Curd diet: pros and cons

Most nutritionists agree that the cottage cheese diet is one of the most beneficial for the body. It not only allows you to get rid of excess weight, but also improve your health. Cottage cheese is a low-calorie, protein-rich food that allows you to quickly lose weight. It can be followed by people who have lactose intolerance, since there is no lactose in cottage cheese. The diet can last from 3 to 14 days. Specific timing depends on how much weight you need to lose.

The principle of the curd diet

Curd diet: pros and cons

There are several options for the cottage cheese diet:

  • A rigid diet involves eating exclusively cottage cheese. It should not last longer than 3 days. Alternatively, you can use this technique for fasting days.

  • The soft diet menu allows, in addition to cottage cheese, to include vegetables, fruits, fish, meat and sour-milk drinks in food. This technique can be followed for a week or 10 days. During this time, it will be possible to lose up to 4 kg of excess weight.

Monodiet. A mono-diet will allow you to lose from 0,3 kg to 1 kg of excess weight every day. Cottage cheese should be eaten in portions of 60 g, at least 5 times a day. In addition, it is allowed to drink unsweetened green tea and rosehip infusion. During the day, you need to drink water in a volume of 2 liters, since cottage cheese has the ability to remove fluid from the body. It is important to observe the time frame that limits the mono-diet to 3 days.

Menu for 7 days of the curd diet

Every morning, for a week, you need to eat cottage cheese in the amount of 200 g. Also, at breakfast, you need to eat 1 orange or grapefruit to choose from. If there is no desire to eat cottage cheese in its pure form, then you can prepare a dietary casserole based on it.






Cottage cheese (0,2 kg), orange or grapefruit, a glass of unsweetened green tea

Cottage cheese (0,1 kg), a couple of boiled eggs.

Boiled meat (0,1 kg), vegetable salad, rosehip broth.


Cottage cheese (0,1 kg) and boiled meat (0,1 kg).

A small boneless fish cooked in the oven, grated carrots, herbal decoction.


Cottage cheese (0,1 kg), a couple of boiled eggs.

Chicken breast in the oven, tomatoes, rosehip broth.


Cottage cheese (0,1 kg), baked fish.

Salad with cabbage, a glass of green tea.


Cottage cheese (0,1 kg), boiled squid carcass.

Vegetable soup and rosehip broth.


Cottage cheese (0,1 kg), a couple of boiled eggs.

Salad of leafy vegetables, a glass of green tea, fish fillet.


Cottage cheese (0,1 kg), baked meat (0,1 kg).

Cucumber salad with herbs, green tea.

Varieties of cottage cheese diet


Curd diet: pros and cons

The cottage cheese and kefir diet is an excellent option for those who want to lose weight and regulate the digestive system. Kefir contains beneficial bacteria that speed up metabolic processes by adjusting the functioning of the intestines. The average duration of the kefir-curd diet is 3 days, but if during this time the state of health does not worsen, then you can stick to the diet longer.

For a day, you need to eat 0,3-0,4 kg of cottage cheese and drink 1,5 liters of low-fat kefir. Breakfast and dinner should consist only of a glass of fermented milk drink. The rest of the food should be divided into equal portions and eaten throughout the day. To make the taste of dishes more saturated, you can add dill and cinnamon to the curd. It is also permissible to drink herbal decoctions, green tea, unsweetened compote and water.


Curd diet: pros and cons

The egg-curd diet has a lot in common with the Maggi diet. So, both of them are rich in protein products, which are the main focus. By following this method of losing weight, it will be possible to burn excess fat, and not muscle mass. The menu is low in calories, but has good nutritional potential. You need to take food in small portions, at regular intervals.

For a day, a person should eat 0,3 kg of cottage cheese and five boiled eggs. It is permissible to eat vegetables and fruits, but you need to choose those that do not contain starch. A prerequisite is to drink enough water per day. Compote and tea without sugar are also allowed drinks. It is not recommended to adhere to such a diet for longer than 28 days.

Cottage cheese and oatmeal

Curd diet: pros and cons

The menu of the curd-oatmeal diet is not very diverse, but it has an obvious advantage: losing weight throughout the day will not feel hungry. Porridge can only be boiled in water, since when milk is added, it turns out to be very high-calorie.

A sample menu for 4-5 days is as follows:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal and 2 apples.

  • Lunch: oatmeal with a teaspoon of honey, 3 apples, 100 g of chicken fillet, 100 g of kefir.

  • Dinner: cottage cheese and 2 apples.


Curd diet: pros and cons

Buckwheat-curd diet allows you to lose weight due to the high protein content in the menu. It can be followed for a week, which will allow you to normalize metabolic processes in the body and lose weight.

Every day you need to eat buckwheat. Portions should not be too large. The amount of buckwheat eaten is limited by a person’s appetite. At lunch, cottage cheese is added to buckwheat, but not more than 150 g. In the morning and evening, you can only eat buckwheat porridge. It is not boiled, but steamed. As a drink, tea based on any herbs is used, but without the addition of sugar. Also, before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir 5% fat.

Milk curd

This diet option is designed for 3 days, during which it will be possible to lose 2-3 kg of excess weight. Every day you will need to consume a liter of milk and eat 400 g of cottage cheese.

Water is of no small importance in terms of losing weight and maintaining normal well-being. The daily norm of clean water without gas is equal to 6 glasses. You can also drink green tea, but without added sugar. It is best to plan a diet for the weekend, when the load on the body in physical and psycho-emotional terms is minimal.

Cottage cheese and yogurt

To get rid of excess weight, you can try the curd-yogurt version of the diet. It must be followed for 6 days. As the main drink, you need to choose only natural yogurt, which does not contain dyes or flavors. It should not contain sweetener or pieces of fruit.

The number of approaches to the table is equal to six. During this time, you will need to eat 200 g of cottage cheese and drink 0,6 liters of kefir, dividing all products into equal portions. Be sure to drink clean water and green tea.

Curd apple

Curd-apple diet is designed for a maximum of 5 days. It is not worth sticking to it longer, as it is associated with health risks. It is supposed to eat 0,2 kg of cottage cheese and 2 kg of apples per day. Naturally, cottage cheese and fruits will need to be divided into portions. The amount of water drunk per day should be at least 6 glasses.


On cottage cheese and bananas, you can quickly lose weight. The average weight per day is 1 kg. However, this diet cannot be followed for more than 5 days. The diet is not suitable for people whose work is associated with mental or physical stress.

The main meals consist of half a banana and 0,1 kg of cottage cheese. In between approaches to the table, you need to drink plenty of water.

Curd fruit

This diet option involves the use of cottage cheese and fruits. For eating, you can take grapefruits, oranges, mangoes. First you need to eat a serving of cottage cheese, and after 10 minutes they eat the selected fruit. The main thing is that it should not be too sweet.

Curd and Vegetable

This type of diet allows you to quickly and effectively lose weight, as a person eats a large amount of fiber, which regulates bowel function.

For a day you need to eat 0,3 kg of cottage cheese with a fat content of 5% and 0,5 kg of vegetables, with the exception of potatoes. Vegetables can be eaten stewed, boiled, baked and raw. If a salad is made from vegetables, then it must be seasoned with lemon juice.

“Maggi” cottage cheese

Curd diet: pros and cons

In its original form, the Maggi diet is based on eating a chicken egg. However, there is a curd version of this weight loss program. It should last no more than 28 days. During this time, you can get rid of 20 kg of excess weight. Moreover, weight loss occurs without much difficulty, since a person will not experience hunger. The main rule is to strictly follow all the instructions. Products cannot be changed, the only exception is grapefruit. Instead, you can eat oranges.

Products that can be included in the menu:

  • Dairy products with a low percentage of fat;

  • Meat (only lamb is prohibited);

  • Eggs, regardless of how they are cooked;

  • Watermelons and melons;

  • Apples, pears, all citrus fruits, apricots, plums, peaches;

  • Coffee and tea, water, fresh juices, half diluted with water.

Products removed from the menu:

  • Potatoes;

  • Any soups;

  • All alcoholic drinks;

  • Bananas, grapes, dates, mangoes and figs.

Diet Hamdi curd

Curd diet: pros and cons

The main features of the weight loss program:

  • The diet refers to low-carbohydrate, low-calorie and therapeutic weight loss programs.

  • The diet lasts 28 days.

  • The number of kilograms lost is from 10 to 28.

  • You can practice a diet no more than once a year.

  • Pros: fast weight loss, improvement of the body. A person during weight loss will not experience a lack of vitamins and minerals, as the diet is balanced.

  • Who should not follow a diet: pregnant and lactating women, people prone to allergic reactions (cottage cheese and citrus fruits), people with pathologies of the digestive system.

The author and developer of the methodology himself claims that if you stick to a diet for a specified period, then during this time you can get rid of 20 kg of excess weight.

Rules to be followed during the diet:

  • Every day you need to drink 2,5 liters of water.

  • Salt during the diet is prohibited. Spices can be added to improve the taste of dishes.

  • Every morning, after visiting the toilet, you should weigh yourself and record the result.

  • During the diet, you can drink coffee and tea, but you can not add milk or sugar to them.

  • Fruits such as dates, mangoes, figs, grapes and bananas should be removed from the menu.

  • On the table are allowed: apples, grapefruits, oranges, kiwi, tangerines, plums.

  • If the time for the next meal has not yet come, and the person is experiencing a strong feeling of hunger, then you can eat a cucumber, tomato or lettuce. Doing this earlier than two hours after the main approach to the table is unacceptable.

  • If vegetables are boiled, then oil and salt are not added to them.

  • It is allowed to eat meat and fish, but these products should not have a high fat content.

Usama Hamdiy diet menu for 2 weeks:


1 Week

2 Week


Orange or grapefruit (1 piece), cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% (100 g)

Orange or grapefruit (1 piece), cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% (50 g)



For two meals they eat: boiled beef (300 g), 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 100 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% and 2 apples

Any fruit is eaten in two meals




For two meals they eat: boiled beef (250 g), 2 tomatoes and cucumbers each, 100 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%, a boiled vegetable of your choice

Boiled chicken fillet is eaten for two meals




For two meals they eat: boiled chicken (250 g), 2 tomatoes and cucumbers each, a slice of whole grain flour bread, two boiled vegetables to choose from

Boiled meat (150 g), 2 cucumbers, one tomato


Orange or grapefruit (1 piece), 9% fat cottage cheese (50 g) and 4 cucumbers



Boiled beef (0,2 kg), two boiled vegetables

Cottage cheese 9% fat (50 g), two boiled vegetables, an apple


Boiled vegetables, but of the same variety

9% fat cottage cheese (50 g), wholemeal bread slice, lettuce leaves, apple



Fried beef (150 g), two boiled vegetables

Whole grain bread, low fat cheese (50 g), 2 tomatoes


Boiled vegetables, but of the same variety

Roast beef (150 g), 2 tomatoes, lettuce



Any fruit is eaten in two meals

Orange, a slice of whole grain bread, two boiled vegetables




Boiled vegetables of the same type, their total volume is divided into 2 meals

Roast beef (150 g), a slice of whole grain bread, two boiled vegetables and two fresh cucumbers

Allowed and prohibited foods on a curd diet

Curd diet: pros and cons

Foods that can be eaten during the cottage cheese diet:

  • Oatmeal and muesli.

  • Dried fruits.

  • Nuts, but not more than 50 g per day.

  • Fruit.

  • Any vegetables except potatoes.

  • Mixes of fruits with cereals.

  • Kefir.

Products that are prohibited during the curd diet:

  • Alcoholic drinks.

  • Spices and salt.

  • Tea with sugar

  • Fried foods, smoked meats and fatty foods.

Pros and cons of the cottage cheese diet

Curd diet: pros and cons

Benefits of the cottage cheese diet:

  • Replenishment of protein reserves in the body, elimination of the deficiency of certain trace elements.

  • Hair, teeth and nails become stronger after a curd diet.

  • The diet can be practiced to prevent osteoporosis.

  • The state of the nervous system returns to normal.

  • Metabolic processes are accelerated.

  • Cottage cheese has a diuretic effect, which allows you to remove excess water from the body.

Cons of the cottage cheese diet:

  • If you eat only cottage cheese for several days, this will introduce the body into a state of stress.

  • If the recommended time is not observed, the work of the kidneys may be disrupted.

  • During the diet, a person may experience weakness and nausea.

  • The diet should not be practiced by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Sometimes cottage cheese becomes the cause of allergization of the body. Diets cannot be followed by people suffering from pathologies of the digestive tract, as well as people with individual intolerance to dairy products.

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