Culinary journey to Piedmont


In November, we will go toPiedmont, to treat yourself to one of the most valuable delicacies in the world. The International White Truffle Fair in Alba is a high-profile event for gourmets around the world, which at one time was visited by many celebrities. This is primarily an opportunity to buy the largest samples of truffles, so among the participants you can meet not only inquisitive gourmets, but also famous chefs with their skilled buyers who come to the exhibition with a specific task – to provide restaurant visitors with the basis for a seasonal truffle menu.

Кулинарное путешествие в Пьемонт

In addition, there will be a number of practical classes, demonstration workshops, wine tastings and presentations of new cookbooks, for which it is better to sign up in advance. As part of the fair, there will be a mock palio (Alba sends greetings to Siena) on donkeys and a “Truffle Bacchanal” in the historical center of the city, where you can try products typical of the region.

Кулинарное путешествие в Пьемонт

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