Culinary educational program: what is the difference between macaroni and macaroon

Culinary educational program: what is the difference between macaroni and macaroon

Did you know that these are actually different cookies?

To be honest, we were frankly surprised. We had no idea that macaroni and macaroon are different types of sweets. And the fact that they are pronounced and written in different ways was attributed to the difficulties of translation. After all, while a foreign word will take root in the Russian language, what kind of transformations does not happen to it! So, it’s time to dot the i’s. 


Macaron is the French name for a dessert that has its roots in the Italian language. Maccarone means meringue. It was they who relatively recently appeared in all self-respecting pastry shops and immediately won the sympathy of sweet lovers. Macaroni looks like Oreo cookies, only festive, elegant, and various fillings are hidden between the lightest multi-colored circles. 

Macaroni is made in much the same way as meringue, but with the addition of almond flour to achieve that delicious chewy texture. They can be sandwiched with butter cream, ganache, jam, and ordinary food colors give the color of the pasta. And by the way, these are not cookies, but cakes.


The name of this cookie also comes from the Italian language – from ammaccare, that is, “crush”. But the Americans came up with it. Macarons are more like meringues we are used to, they are prepared from almonds, egg whites whipped with sugar, and coconut flakes are also added to the dough. By the way, shavings are advised to be calcined in a dry frying pan in order to better reveal its aroma. The cookies are spread with a spoon on a baking sheet and baked until golden, and decorated with a splash of chocolate glaze on top. The result is disheveled cookies that are somewhat reminiscent of “Raffaello” and will surely appeal to children. 

What do you like more – macaroni or macaroon?

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