Culinary education: how to improve a child’s appetite

Culinary education: improving the child’s appetite

No matter how much we would like, but the ideal children who eat absolutely everything that their beloved mother offers do not exist in nature. And therefore, sooner or later, an urgent question arises: how to improve the child’s appetite?

In search of the essence

Кулинарное воспитание: как улучшить аппетит у ребенка

First of all, it is important to understand what causes a child’s poor appetite. As a rule, they are associated with teething, tummy bloating, intestinal malfunctions and other childhood ailments. Otitis media and viral diseases also cause discomfort and completely discourage appetite. Psychological problems do not add to the desire to eat. Although sometimes everything is much easier — the child does not like the proposed menu and the passion as you want to mess around.

Appetite in motion

Have you noticed that for no apparent reason the child has a bad appetite? What should I do first? Make it a rule to take a walk in the fresh air before eating. The boardwalk can be replaced with outdoor ball games, good old-fashioned salochki or short gymnastics. All these exercises greatly increase the tone of the heart, develop muscles, and at the same time accelerate digestion. After them, even the most incorrigible fastidious person will run to the table ahead of you.

Battle schedule

Кулинарное воспитание: как улучшить аппетит у ребенка

A better remedy for children’s appetite than a clear regime has not yet been invented. If you feed the baby at about the same time, the gastric juice will be produced as if on command. And the body will persistently demand food. It is believed that after three years of age, the child should be transferred to four meals a day, including breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. From night meals it is better to refuse, otherwise during the day the appetite will be sluggish.

No temptation at all

Кулинарное воспитание: как улучшить аппетит у ребенка

To increase the appetite of children, it is necessary to do without snacks if possible. Especially if we are talking about “empty” food, such as cookies, nuts and sweets. Chips, crackers, sweet corn-generally under a strict taboo. All this hopelessly spoils the appetite, and it will be difficult to persuade your favorite child to eat a plate of healthy soup or vegetable puree after them. If the baby is naughty, offer him yogurt or a glass of natural juice.

Balance of flavors

Кулинарное воспитание: как улучшить аппетит у ребенка

Impaired appetite in children is sometimes associated with an unbalanced diet. It should be dominated by protein, which is responsible for the development of the entire body. Pay more attention to dishes of turkey, rabbit and veal, low-fat fish, such as hake, walleye and cod. Feel free to give children cottage cheese and hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs. But fat and fast carbohydrates do not need to be abused. The more oil and sugar in the food, the lower the children’s appetite.

Sami with a mustache

When the child has no appetite, do not feed him against his will-this will only increase the negative attitude to food, even the most beloved. For many children, the sight of a plate with a giant portion of porridge or stewed vegetables causes rejection. Therefore, allow the baby to put as much food on the plate as he wants. Let the portions be tiny at first — no one canceled the supplement. Only in this way will the child learn to recognize and satisfy the needs for food.

Waiting for lunch

Кулинарное воспитание: как улучшить аппетит у ребенка

How to increase the appetite of the child and adjust it to the desired mood? Come up with conditional rituals and repeat them day after day before eating. For example, set the table together, fold napkins in an original way, or make beautiful slices of vegetables. Learn inspirational poems, songs, and cooking-themed chants. And you can also play on the habit of washing your hands before eating, for example, choose a special piece of soap in the form of a funny animal.

Bread without circuses

Кулинарное воспитание: как улучшить аппетит у ребенка

It happens that the child loses his appetite when he is bored. But this is not a reason to entertain him at the table in all possible ways. On the contrary, a tablet, TV or favorite plush toy will only distract. Performances with grandparents in the main roles will not help the case. But a positive example in front of your eyes perfectly awakens your appetite. If the child sees the happy faces of his relatives, praising the food, he will willingly take up the spoon himself.

New Horizons

Кулинарное воспитание: как улучшить аппетит у ребенка

The lack of appetite in a child is associated with the development of unfamiliar products. Sometimes, to try them out, it takes a lot of time and unsuccessful attempts. For example, if your baby refuses cauliflower, instead of eating it, stop cooking it. And after a while, offer it again, but in the form of a casserole or mashed soup. It is also worth considering that the tastes of children are different. Agree, we are also selective in our gastronomic preferences.

Drink to eat

Кулинарное воспитание: как улучшить аппетит у ребенка

The answer to the question of what to give a child for an appetite can be found in folk recipes. Pour 1/2 tsp of dry mint with a glass of boiling water and insist for 10 minutes. One-year-old babies are given this infusion for 1 tbsp. l. a day, after two years-for ¼ cup 3 times a day. Fennel tea stimulates the appetite well. Make an infusion of 1 tsp fennel seeds and a glass of boiling water, put it in the heat for 2 hours. Give the child it for 1-2 tbsp. l. before eating. And to make the drink taste better, add honey or fresh berries.

As you can see, do not panic if the child does not want to eat. What to do and how to avoid it in principle, you now know. But in any case, it does not hurt to enlist the recommendations of your pediatrician.

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