Cultivation of Peking cabbage, cultivation and care of Peking cabbage
Methods of growing Chinese cabbage and factors affecting its development
How to grow Chinese cabbage in a seedling way?
It is convenient to use peat pots to get seedlings. Seeds are planted about a month before transplanting into open ground. In warm climatic zones, this is the period from late February to mid-March, in places with colder climates – from the second half of March to the end of April. In one container, filled with loose earth, no more than 3 seeds are placed, after germination of which one most viable seedling must be left.
The optimum growing temperature is 15-22 ° C. This applies both to the period of receiving seedlings, and to the stay of the plant in the open field. The temperature must not be allowed to drop below 8 ° C. Even due to a short-term drop in night temperatures for 3-5 days, a peduncle may appear. A temperature rise above 25 ° C is also undesirable because it tends to form arrows.
Growing and caring for Peking cabbage after transplanting into the ground includes:
- regular watering, control of soil moisture levels;
- spraying with cruciferous pests;
- weeding;
- maintaining the temperature regime.
You can cover the cabbage with a non-woven fabric. This will help preserve moisture in the soil, protect the seedlings from low night temperatures, create unfavorable conditions for the habitat of harmful insects and the development of weeds.
You can grow Chinese cabbage by providing the plant with proper care. Temperature has a particularly strong influence on the development of culture. Controlling the temperature regime will help to avoid the appearance of flower stalks and get a rich harvest.