resistance to adverse weather conditions, as well as common crop diseases. And the creators have completely succeeded. The basis for it was the Rote Spatlese and Jonker van Tete varieties. The gift of the Eagle is recommended for cultivation in the West Siberian region.

Description of the currant variety Dar Orla

This variety of culture is characterized by vigorous, medium-spreading bushes, the height of which reaches 1,5 m, and the growth diameter is 1,2 m. The shoots of the red currant of this species are thickened in diameter about 1 cm, with a weak edge on the surface. The shade of the bark changes depending on the age of the branches. Initially, it is saturated green, and later becomes gray-brown.

The buds of the red currant Dar Orla are medium in size, ovoid in shape, also slightly pubescent. The leaves are large, five-lobed, dark green. The surface of the plates is matte, slightly concave. The central segment is longer than the lateral ones; a right angle is formed at the junctions of the parts of the sheet. The teeth are blunt, short, not bent. At the base of the leaves there is a small rounded notch. Petioles thickened, medium size with anthocyanin, without edging.

The flowers of this redcurrant are medium in size, light. Sepals twisted, not closed. Fruit brushes up to 16 cm long, dense, directed downwards. Each of them can form up to 26 berries. The axis of the fruit clusters is pubescent, straight, thickened.

The berries of this type of red currant are round in shape, when ripe they become red. The average weight of each is 0,5-.07 g. Their skin is thin, dense, and is slightly felt when eaten. The pulp is fleshy, juicy, contains a moderate amount of seeds. The taste of ripe berries is sweet and sour. The tasting evaluation of the red currant Dar Orla is 4,3 points out of a possible five.

Currant Dar Eagle: description, planting and care

Berries have good gelling properties

Important! The fruits of this red currant contain up to 53,7 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g of product.

Harvest is suitable for fresh consumption, as well as for making jam, jam, compotes, dessert fillings.


Redcurrant Dar Orla surpasses many types of culture in its characteristics. And to be sure of this, you need to familiarize yourself with them.

Drought resistance, winter hardiness

The shrub is highly resistant to frost. It does not suffer from a drop in temperature to -50 ° C. Also, this redcurrant is immune to spring return frosts, since its flowering period begins when the threat of their appearance has passed.

The gift of the Eagle easily tolerates short-term dry periods. But a prolonged lack of moisture in the soil can provoke the crushing of fruits.

Important! Dar Orla does not respond well to dry air, so the variety is not suitable for growing in the southern regions.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

The species belongs to the late category. It blooms at the end of May. This period lasts about ten days. Harvest ripens at the end of July. At the same time, in the brush, the berries are painted at the same time. The ripe crop keeps on the branches for up to a month.

This variety is self-fertile and does not need pollinators to set. This level is 58-74%. Therefore, the redcurrant Dar Orla shows a high and stable yield every year.

Currant Dar Eagle: description, planting and care

Redcurrant Dar Orla is resistant to shedding

Yield and fruiting

The bush begins to bear fruit from the second year after planting. He shows maximum performance in the sixth year. And after that, its productivity decreases. Therefore, it is recommended to remove old branches in a timely manner, replacing them with young ones.

The yield of red currant Dar Orla is 10 kg per bush. Fruits at the stage of technical maturity easily tolerate transportation in the first 2-3 days after harvest, provided that they are packed in containers of 3 kg. You can store the crop fresh in a cool room for up to five days.

Important! It is necessary to remove the old branches of the shrub completely at the base, leaving no stumps.

Disease and pest resistance

The gift of the Eagle is characterized by strong natural immunity. This shrub is not susceptible to powdery mildew, bud mites. Under unfavorable growing conditions, it can be slightly affected by septoria and moderately by anthracnose.

Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend that in order to maintain the immunity of the shrub at a high level in early spring and after harvesting in the fall, preventive treatment with preparations containing copper ions is recommended. From pests, Neoron, Fufanon, Bayleton should be used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Redcurrant Dar Orla has certain advantages that distinguish it from the rest. But the bush also has weaknesses that you need to pay attention to.

Currant Dar Eagle: description, planting and care

Berries of the Dar Orla variety are suitable for freezing

Main advantages:

  • high, stable yield;
  • frost resistance;
  • strong natural immunity;
  • immunity to temperature changes;
  • marketability;
  • versatility of application;
  • possibility of transportation;
  • dry separation of berries.


  • does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil;
  • suffers from dry air;
  • needs regular updates.
Important! Variety Dar Orla is suitable for mechanized harvesting.

Features of planting and care

It is necessary to plant bushes of this red currant in open sunny areas. Placing the shrub in the shade stimulates the active growth of shoots, to the detriment of the formation of fruits. Variety Dar Orla prefers to grow in loamy and sandy soil with low acidity and good aeration. At the same time, the occurrence of groundwater in the area should be at least 0,6 m.

Planting bushes should be carried out in early spring before the start of the growing season or late in the fall after it ends. Seedlings should be placed at a distance of 1,2 m, taking into account their growth diameter. When planting, deepen the root neck by 3-4 cm, which activates the growth of lateral shoots.

In the future, caring for the plant does not require complex actions. Watering the redcurrant Dar Orla is necessary only during long dry periods. To do this, use settled water at the rate of 10 liters per bush. Throughout the season, you need to loosen the soil at the base of the plants and remove weeds. This will allow air to reach the roots.

It is necessary to fertilize the Dar Orla three times during the season. The first time to make organic matter should be in the spring before the start of the growing season. The second is to feed with nitroammophos during the flowering period. And the third time it is necessary to fertilize the shrub during the formation of ovaries, using phosphorus-potassium mineral mixtures.

Currant Dar Eagle: description, planting and care

The life expectancy of a shrub in one place is 30 years

Important! Redcurrant Dar Eagle does not need shelter for the winter.

Caring for a fruit shrub involves an annual cleaning of the crown in the spring from broken and damaged shoots, as well as old branches.


Redcurrant Dar Orla is a highly productive crop variety that is able to produce a stable crop with minimal care. This plant is highly resistant to diseases and pests. These qualities have contributed to the growth of its popularity among beginners and experienced gardeners.

Reviews of currant Dar Orla

Lilia Smerklova, 45 years old, Bryansk
I have been growing this variety of red currant for the third year. But he began to bear fruit already in the second season after planting. The fruit clusters of Dara Orel are long, and the berries are closely spaced on them. The hue of the fruit when ripe becomes evenly red. The brushes stay on the branches for a long time, do not crumble. The shrub does not require increased attention to itself, it winters well, the shoots do not freeze over.
Oksana Rostikova, 48 years old, Kaluga
Variety Dar Orla acquired by accident two years ago. And already in the first season, the shrub gave a good growth of branches, and the next it pleased with the first harvest. In comparison with other varieties that grow in my country house, his brushes are large, dense, resembling clusters. The berries are small, their taste is sweet and sour. All care comes down to watering during the drought period and top dressing three times a season. I haven’t done any pruning yet as it’s young.

Planting red currants. Spring and autumn.

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