Curly hair without frizz. Video

Curly hair without frizz. Video

A girl with wavy hair always looks more gentle and romantic. Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky to be born with curls. And chemistry, irons and curling iron, although they help to create such a hairstyle, at the same time greatly weaken the hair. However, there are several safe ways to create adorable curls on your head.

The creation of this hairstyle does not take a lot of time, and the curls at the same time last for a very long time. In addition, it can be done even on long, thick hair.

To create it you will need:

  • shampoo
  • hairbrush
  • hair foam or gels with strong hold
  • hair spray

Wash your hair with your usual shampoo, since this hairstyle is done on clean hair. Then blot the strands well with a towel so that water stops dripping from them. You can even dry them a little with a hairdryer, but after that they must definitely remain moist.

After 10 minutes, comb them and part them in the middle of the head or on the side. Squeeze some strong hold styling product into the palm of your hand and spread it through your hair with your hands, clenching the strands into a fist from time to time. If you have a bang, it is best to leave it straight.

It is very important to correctly calculate the amount of styling product. For hair reaching the shoulder blades, one palm of foam or about 1 tsp is enough. gel. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look untidy.

Allow the curls to dry naturally or blow dry them with a low airflow so that the strands do not fly apart during drying. Beat and knead your hair occasionally with your hand. After that, fix curly hair with varnish to keep the hairstyle for a long time.

To create such styling, you can also use a diffuser – a special nozzle on a hairdryer

Beautiful curls with a tourniquet

This method of creating wavy hair is more suitable for fine strands. It is also better to do this hairstyle on clean hair, then they will look more neat, and the curls will last much longer.

To get curls you will need:

  • hairbrush
  • hairdryer
  • medium hold hair foam
  • elastic band or hairpins
  • hair spray

Wash your hair and blow dry your hair. They should remain only slightly damp. Comb them and spread the styling foam over the strands. After that, with your hands, pull the hair into a ponytail at the back of your head, and then twist it into a tight flagellum until it fits into a bun by itself.

Secure it to your head with a regular hair tie or hairpins

Dry your hair with a hairdryer and walk with it for at least an hour until the hair is completely dry. After the allotted time, dissolve the hairstyle and gently shake the resulting curls with your hand, creating a careless styling. Then fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Also interesting to read: curls on curlers.

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