Curd triangle biscuits: delicious geometry
Triangle-shaped cookies are typical for many national cuisines – Greek, French, Lithuanian, Jewish. Sometimes triangular cookies have a special meaning and are associated with certain rituals. For example, this is the shape of traditional Chinese fortune baked goods or delicacies that are being prepared for the Jewish Passover. For cooking, you can use puff, shortbread or curd dough. Stuff the cookies with jam, nuts or sugar, they will perfectly complement the sour taste of cottage cheese.
Cottage cheese triangular biscuits
Such cookies are suitable for an afternoon snack or a light breakfast, they turn out to be quite nutritious, but not too high in calories. Adjust the amount of sugar in the products to your liking.
You will need: – 200 g of cottage cheese; – 200 g of flour; – 200 g of thick sour cream; – 0,5 cups of sugar; – 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar; – 0,5 teaspoon of soda; – 1 teaspoon of lemon juice; – 2 eggs; – 0,5 teaspoon of salt; – powdered sugar for decoration.
To make the cookies tender, use only fresh, not overdried cottage cheese.
Pound cottage cheese in a bowl into a homogeneous mass along with sugar, vanilla sugar and salt. Add eggs and sour cream, then lemon-slaked baking soda. Pour the sifted flour into the dough in portions. If the mass is thin, the amount of flour can be increased.
Roll out the finished dough on a floured board. Use a glass or round notch to cut out the cookie cutters. Put a little sugar on each circle, then fold the blanks in four – you get a triangular-shaped cookie. Place the items on a greased, floured baking sheet.
Sugar can be mixed with ground cinnamon to add additional flavor to the baked goods.
Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Cook the cookies until golden brown, then remove from the baking sheet and place on the board to cool. Finished products can be lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar.
You can make beautiful and original cookies with filling from cottage cheese. Choose jams in different colors and flavors to create an assorted cookie.
You will need: – 250 g flour; – 150 g butter margarine; – 0,25 cups of sugar; – a few drops of vanilla essence; – 1 egg; – 0,5 teaspoon of soda; – 200 g soft cottage cheese; – thick jam of different tastes (orange, strawberry, lemon, blackcurrant).
Mix soft cottage cheese with egg and sugar, add melted margarine, baking soda, vanilla essence and sifted flour. Knead a soft dough, wrap it in plastic foil and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Remove the dough and roll it into a layer on a floured board. Cut out the circles with a glass. Place a teaspoon of jam in the center of each, then pinch the edges with your fingers, leaving the center open. You will end up with triangles with a colored core. Place them on a greased baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake until tender, then chill the cookies and serve with tea.