Culinary and health properties of the herb Czubryca

The name of the green chubrica is a spice that is typical of Bulgarian cuisine. It is not one spice herb, but the name of a traditionally used mixture of spices, so its composition, depending on the company, may slightly differ and questions arise as to what exactly is green czubryca and what its properties are. In this short article, we present the most important facts about the green tassel that should dispel such doubts.

The composition of the green czubryca

The most important ingredient determining the base flavor and properties the whole spice is there mountain savory (Satureja montana) and some, speaking of Fr. green tuftthey only mean this dried and rubbed herb. The second invariable ingredient of the spice mixture is called green tuft there is salt. The third common ingredient is green pepper. The remaining ingredients of the mixture are herbs added in small amounts, such as garlic, onion, thyme, fenugreek, parsley, lovage.

Czubryca green it is characterized by an intense, but not too spicy, aroma and taste. In Bulgarian cuisine, it is mainly added to soups, sauces, marinades, meats and cheeses.

Health properties of mountain savory and green chrysalis based on it

Mountain savory, and therefore based on it czubryca greennot only has a great taste, but also has numerous health benefits. In Poland, a more popular and similar spice is garden savory, but in comparison to it mountain savory it has a higher content of essential oil, a more intense aroma and flavor.

Mountain savory is a dwarf shrub with narrow, oblong leaves and white flowers. It is a plant native to the Mediterranean, common in this area also cultivated as an ornamental, honey, edible and medicinal plant. Unfortunately, it is not cultivated very often in our country.

In the chemical composition of the herb mountain savory we will find numerous substances with beneficial effects on the body. It contains, among others, vitamins (C, B group and provitamin A), flavonoids, tannins, mucilages, organic acids and betulin. The essential oil includes, among others carvacrol, thymol, p-cymene, borneol, and alpha-thujen.

Already after the chemical composition of the herb mountain savory you can see that it is based on it czubryca green will show action very broad spectrum antiseptics: antibacterial, antifungal (especially against yeasts) and antiviral. This action is primarily guaranteed by the composition of the essential oil and the presence of betulin.

The second important course of action green tuft is its positive effect on digestion and the digestive system. There is a reason why this spice is added to fatty, meat and legume dishes. It supports the work of the liver, acting cholagogue, and also has a protective effect on liver cells. It stimulates the production of gastric juice, thus greatly facilitating the digestion of hard-to-digest foods. It also has action It is diastolic and carminative, thanks to which it perfectly supports the work of the intestines and should also be used by people prone to constipation.

An important propertyshown by savory based czubryca, It is also action anti-inflammatory.

In view of the above facts, people who have digestive problems should make friends with this spice and add it to various dishes. It should also not be dressed in the autumn-winter period and periods of reduced immunity due to properties antibacterial and antiviral. In addition, people struggling with yeast and other types of mycoses should also use green tuft more often than less in your kitchen.

If we really care about medicinal properties of mountain savory, it is worth buying it as a separate herb, without additives, brew it and drink the resulting infusion. Interestingly, this plant is used in this way – as a tea – in traditional Armenian cuisine.

Other uses of mountain savory

Infusion of mountain savory can also be used externally for numerous skin problems. It works great as a tonic for cleansing oily and acne skin. In the case of various types of skin inflammations, you can also wash the affected areas with water extract mountain savory or treat yourself to a bath with its addition. With female intimate problems in the form of infections, vaginal discharge and inflammation of the genitourinary system, it is worth, apart from eating czubrycy i drinking savory tea add the infusion to the bowl and make an antiseptic bowl.

Fresh herbs mountain savory it is used as a medicine straight from nature in the Mediterranean countries on similar principles as in Poland. They are mainly applied to insect bites and other itchy spots.

The above information strongly encourages dissemination mountain savory i green tuft in Poland. Mountain savory it can be a decorative, edible and healing element of rockeries, and if you do not have a garden – it is worth experimenting at home with potting this plant, because it is also suitable for it, and based on dried twigs, create your favorite variant with additives green tuft. Good luck and cheers!

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