Cucumbers Lukhovitsky F1: reviews, description

Lukhovitsky cucumbers, which include several varieties of culture, have been grown in the Lukhovitsky district of the Moscow region since the beginning of the last century. From several species, by hybridization, a new variety of cucumbers was bred at the research institute of the Gavrish company, for cultivation in protected ground – Lukhovitsky F1. In 2007, after testing in a temperate climate, it was entered in the State Register.

Cucumbers Lukhovitsky F1: reviews, description

Description of Lukhovitsky cucumbers

Cucumber from Lukhovitsy has become a household name, symbolizing the quality of the fruit, the taste and productivity of the crop. Hybrids created under the conditions of research institutes are similar to each other in external characteristics and the method of cultivation.

Cucumber Lukhovitsky F1, shown in the photo, according to farmers, is a variety of ultra-early ripening. Plant of indeterminate type with unlimited growth of the central stem. Without correction, it can reach four meters in height. Throughout the growing season, the plant forms strong side shoots. The first go to the formation of a bush, the rest are removed.

Lukhovitsky cucumber bush is formed by two, less often three shoots. The variety needs a trellis for fixing. The mass of fruits on each stem is high; without support, the plant cannot hold the stems in a horizontal position. It is undesirable to allow contact of cucumbers with the ground. From high humidity, the fruits turn yellow, the ovaries fall off.

The breeding variety of cucumbers Lukhovitsky F1 is a self-fertile plant, female flowers are dominant, male flowers are insignificant, but they are enough for self-pollination. The variety does not form empty flowers. Flowers are formed in the form of bunches, in 99% they give viable ovaries. The fruiting of the variety is long, the harvest is carried out in several stages. The vegetables of the first wave do not differ in mass and shape from the subsequent ones.

External characteristics of Lukhovitsky cucumbers displayed in the photo:

  1. A tall plant with a thick central stem, the structure is rigid, flexible, fibrous. The first stepchildren are not inferior in volume to the main shoot. Subsequent thin, light green.
  2. The cucumber bush is intensively leafy, the leaf plate is uneven with wavy edges, five-lobed. Leaves of medium size are fixed on long cuttings. Pubescent medium, pile small, sparse.
  3. The root system is of a superficial type, the central rod is poorly developed, deepened by 40 cm. The root circle is wide, growing to the sides by 30 cm.
  4. The flowering of the variety is abundant, the flowers are simple, light orange in color, collected in three pieces in inflorescences.

Early ripening time allows you to grow cucumbers in open ground (OG).

Advice! It is recommended to cover the young growth of cucumbers of the Lukhovitsky F1 variety in the first week of growth with a film at night.

Description of fruits

Cucumber Lukhovitsky f1 agricultural firm “Gavrish” always has the same shape and mass of fruits. As they age, cucumbers do not thicken or grow longer than when they are biologically ripe.

Description of the fruits of the variety:

  • cylindrical elongated shape, length 12 cm, average weight 95 g;
  • color is dark green with oblong light lines;
  • the surface is glossy, without wax coating, bumpy, soft-spiked;
  • the peel is thin, elastic, well withstands heat treatment;
  • the pulp is dense, juicy, without voids, the seeds are small, presented in small quantities;
  • taste without acid and bitterness, with a delicate aroma.

According to vegetable growers, Lukhovitsky f1 cucumber is ideal for commercial cultivation. Fruits of the leveled form, ripen at the same time. The harvested crop retains its presentation for 5 days, cucumbers do not lose moisture. The dense peel is not subject to mechanical damage during transportation.

Cucumbers Lukhovitsky F1: reviews, description

Cucumbers of this variety are versatile in use. They go to the preparation of salad, vegetable cutting. Zelentsy are small in size, they are preserved as a whole. In salting, they do not lose their shape and do not form voids. After heat treatment, they retain their color.

Main characteristics of the variety

Shade-tolerant cucumber Lukhovitsky f1 does not slow down growth with a deficiency of ultraviolet radiation. For greenhouse cultivation, additional installation of special lamps is not required. On exhaust gas, it can grow in an area with temporary shading. The direct rays of the sun are not terrible for the plant, there are no burns on the leaves, the fruits do not lose their elasticity. The plant is heat-loving, responds well to high temperature in the greenhouse and high humidity.

The frost resistance of the variety is average. Cucumber Lukhovitsky is planted in an unprotected area when the night temperature stabilizes. Minimum score +180 C, if lower, the plant turns yellow and does not develop. With the threat of a drop in temperature, seedlings or young shoots are covered for the night.


The priority in choosing a variety for farmers is high yield. Fruiting is not affected by weather factors. With a deficit of sunlight and an excess of moisture, the plant stably bears fruit. In open areas, it is recommended to protect cucumbers from the effects of the north wind.

After planting the seeds in the garden, shoots appear after 6 days. After the germination of all planting material, cucumbers of the Lukhovitsky variety reach biological ripeness in 43 days, the time of harvesting the first wave of crops in the open field is mid-June, in greenhouse conditions 15 days earlier. The indicator of fruiting in an open garden is lower, about 8 kg are taken from a bush, and 10 kg in a greenhouse. For 1m2 3 plants are planted, the average yield is 22 kg in the exhaust gas and 28 kg in the greenhouse.

Pest and disease resistance

Over the years, the precursor varieties have adapted to the infection. A healthy plant is rarely affected by pests. Cucumber Lukhovitsky F1 obtained by pollination of disease-resistant varieties. The main problem when growing in a greenhouse is high temperature and humidity, which are a favorable environment for the growth of fungi and bacteria. The hybrid feels comfortable at any temperature, except for low. The plant does not get sick and is not affected by pests in the greenhouse and in the open area.

Pros and cons of the variety

Cucumber Lukhovitsky f1 has absorbed all the advantages of its predecessor varieties. The benefits of a hybrid include:

  • early maturation;
  • stable fruiting;
  • absolute immunity to infection;
  • fruits of the same shape;
  • good taste without acid and bitterness;
  • the possibility of growing in any way;
  • long shelf life;
  • transportability.

There are practically no shortcomings in the variety.

Attention! Seeds of the hybrid Lukhovitsky f1, independently collected from the mother plant, do not retain varietal characteristics.

Growing rules

Cucumbers are grown in seedlings and planting seeds in the ground in a garden bed. Lukhovitsky varieties are grown following the planting technology worked out over the years.

Terms of sowing

The root system of the plant is superficial, the transplant injures the culture. If cucumbers are grown by seedlings, seeds are laid in peat briquettes 10 * 10 cm in size. Planting work is carried out in early April.

Cucumbers Lukhovitsky F1: reviews, description

When 3 leaves are formed on the shoots, the seedlings are taken out into the street under a film shelter. It is hardened before landing in an open area. Seeds are sown directly into the soil of the greenhouse at the end of April, in an open garden at the end of May.

Choosing a place and preparing beds

The site is chosen sunny, protected from the wind. Bed preparation algorithm:

  1. In autumn, they dig a trench 1,5 m wide, 45 cm deep.
  2. On the sides to the middle of the trench, wooden shields are installed.
  3. A film is placed at the bottom, sawdust and a layer of fresh manure are placed on it.
  4. From above fall asleep with straw, cover with a film.
  5. The design remains until spring.

At the end of May, the film shelter is removed, the bed is dug up to the depth of the spade bayonet, urea is added. Pour a layer of soddy soil, water with hot water. Install arcs, stretch the film. Hot water provokes the decomposition of manure, the reaction generates heat, heating from below is obtained. Sprouted seeds are planted in a garden bed, covered from above. As the arcs grow, they are raised, in hot weather the film is opened.

How to plant

Seedlings of cucumbers are placed with a peat pot at a distance of 35 cm from each other. The seedling is covered with soil to the first leaves. The recess is made by about 20 cm. The seeds are placed in holes 5 cm deep, at the same distance as the seedlings. Thus, for 1 m2 it turns out 3 bushes.

Aftercare for cucumbers

Lukhovitsky cucumbers are grown according to standard agricultural practices. Care includes:

  • moderate watering at the beginning of the growing season, which is increased at the time of fruit ripening;
  • feed cucumbers with saltpeter, complex fertilizers, organics;
  • loosening is carried out with care so as not to damage the root. The best option is to mulch the root circle with straw, while moisture is retained and prevents weeds from growing.

A bush of cucumbers of the Lukhovitsky f1 variety is formed with two stems, the tops of the shoots are broken at the height of the trellis. Side shoots are removed as they form. Remove dry and lower leaves.


Cucumbers Lukhovitsky – an early ripe variety of parthenocarpic, indeterminate type. Gives consistently high yields. Fruits of universal application with high gastronomic characteristics. Cucumbers are grown in a greenhouse and EG temperate climate. The variety is suitable for cultivation in a protected area of ​​farms, they grow a crop in a personal plot or summer cottage.

Reviews about cucumber Lukhovitsky

Valentina Zinovieva, 26 years old, Moscow region
Cucumbers Lukhovitsky are an indicator of taste and productivity. For us, this is a household name. This spring I tried to plant the Lukhovitsky f1 hybrid, I wanted to see how different it was from the usual varieties. In addition to the pluses, I did not note any shortcomings behind the hybrid. The yield is good, grown in a greenhouse, planted with seeds, collected about 1 kg of fruit from 11 bush. Fruiting continued until early September. The collection was carried out in three stages, the first harvest in June, the next at the end of July, the last fruits were removed in mid-September.
Igor Rustitsky, 58 years old, Voronezh
I have been growing Lukhovitsky cucumbers for a long time, as soon as I started gardening. I tried many varieties, the difference between them is small. He was wary of hybrids until he tried the cucumber Lukhovitsky f1. I planted seedlings like the previous varieties, the seedlings all took root well. The hybrid grows quickly, blooms profusely. Almost every flower forms an ovary. Fruiting is high. Cucumbers are very tasty in pickling, elastic, crunchy, there is no void in the pulp. One minus – planting material is not cheap, the variety does not give its seeds.
Lukhovitsky cucumbers. Conspiracy theory

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