Currant Bashkir giant

Many people love blackcurrant. Berries are rich in vitamins and nutrients. Almost all varieties have fruits with a universal purpose. Delicious jams, jams, marmalade, juices are prepared from currant berries. It is difficult to list all the culinary delights that can be prepared from the fruits of this culture.

When choosing a variety, many factors are taken into account: the unpretentiousness of cultivation and care, the size and taste of the berries. Currant Bashkir giant just from such a series. Readers will find a description of the plant, characteristics, photos and reviews in the article.

Description and characteristics

The blackcurrant variety Bashkir giant of medium ripening was created by breeders of the Bashkir Research Institute of Agriculture.

Currant Bashkir giant


Bushes of this variety are of medium height. On annual shoots, the bark is light brown in color with clearly visible pubescence. Mature branches can be distinguished by their darker bark. Shoots are upright, medium vigor.

Dark green leaf blades with five lobes. The middle part of the sheet protrudes forward, and the remaining two pairs are parallel to each other. Each plate has sharp teeth.

Flowers and berries

Brushes on inflorescences drooping, long. On each of them, 12-15 flowers bloom, resembling a bell shape with oval petals. The sepals are wide, the edges of the petals are bent outwards.

Currant Bashkir giant

The self-fertility of the Bashkir Giant variety is high; pollinators are not required for currants. Almost all flowers are tied on each brush. By the time of ripening, large black berries weigh 1,4-2,5 grams. Many gardeners in the reviews write that the shiny, rounded fruits are similar in size to cherries. Yes, and the photo also confirms this.

Currant Bashkir giant

The berries of the Bashkir giant variety have a dense skin, come off dry, so the transportability is high. Consumers also note the taste of currants. The pulp is tender, juicy, with a low acid content. The aroma is truly currant.


  1. Since the setting of this variety is excellent, the yield is high. With the right agricultural technology, up to 7 kilograms of berries are harvested from one bush.
  2. Berries ripen almost at the same time, do not crumble. This makes cleaning easier.
  3. Variety Bashkir giant is a frost-resistant plant, temperatures down to -35 degrees do not lead to freezing of the root system. Therefore, currants can be grown even in the northern regions of Our Country.
  4. The plant is drought-resistant and unpretentious in care.
  5. Disease resistance of currants of this variety is average, but sometimes it is affected by bud mites, anthracnose.

Breeding rules

Blackcurrant, including the Bashkir giant variety, is an amazing plant. It takes root anyway. As gardeners write in reviews, it is enough to stick a branch, and it will begin to grow. But to get a good harvest you need to have healthy seedlings.

Of course, if gardeners want to plant a new variety on the site, they will have to purchase planting material. It is better to use the services of nurseries or companies that distribute root seedlings. For propagation of currants growing on the site, you can prepare seedlings yourself.

The variety Bashkir giant propagates:

  • grafting;
  • layering;
  • dividing the old bush.


For breeding blackcurrant, green or lignified cuttings are used. Reproduction can be done at any time, even in summer.

Odrevesnevshie cuttings

In March, when the buds are just beginning to swell, cuttings are cut from annual shoots located in the middle of the bush. The length of the cuttings is 18-20 cm, and the thickness is about the size of a pencil. 4-5 buds are left on each cutting.

On both sides, the planting material is cut off: from the bottom at an acute angle, and the upper part of the branch is straight, and placed in a jar of water. The upper cut can be covered with pitch or sprinkled with wood ash, activated charcoal.

The water in the jar is constantly changed so that it does not stagnate and rot. With the onset of heat, seedlings with rudiments of roots are planted in a special garden bed – a kindergarten for growing. The soil must be fertile. It remains to be watered in a timely manner. By autumn, the seedlings will be ready for planting in a new place.

Reproduction of currant cuttings to obtain a large number of seedlings:


Green cuttings

In summer, you can use green cuttings to propagate the Bashkir giant blackcurrant variety. They are cut from healthy shoots.

On a handle up to 10 cm long, there should be two leaves, which also need to be cut off a little. Fertile soil is poured into bags with holes for the outflow of water, watered abundantly and the cuttings are inserted at an angle of 45 degrees.

It is necessary to water the cuttings after 2-3 days, so that the earth is very damp. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the fall. Currants of the Bashkir giant variety are deepened 15 cm lower than they grew in the nursery.

Attention! You can immediately plant green cuttings in the ground, but in this case it will be more difficult to keep track of the state of the soil.

Currant Bashkir giant

Reproduction by layers

Obtaining new blackcurrant seedlings of any variety by layering is the most common and simplest method. In this way, it is good to propagate valuable varieties of currants, but you need to take two-year-old branches from a productive and healthy bush. During the summer, several strong shoots appear with a well-developed root system.

A groove is dripped next to the bush, an escape is laid in it and pinned with staples or knots. From above they are covered with fertile soil, watered abundantly.

Important! The upper part of the shoot should protrude above the surface.

Now it remains only to keep the soil moist, not allowing it to dry out. In autumn, seedlings are moved to a permanent place.

Currant Bashkir giant

Division of the bush

Often valuable currant varieties are propagated by dividing one bush into several parts. Work can be carried out in early spring before bud break or in autumn after leaf fall.

Only healthy plants with no signs of disease are suitable for reproduction. The currant bush is dug at a great distance from the center and uprooted from the pit. The earth is shaken off to expose the root system. The number of divisions will depend on the age of the bush and the number of shoots.

Currant Bashkir giant

After examining the bush, they outline the places for cutting. First, cut out all the old or broken branches to the base. Then shorten the roots. Delenki are planted in prepared planting pits at an angle of 45 degrees and watered well.

Then the shoots are cut off on each planted bush, leaving a height of no more than 20 cm, with 3-4 buds. There is no need to regret running away. As experienced gardeners write in reviews, such pruning stimulates the growth of the root system and the appearance of strong shoots from the buds.

After planting, the currant bushes of the Bashkir giant variety must be mulched to retain moisture and prevent weeds from roaming.

Important! With vegetative propagation of blackcurrant, the first crop is obtained in the second year after planting.

Useful tips about planting currants can be found here:

How to plant a currant

currant care

Currant care of the Bashkir giant variety is traditional, but there are some features depending on the time of year.


The spring period is very important for blackcurrants of any variety. At this time, the growing season begins. What needs to be done:

  1. Check out the bushes. According to the description, characteristics and reviews of gardeners, the blackcurrant of the Bashkir giant variety can be affected by a kidney mite. If there are swollen kidneys that stand out in an unnaturally large size, then they must be removed. With a strong defeat, the entire shoot is cut out to the very base.
  2. They loosen the earth at a shallow depth, dig in the bushes.
  3. Currants are fertilized with potato peelings, wood ash and humus. Plentifully watered and mulched with sawdust or manure. At the beginning of spring, the so-called water-charging irrigation is performed.
  4. Sanitary pruning is carried out and the bushes are treated with preparations for pests and diseases.


In the summer, currant varieties need the following activities:

  1. In abundant watering, especially at the beginning of flowering and fruiting.
  2. If the soil is not mulched, then weeds will have to be removed all summer. The fact is that in currant bushes the root system is located close to the surface. A large number of weeds will draw out all the nutrients and slow down the growth of the plant.
  3. Simultaneously with watering, fertilizing with organic matter is carried out. Infusions of mullein, green grass, nettle and wood ash are excellent. The same compositions can be used for foliar feeding.
  4. Any change in the state of the plant should be alarming. In some years, the blackcurrant variety may be affected by anthracnose. For prevention, you can spray plantings with copper sulphate (10-40 grams are added to 45 liters of water). It is good to treat the bushes with Hom.
Warning! Any chemical treatments are stopped 20 days before the berries ripen.


When the crop is harvested, the plants begin to prepare for wintering:

  • loosen the soil;
  • water abundantly if the autumn is dry;
  • carry out pruning;
  • feed currant bushes with organic matter or mineral fertilizers;
  • sprinkle the root system with humus or compost by 20 centimeters.

How to increase yield

Every gardener dreams of getting a good harvest of currants every year. The Bashkir Giant variety has large berries, but it can be even larger if the following measures are taken:

  1. With abundant flowering, in order to prevent shedding of the ovaries, it is advisable to spray the currant bushes with an infusion of honey. Pour warm water into a liter jar, add a tablespoon of honey. The honey smell will attract bees, which in turn increases pollination and increases yields.
  2. Currant bushes of the Bashkir giant variety are planted at a distance of 1,5 meters.
  3. Feeding plants with potato infusion (soaking the peel) also affects the size of the berries. Under each bush pour 3 liters of infusion.

It is not difficult to grow blackcurrant, the main thing is to get acquainted with the features of agricultural technology.

Reviews of gardeners

Victor, 55 years old, Zabaikalsky Krai
Currant bushes with berries of different sizes and colors grow on my site. Of the large-fruited plants, I especially single out the Bashkir giant variety. Berries of excellent taste, suitable for fresh consumption and processing. The wife prepares jam, jam and compotes. Part of the berries freezes. You get a bag in the winter, and while it thaws, the apartment is filled with the smell of currants. Currant winters well. I sprinkle it halfway with humus.
Alexandra, 48 years old, Lipetsk
I have been growing currants Bashkir giant for 4 years. Harvest variety, you will not say anything: the berries are large, sweet and sour. From each bush last year I collected 4,5 kg of berries. I do not experience any particular difficulties in care.

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