Cucumbers Zyatek and Mother-in-law

It is difficult to imagine more popular varieties than Mother-in-law and Zyatek. Many gardeners think that Zyatek and Mother-in-law cucumbers are one variety. In fact, these are two different hybrid varieties of cucumbers. They have a lot in common, but they also have differences. Let’s consider everything in more detail.

Cucumbers Zyatek and Mother-in-law

Characteristics of varieties

These early maturing hybrids have a lot in common. The most basic is the absence of bitterness even in the most overripe cucumbers. It is this characteristic that has allowed them to become so popular. Other general characteristics:

  • equally suitable for both open ground and greenhouses;
  • due to predominantly female flowering, they do not need pollinating insects;
  • cylindrical cucumbers with a diameter of not more than 4 cm;
  • have a high yield, which occurs on average after 45 days;
  • cucumbers are ideal fresh, salted and pickled;
  • plants are resistant to powdery mildew.

Now let’s look at the differences. For convenience, they will be presented in the form of a table.



Mother-in-law F1

Zyatek F1

Cucumber length, cm.

11 – 13

10 – 12

Weight, gr.

100 – 120

90 – 100


Lumpy with brown spines

Lumpy with white spines

Resistance to diseases

Olive blotch, root rot

Cladosporiosis, cucumber mosaic virus


The strong-bodied


Productivity of one bush, kg.

5,5 – 6,5

5,0 – 7,0

The photo below shows both varieties. On the left is the mother-in-law F1 variety, on the right is Zyatek F1.

Cucumbers Zyatek and Mother-in-law

Recommendations for growing

Varieties of mother-in-law and Zyatek cucumbers can be grown both through seedlings and by planting seeds immediately in the garden. At the same time, the rate of emergence of the first shoots directly depends on the temperature:

  • at temperatures less than +13 degrees, the seeds will not germinate;
  • at temperatures from +15 to +20 shoots will appear no later than 10 days;
  • if you provide a temperature regime of +25 degrees, then seedlings may appear as early as 5 days.
Advice! It is better to choose the “golden mean” and provide the seeds with a temperature of up to +20 degrees. Such shoots will be not only early, but also hardened.

Sowing seeds of these varieties in a greenhouse or in open ground is carried out at the end of May in holes up to 2 cm deep.

When growing through seedlings, its preparation should begin in the month of April. At the end of May, ready-made seedlings can be planted either in a greenhouse or in a garden bed. The main indicator of the readiness of cucumber seedlings are the first few leaves on the plant.

At the same time, it is recommended to plant seeds or young cucumber plants every 50 cm. A closer planting will prevent the bushes from developing at full strength, which will negatively affect the crop.

Further plant care includes:

  1. Regular watering, which should be carried out until the fruit ripens. At the same time, watering should be moderate. Abundant watering will lead to decay of the root system of the bushes.
  2. Weeding and loosening. These are not mandatory, but recommended. Varieties Mother-in-law and Zyatek will not leave them unattended and will respond with a good harvest.
    Advice! Loosening the soil should be carried out no more than once a week and very carefully so as not to harm the plant.
  3. Top dressing. It is especially important during the vegetative period of the plant. Top dressing is best done once a week, combining it with evening watering. Good results are obtained by the use of solutions of potassium and phosphorus. But experienced gardeners prefer to use diluted manure.
    Important! Over-fertilization can kill the plant.

During the period of active growth, young cucumber plants can be tied up. This will not only give the bushes a direction to grow, but also allow them to get more light.

The mother-in-law and Zyatek cucumber crops begin to be harvested in early July as the fruits ripen.


Olga, 51 years old, Lakinsk
I have been growing the Zyatek cucumber variety for a long time. It has excellent germination and amazing taste. In addition, it is incredibly productive, even had to distribute. Every year we collect cucumbers every three days for more than two months. Son-in-law’s whips do not dry until the end of August. Each of them has a lot of fruits. Cucumbers taste great! With thin skin and sweet flesh. Due to their density, which they do not lose, they are excellent for salting. They come out crispy and firm. I highly recommend the variety.
Maria, 49 years old, Kovrov
This year I chose mother-in-law and Zyatek cucumbers for planting – the reviews about them were amazing. And now I understand why. They are incredibly productive. I did not prepare seedlings, I planted a little germinated seeds. These varieties of cucumbers are self-pollinating, so the ovaries are formed very quickly. Cucumber varieties Mother-in-law and Zyatek are very similar. I dropped them off side by side and then I didn’t even understand where which one was. Cucumbers are best removed when their size is about 10 cm. If this is not done, the fruits will round and grow to a decent size. As the manufacturer promises, bitterness in cucumbers is really absent. I really liked the fact that we picked cucumbers until the beginning of September. The only drawback of these varieties of cucumbers, I consider their cost – it is a bit high. Otherwise, the varieties Mother-in-law and Zyatek are excellent! I will plant myself and recommend to others.

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