Cultural Worker’s Day 2023: the history and traditions of the holiday
Cultural Worker’s Day is a professional holiday dedicated to cultural and art workers. We tell how this day is celebrated in Our Country in 2023 and what traditions exist

Manifestations of culture have always been and remain one of the most important aspects of our existence. It is through culture, which is the main way of self-knowledge of a person, that we express our thoughts and feelings. All this becomes possible, among other things, thanks to the employees who every day enable many people to enjoy works of art, watch performances, visit museums.

When celebrated

In 2023, the Day of the Cultural Worker in Our Country is celebrated March 25, although some regions have their own dates.

history of the holiday

Despite the fact that in our country there are already a number of professional holidays dedicated to people working in various fields of culture and art, such as “Press Worker’s Day” or “Theater Day”, this holiday unites everyone – and those who keep the culture of our country, and those who bring something new to it.

At the official level, the holiday was approved in 2007, although many regions had their own dates for the Day of the Cultural Worker, which also fell on March. The first official mention dates back to 1996, when journalist, composer and poet Igor Gerasimov and director Oksana Akatskova, residents of the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region, together with the district administration, held a holiday on February 14 in honor of the Day of the Cultural Worker. According to the organizers, the date was chosen by them arbitrarily, since there was no presidential decree regarding this celebration at that time.

Traditions of celebrating the Day of the Cultural Worker in Our Country

Since the Day of the Cultural Worker is celebrated throughout the country, some specific, common celebration tradition has not yet been formed. But despite this, there are several details that are the same in all regions. Since the purpose of the holiday is to draw attention to the cultural heritage of our country, as well as gratitude to those who preserve and increase this heritage, it allows you to get acquainted with it, it is not surprising that it is customary to present various commemorative awards to cultural workers on this day.

On March 25, an official event is held in Moscow, at which outstanding workers are awarded the title “Honored Worker of Culture” by decree of the President of the Federation, and the award is broadcast live on federal channels. On this day, solemn presentations of diplomas and government awards are also held throughout the country.

In addition, on March 25, in honor of the Day of the Cultural Worker, free exhibitions, open days in museums and libraries, literary evenings, and charity performances in theaters are held.

A good idea for celebrating this day, in addition to congratulating friends involved in it, would be to attend cultural events. Take family or friends to an exhibition, play, or movie.

About who celebrates the Day of the cultural worker

As the writer and publicist Alexander Kruglov said: “Culture is a distinctive feature of a person: the experience that is preserved and transmitted.”

The culture of our country has changed and transformed over many generations. The multinationality of Our Country made it possible to mix in it different traditions and characteristics of the peoples inhabiting it, creating a special, unique cultural code that can be traced in all works of art and creativity, where our compatriots have a hand.

Cultural Worker’s Day is considered a professional holiday for employees of museums, libraries, zoos, cinemas, cultural parks, music, theater and circus groups, exhibition organizers and employees of printing companies, radio stations and television. Every day these people are engaged in the fact that they not only preserve, but also increase the existing cultural layer, allowing culture to develop further.

Cultural Worker’s Day in other countries

In Kyrgyzstan, the Day of the Cultural Worker is celebrated on November 2.

In Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian Day of Cultural Workers and Masters of Folk Art has been celebrated on the third Sunday of November since 2012.

In Belarus, there is a tradition to celebrate the Day of the Worker of Culture and Art on the second Sunday of October.

In Kazakhstan, this holiday is celebrated annually on May 21.

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